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Status Replies posted by Andrew357

  1. zzz Jetlagged ... CANT SLEEP !

  2. ***** just got serious :p

  3. 1,000RWHP for the LS?? :D

  4. Gotta love being super early for clinic and none of my class mates have shown up yet. The joy of inadvertedly being on time for the earlier bus.

  5. nice mini meet tonight, hope to get the same treatment when i might drive up to QLD beginning of october! a meet just for me and other NSWsers if theyre coming along :p

  6. Kirius 53 posts? Dang.. Trumped DJKORs max daily posts for sure!!

  7. I wanna vote for a DOMO day. xD

  8. I wanna vote for a DOMO day. xD

  9. Come friday car will be 51mm lower at the front and 66mm rear lower than stock height... far out.. no more parking and diy in my underground car park :( street parking for me

  10. 11.5L/100 pissen me offff

  11. Guys, lets be honest here.. who hasn't attempted a Kamehameha and gotten busted doing it? I think this is just about everyone raised in the 90's

  12. Has joined the HID club :D

  13. Has joined the HID club :D

  14. mmmmmmmmmmmm smoooth

  15. Why do the new model camry's have the handbrake on the passengers side?....o.0

  16. Why do the new model camry's have the handbrake on the passengers side?....o.0

  17. nsw monthly was banging

  18. freaken hell... a 2.3k part from the USA will incur an extra 1k worth of taxes =\

  19. 'A shower or two' forecast all week. Bloody makes me indecisive as to whether I want to wash the car or not.

  20. 'A shower or two' forecast all week. Bloody makes me indecisive as to whether I want to wash the car or not.

  21. Eff today. This ish sucks a-hole.

  22. B# is also known as a C. #noted

  23. Drove a Megane RS 250 Cup Trophee extremely spiritedly. That thing is definitely a pocket rocket. Also taught me to never buy a demo car lol!

  24. Car will not be ready for TOCAU Brisbane QR day. Damn.

  25. Car will not be ready for TOCAU Brisbane QR day. Damn.

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