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Status Replies posted by Andrew357

  1. What did the Cheese-maker say after 2 straight hours of Torture? .... I Camembert this pain much longer!

  2. I knew a guy called Jimmy Glasscock. You could you see when he was coming! #doublemeanings @JustCallMeTats @alarum

  3. My Celica is gunna be on a TV commercial in 2 weeks hahaha.

  4. Valve cover gasket is leaking :(

  5. Valve cover gasket is leaking :(

  6. Didnt think reconditioning a gearbox is so bloody expensive. I might as well get a brand new one at this rate!

  7. The potential damage to the Camry is not looking good at this stage. Fingers crossed the workshop examination tomorrow yields good news.

  8. Sigh. Optus is so poo.

  9. 2008 FPV F6 is becoming ever so tempting...

  10. 2008 FPV F6 is becoming ever so tempting...

  11. anyone know a cheap postal service for rims from the US to australia?

  12. Ahhh... 2009/2010 Tax Return submitted. Will wait till it's lodged to the ATO before I lodge my 2010/2011 one.

  13. Ahhh... 2009/2010 Tax Return submitted. Will wait till it's lodged to the ATO before I lodge my 2010/2011 one.

  14. Go Karts, tomorrow night, come race me! >:D

  15. Why is Top Gear USA getting such a bad rap. Sure, its not as good as TG UK, nothing on TV is as a matter of fact, but it holds its own.TG Oz, if they do 4th season, has a lot to live up to!

  16. wtf.. i gave like a friendly beep to the car infront of me who didnt go on the green light, he then later pulls over and drives behind me turning on and leaving his high beams on. He then probably got scared of me and slows down and pretends to pull over somewhere behind me to wait till i pass the next set of lights. lol

  17. wtf.. i gave like a friendly beep to the car infront of me who didnt go on the green light, he then later pulls over and drives behind me turning on and leaving his high beams on. He then probably got scared of me and slows down and pretends to pull over somewhere behind me to wait till i pass the next set of lights. lol

  18. wtf.. i gave like a friendly beep to the car infront of me who didnt go on the green light, he then later pulls over and drives behind me turning on and leaving his high beams on. He then probably got scared of me and slows down and pretends to pull over somewhere behind me to wait till i pass the next set of lights. lol

  19. Man the Lexus is so easy to drive around Nebo.

  20. Man the Lexus is so easy to drive around Nebo.

  21. The amusing things people post on the internet....

  22. blah de blah

  23. The amusing things people post on the internet....

  24. The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42) is a 7.92mm universal machine gun that was developed in Nazi Germany and entered service with the Wehrmacht in 1942. It supplemented and in some instances, replaced the MG 34 general purpose machine gun in all branches of the German Armed Forces, though both weapons were manufactured and used until the end of the war.

  25. Bah! My first chance to get a real sleep in since June 15 and I'm up at 0350...

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