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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Anyone know where i can buy some black vinyl thats big enough to wrap my roof in it? (Yes vick, you win)

  2. haha cheers bro. Im a massive fan of your ride! Every time i see a colt i think of yours LOL
  3. Rice: I got the eyelids from the USA. Someone I know there made these custom for his ride . Can't get them exact pair anywhere else. That being said, I know a couple other people from the forum who are selling similar eyelids for the gen6 camrys if anyone is interested. Andrew: yeah I got full shots, but not gonna post it up yet. Not happy with how it sits ATM. Haha/ Need to get my front coilover pulled apart and cleaned as one of them is seized. Then I'll drop the front maybe around 1cm and then I'll be content height wise. As for wheels, that's another story..
  4. LOL yeah go for it man! Its always good to see how low you actually are just for laughs. Install your CAI already ;)
  5. DJ; Ohh no doubt. Makes sense. thanks for that info! Steve; I convinced the seller to test out the sub and amp in his car before buying and he agreed! JL 12" sub and JL amp for 120 = steal IMO! bargain! That was a good read! im only just trying to learn about car audio so that was a good start. Ill forward that thread to some of my mates who are lookin for cheap subs and amps!
  6. Damn good idea aye! Why didnt i think of that LOL -.-' But i doubt any of my friends could be bothered/would want to drive me to dandenong all the way from the west side. They dont mind coming along, aslong as i drive. since afterall, this is my business LOL
  7. Cheers for that! Me and electronics go together like vodka and milk. No good LOL but ill drag along my auto elec mate and see if he knows this process I did some researching last night and i heard about a 9v battery test and a test using the multimeter? It was something like if you connect the 9v battery to the sub, once you connect the last wire the sub will jolt meaning its in good working condition. Obviously need to inspect the components too before testing. And to test the amp, i think they said they used a multimeter to see the reading?
  8. Sweet thanks for that dj. I'll just try and convince him to quickly set it up for a test run and I'll inspect them areas too I could also set it up outside my car using my headunit and battery to see if it works too correct? Probably would kill 20mins but it's good to test it aye
  9. Hey fellas. Is there anyway to test if a sub and amp is in good working order if it's all out of the car?
  10. stupid question, but can a muffler with an outlet of 2.25 fit a tip which is 2.25? (slip the tip over the outlet then weld it on?) Or should i get a 2.5inch tip to fit my 2.25out muffler?

    1. DJKOR


      If it is a 2.25 inch muffler 'tip' front to back, then they should be sized appropriately to just fit over a 2.25 inch muffler outlet after which you can weld if you want to.

      Not always the case though as there isn't much slack to play with. Just get whatever tip satisfies you and pay an exhaust shop to fit it. Should only cost $30 or so to do two tips.

    2. private number

      private number

      If 2.25inch in and 3inch out for the tip! These tips are magnaflow tips so i think i wouldnt have much problem!

      Thanks DJ!

    3. 2XS


      You can get the tip expanded to fit over the original pipe then weld it on.

  11. If you live in the USA head over to toyotanation.com. More relevant for you with a heap of info especially on the camrys ;)
  12. Wth. Stock wheels? Did they give you a payment for new wheels aswell?
  13. trying to teach myself car audio stuff! Anyone got any good threads, blogs, sites or even books where i can read up on all this stuff?

    1. Andrew357


      The Car Audio Cookbook - is a great book you should read.

    2. private number

      private number

      Thanks for the suggestion! Ill look into it!

  14. Very noice!! Thanks for letting me use your cam aswell pezzie! haha
  15. Agreed it was a good meet! Lookin forward to the next one
  16. Sweet! I havent met you before have i? haha. Sweet sounds good. Ill be at ring road maccas by 11.30am! Find me, got a white camry black wheels ;) Anyone else? Just let me know in this thread! Ill stop checking this thread at 11.30!
  17. woo! Dw duy, im looking outside my window and the ground is slowllllllyyyyyyyyyy drying up.
  18. Anyone from the westside coming to this? We can pre meet somewhere before hand. Maybe ring road maccas in sunshine at 11.30? Let me know if anyone wants to meet there so I know if I should pass there or go straight to Albert park ;)
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