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Status Replies posted by Andrew357

  1. Mm, crispy m&m's. Om nom.

  2. Mm, crispy m&m's. Om nom.

  3. aami was supposed to call and tell me where my car is getting repaired :( where is my car????

  4. Shannons assessor called "David Jones" has approved of the repairs for the car so we are going to start looking into the paints :)

  5. Damm you video rendering....while do you take soooooo long #coffeebreak

  6. Car parts costs too much money!

  7. wow firefox 5.0 released already

  8. wow firefox 5.0 released already

  9. Huzzah! The + and - voting function on an individual post works now!

  10. Huzzah! The + and - voting function on an individual post works now!

  11. how much is a 60k km service at toyota?:/

  12. Accidentally use degreaser when the engine was still too hot. Some of it dried and now has a white residue looking thing on it. But the bodywork part of the engine bay look brand new.

  13. grr.. these rats or whatever in the roof are making one hell of a racket tonight! Suggestions for killing methods other than traps and ratsak? (safe for renters lol)

  14. WTF is this S**T. Some douchfag keyed the right side of car. NOT COOL.

  15. My feets are cold.

  16. My feets are cold.

  17. My feets are cold.

  18. I f'd up. Didn't fill up when petrol was $1.23lt on Wednesday now i pay $1.48lt today for a new personal record of $89.57.

  19. When I go to the toilet, what is the best way to do this?

  20. When I go to the toilet, what is the best way to do this?

  21. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

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