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Status Replies posted by Andrew357

  1. Jesus... there is a quarantine fee on top before they release my tyres...? -_-

  2. Jesus... there is a quarantine fee on top before they release my tyres...? -_-

  3. stupid MAF sensor/Factory airbox combine together, making me getting my CAI such a pain T.T

  4. Nyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyan

  5. Yellow, Gold, or Purple brake calipers? It has come down to those.

  6. Sleep Fail. *sunglasses* Yeeeaaahhhh!

  7. Nearly 1000km - 53L of fuel used. Get your economy on!

  8. Nearly 1000km - 53L of fuel used. Get your economy on!

  9. gotta love legally maxing out your rental car. :)

  10. May or may not have spent $329 on a Random orbital, pads, Menzerna polishes and some more microfibre towels...

  11. can someone recommend a different polish other than meguilars? im sick of spending 3/4 of my detailing time buffing it off =\

  12. May or may not have spent $329 on a Random orbital, pads, Menzerna polishes and some more microfibre towels...

  13. May or may not have spent $329 on a Random orbital, pads, Menzerna polishes and some more microfibre towels...

  14. Will one and a half bog rolls last a bachelor a week #discuss

  15. Watching bigpete rub in his DoDo juice in my garage

  16. Purolator oil filters look very cool. They come with a sandpaper finish for 100% grip control!

  17. lol unfriended on fb srsly? bahaha revenge of the nerds

  18. Purolator oil filters look very cool. They come with a sandpaper finish for 100% grip control!

  19. interesting to see what people that act nicely here talk about on fbook...

  20. interesting to see what people that act nicely here talk about on fbook...

  21. interesting to see what people that act nicely here talk about on fbook...

  22. interesting to see what people that act nicely here talk about on fbook...

  23. I wonder who SLAPPED A BAN ON A.RICE.. LMAO..

  24. I wonder who SLAPPED A BAN ON A.RICE.. LMAO..

  25. Ahhh! Subwoofer box is internally braced and tomorrow the fully sickness begins..

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