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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Oh are they? :( Scratch that idea then haha im sure the weather will be good but!
  2. LOL duy! rocking up when garage cafe was closing tonight haha. If the weather is not good on the 31st (touchwood), i vote garage cafe as the backup? We can fit easy 20-30 cars inside bumper to bumper. nice indo food, can play pool, have drinks and its sheltered from the weather! But we might need to let them know a few days prior to it if anything but hopefully we dont need to have a backup..come onnn melbourne weather. be nice to us!
  3. Drove around tonight using the gps! NO ISSUES! thanks again DJ!
  4. thanks DJ. just updated the gps. ill take it for a spin tonight and check for lag. Just had a quick look and all the roads i noticed werent there before the update are now there! woo!
  5. I do. Got the fronts only though. Check the buy and sale section, my thread is there. Where you from?
  6. Thanks DJ. downloading now. Much appreciated mate!
  7. That would be good Mick! No rush buddy!
  8. Just installed the software for my gps for the tomtom program. No problems at all regarding software installation, however i ran into the same problems as dj when i just went for a little drive. The screen kept freezing and was rectified by tapping in and out as dj suggested. Other little things i noticed is i actually liked the igo gps as it finished off my suggestions. eg, if i pressed M, E and then L for example, melbourne would come up. Really useful when your in a rush. Only needed to type in a few letters and bam it comes up. One thing i also liked about the igo8 gps for example was this; say for example i entered deer park as my suburb. And ballarat road as my street. Ballarat road runs through about 10 different suburbs ranging from house numbers from 1-only god knows what. One thing that i liked is if the house number didnt correspond with the suburb the street ran through, then it wouldnt register. Not sure if this was applicable with the tomtom program however. PERSONALLY, i like the set up of the igo better than the tomtom. maybe i havent warmed up to it as of it, but because of that problem me and dj encountered i just put back my old igo gps. too bad the updated igo gps links above has very very very slowl download speeds :(
  9. Contact advancespeedshop or princesspeach there. they will sort you out
  10. If your from the US of A, try toyotanation.com however, if your from here like andrew said, theres very little market for camrys here. Everything i bought for my camry is all imported from the states. By all means, get an intake too! if you need a price on it let me know what your postcode is and ill try get you a quote for the fujita shipped here to aus
  11. far out, another member on here that has gotten there stuff stolen! I would definietly change the number plates. I no this is stupid to say, but unfortunately its a reality..people might be attacking your car as a racial thing due to the number plates maybe? Personally i hate racism, but unfortunately we see it everyday.
  12. I have the Upgrade version in my 07 camry as far as i remember. Dont know the differences though. I got electronic stability and traction control which the normal version doesnt i dont think. That might be the only difference http://www.carpoint.com.au/car-research/compare-details
  13. Sweet. Ill make a note of that. Thanks once again DJ!
  14. Bump. Good finds here. Downloaded the tomtom map lastnight. Only one which had a decent download speed! Probs try to update my gps over the weekend Thanks mick and DJ!
  15. Lookin at the bright side, at least the side skirts are not damaged AND nuts are still there... I guess there's always worse.. I feel the pain.. :( :(
  16. this hurts me just looking at it
  17. Maybe a few weeks? ill msg you the details on your phone for friday. Pass it on to whoever aye
  18. Sorry tommy but cant help you out there, but just letting you know im gonna get the car detailed once i finish my CAI and dual exhaust. Let me know if your still down with my guy aye. you comin friday aswell?
  19. Hey Johnny. Aren't you scared that the pod will get wet? Is that what he oil is for? Getting my intake in the next couple of weeks. Any advice?
  20. No worries brother. But with everything in life, each to their own aye! What i see as stanced, bob down the road might see it differently. But i think the aim of the thread originally was to have examples of stanced cars with examples from the hellaflush scene. Keep the pictures coming! tucked, yet only 1mm from hitting the fender. neg camber allows this to happen I wonder how long someone can get away with running -3 camber here in melbourne..................
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