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Status Replies posted by Andrew357

  1. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

  2. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

  3. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

  4. Dear Lord. I'm currently mesmerised by DJKOR's avatar...!

  5. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

  6. andrew357, u are a splitting image of my mate here in melbourne. LOL :P

  7. Got rear ended :(

  8. Go karts makes my car feel like it has the handling of a boat!

  9. Hopes everyone had a great time at the annual meet today!

  10. National Meet starts tonight! *sunglasses* - Yeeeeeaaahhhhhh!

  11. Tis a bit fresh tonight outside. Think a warm shower and some csi miami will do well ;) #awesome

  12. Has so much to do before the annual meet and time is an enemy.

  13. Has so much to do before the annual meet and time is an enemy.

  14. $158 shipped for QFM HP-X full set of brakes for the Aurion sounds about right?

  15. Rotors have been drilled and hub rings machined up. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!

  16. Rotors have been drilled and hub rings machined up. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!

  17. Rotors have been drilled and hub rings machined up. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!

  18. is getting pretty damn excited - start my holidays tomorrow :D Look out Brisbane, here I come!

  19. Today's Nebo run has made me realise just how unnecessary the TRD brake upgrade is going to be. Oh well, when in Rome

  20. *Puts on sunglasses* - Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!

  21. Should I pay an extra $250 to someone who has the lsd in stock and ready to ship from ebay or wait for quaife themselves to make some... They've only delayed it from January to April and now to June...

  22. Sorry guys, the rain is coming next week because I washed the car today

  23. thinking about washing the poo off the car.

  24. Formal Tonight :)

  25. Had an awful dream where I gutter rashed the wheels to death then got bitten by a dog. Hrmm...

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