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Everything posted by MT

  1. no one spotted me in sydney?? I spotted a black sportivo, very low with rims and rear skirt in the north haven/port macquarie area. Looked real good. Driver noticed me too i'm pretty sure.
  2. MT

    WedsSport Racing Nuts

    i'll see if i can find more photo's of the evo. Hey wei, i went to the official ACT launch of the evo x. Man... I wanna put my order in. So dam sexy.
  3. MT

    WedsSport Racing Nuts

    Sorry mate, the head is an Inch wide (25mm) and the shaft :P is a 19mm long socket
  4. LMFAO! And buri, yeah my jokes are funny, i guess i learnt them from the same place that taught u to spin sh!t and make up stories about anything u feel like.
  5. the 4th pic with the bonnet up but doors closed, even though the pic in the dirt rocks! Good to see you actually use the car Ben, i'm impressed :D
  6. your so funny that you dont know that stock to stock aurion is more reliable than r34 at high speeds. if you got the balls bring your r34 to the freeway and see the result for yourself. Wow... I think you just proved how much of a d1ckhead you really are... Congrats. I think we have a new WOTM
  7. Really good point mate. And its also good to note that this is a web forum, and if you parade around talking about everything you have done on the street, you are going to give the club a bad name so that every police officer out there will see a TOCAU car and immediately think of street racing. Not to mention also if you have talking about speeding/street racing etc and also posted pics of your car....
  8. mate your a fcuking d!ckhead dont talk your sh!t on our forums like that - AGAIN. We dealt with the fact that your dad is soooo awesome he can do burnouts, sorry no donuts inside, sorry no outside the factory in the AWD sorry no 2WD sorry no 6WD Aurion Sportivo, dont start all your stories up again. I dont care how much driving experience you say you've had, i'm sure you've had just as much experience as everyone of those guys i see crushed against a pole on the evening news. Your on your P's mate pull your bloody head in and lose the ego, your not winning any friends by talking all this sh!t on a web forum. You've recieved track driving lessons in Austria big fcking woop hows that any different to the thousands of courses that the members here have done in Australia, not to mention actual competiton and track days members have done. Australia has speed limits because of people like you - young d1ckheads with massive ego's and no respect for the fact that a car is a weapon and can seriously hurt or kill u and others. Get over yourself mate. And im pretty sure there's not a speed limiter on the Aurion, perhaps thats just how fast it goes... ever thought about that? Not that you need it to go anywhere near that speed cos its a FAMILY CAR.
  9. landscape for sure. So much easier to make for the calendar.
  10. mmm apart from the wheels I like it. Depending on the price i'd consider buying it as well
  12. i see what u mean, but i don't think that matters as much. As long as the car is owned by u when u submit the photo and the calendar is created. If the car is sold throught the 08 year, thats fine i reckon.
  13. this may sound stupid as well, but i think we need to make a rule that the person submitting the photo is the current owner of the vehicle. Meaning that if u have sold your car and moved on, u can't submit an old photo. Just to respect the new owner of the car, they might not like their car being used in our calendar. Oh and also, not all corolla's, Not all 1 colour and there should be an opportunity to submit pics with more than 1 car in them. Just my 2c. Please flame me now if u don't agree.
  14. glad my idea is still on the cards! How long do we have to submit pics? I'm going away for a week tomorrow so i won't be able to til next weekend. Is that ok? Cos we all know we want my car in there :P
  15. MT

    TOCAU Polos

    guys this is already been done, there is a link around somewhere where u can buy tocau tshirts, jackets and g strings. Steve runs the merchandise as well so just ask him. Bedsides, if u do it yourself u will have to pay royalties to steve for the use of his logo anyway.
  16. Well from my calculations, its a Sydney/NSW area person who's name is David. Where's Mish she's always good with peoples names.... David..... Waiwong???? with a new car??? eh i dunno, i dont want pics I want ACTION
  17. does anyone know whats happened to rob/badboyz/nelson. Haven't seen him in weeks. I've been seeing red sportivo's all round canberra but never close enough to see if its him. What can we do to get him back? Who wants to join the search party?
  18. Does anyone need new nuts? We are trying to get a group buy happening on weds sport lug nuts. If we can get a decent amount of people, we can do $160 for 12 normal nuts and 4 locking ones (special nuts). Postage will be extra. In so far: Micky_tee Simo ... your name here.... I'll try find a photo now for ya'll. Cheers big ears
  19. the Trd ones have longer primary pipes, and they do give some extra power up high. Work best when some internal work has been done. A few people have seen some gains already using them. I have trd headers on the garage floor that i would consider selling if i got a reasonable offer. PM me if your interested.
  20. as someone said in another thread... Reliable v Powerful v Affordable. You can only ever have 2. Now which 2 are u going for with your 8k 160kw standard internal corolla?
  21. Oh Chopin i hope u have your flame suit on because you're about to get bent over by every member of this forum for making claims like this! Firstly, dropping names like Rigoli isn't going to get u anywhere. I highly doubt even they have cracked open a new rolla and looked at the internals. I've searched and can't find any pics of the internals. Do u have any? Also, you say they will charge u 8k but won't touch the internals. What are they doing then? Thats pretty steep for just bolting on a turbo, because of course its that easy. And even i can see that 160kw off standard internals, mate are u sure they weren't taking the p!ss out of you? If i was you, i'd go away and think about what u have said, and then come back and clarify everything.
  22. Im based in Melbourne........ how come? doesnt your sportivo have leather? thought it was standard on all Stivos Yeah Bill's got leather, but the drivers seat is covered in kebab remnants. And seeing how bill is our resident turbo charged sportivo, i'll let u guess whats made the passenger seat so dirty :P Welcome!
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