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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Thats true! We'll see how it all goes eh? Atleast once every 2 weeks if anything Heres a couple fone pics because im bored -.- Wait till you all see the pro shots from this location ;)
  2. Duy, change my attendance to just one bro. I'm the only one comin tomorrow!
  3. Cheers charlie! thanks for coming lastnight aswell and bringing your photography skills! See you tomorrow!
  4. +1. Dope meet! Cant wait to see them pro shots. They were stunning!
  5. There hasnt been plans for the next one yet as far as i know. But as soon as i know, ill let you know brother.
  6. A full tank of fuel is only 1/2 to 2/3rds the weight of a passenger in the back seat, so the change in height isn't _that_ drastic. You'd get the reverse effect by having a passenger in the front and none in the back, plus most cars these days have the fuel tank under the rear seat so some of the weight will get distributed to the front wheels anyway (again, like half a backseat passenger) Well for my ride, even on springs i noticed there was a difference of about 2 fingers from full to empty. On coils, its about a finger. Looks like he's got a Gen4.5 so I think you are going to be holding onto them for abit longer! damn LOL
  7. Technically the rear of your car goes up and down depending on how much fuel you got in the tank so you dont really need to lower the back if you just want to lower the front. However, you'll look a bit odd if you just lower the front and not the back. My front was lowered about 2cm more than the back for a period of time on my coils and had no issues. If you want the front springs for your ride (im assuming gen 6 SE camry) let me know. Still got my fronts for sale and i want to get rid of them asap
  8. LOL dw man we wont be at any place that closes at 10pm this time haha
  9. should of invited her to sunday or even friday night hahaha
  10. couldnt find your build thread bro. but from your avatar, your ride looks sick mate. Theres something about it. Makes me wanna get an aurion now -.-
  11. Hurry up paypal and verify my account!!!!

    1. GRAYMAR


      <-- Likes this.... LOL

  12. The FYS mega meet. Did you go? I got lazy, couldnt be bothered. then i looked at all the pics and footage and now i regret it bad haha
  13. I agree with the camry having no street cred but someone did bring up a valid point; A person who decides to do up a camry is remembered whether for goood or for bad but either way, they are remembered. I remember when i 1st picked up my camry and my mates were like wtf, why you doing up a camry? I had a choice between a euro or the camry. I obviously picked the camry for this soul reason - i wanted to be different. As the mods came by, my mates slowly saw what i was creating and have never looked at a stock camry the same since. From attending various meets, i get more attention than some very common cars that are there. People just stare and talk whether it be good or for bad and when i come across them same people months later, they remember my car. because its not like every car out there. A modified camry = unique. And being unique gets you hate or love, but also gets you remembered. I dont mind however, i love my camry. its perfect for me as a P plater. Not powerful enough (or at all) to get me killed, very good on fuel, very reliable, looks amazing IMO, can carry a car full of people comfortably, and is not really a popo magnet. my 0.2cents
  14. I remember stumbling across something like this ages ago. If i come across it again, ill link you to it
  15. Got a mad photoshoot location we could all go to if everyone is down after and if there are some keen photographers that are comin. mind the cars. look at the background haha. Pretty chill out there, especially out night. Wont get hassled at all.
  16. Lmao damn im getting ahead of myself haha One of my mates who have shot footage of a few big meets that has been happenin in melbourne lately might be there armed with his camera skills if his car is ready. Ill try convince him to come along no matter what!
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