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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. i also see the potential in these. stock they are ugly but you gotta think outside the box work eurolines coilovers stretched tyres camber slammed
  2. down. see you fellas soon. whos got a mad SLR? ROLLING SHOTS?!?!?
  3. Im fair down. But we would have to plan this in advance not like a last minute thing. Make the trip worth while (photoshot locations etc etc) and for the record, best kababs are on sydney road. ;)
  4. course! everyone likes cash. less mucking around if you pay with cash and you can bargain it down heaps
  5. How much would an 07-09 aurion rear tails and trunk cost?

    1. VF-X


      $0. Coz you're prioritizing your rims.. And nothin else matters..

    2. private number

      private number

      hahaha its not for me brother. Just a group of people in the states wants to do a camry to aurion conversion

  6. damn sorry johnnie! Probably should of msged you that i was gonna make a topic afterall your the one who organises the meets! Didnt know you were gonna do this too! Was bored today and friday night popped in my head so i decided to make a thread outta impulse! haha.
  7. kenpo is right. As far as the K&N website is concerned, there is no pod filter for your ride. However, injen makes a SRI/CAI for your ride. part number; IS2030P Let me know if your not happy with the prices your getting for it. I can contact my parts contact in california for you and work out a price and if they stock it rarar
  8. Haha its all good. Don't need to hide away! We all started from somewhere. Any future posts regarding finalized details of future weekly/biweekly meets..., could whoever organises it please make the text of the details in the post bold and a bigger font so it's easy to see for everyone?
  9. As you victorians may know, johnnieboi likes to organise weekly meets to do what ever (eat, chill, wash, coffee?). Lets try get this to be a pinned topic guys! We'll post up any details on the weekly/biweekly meets here + any photos of the night! But usually........ Details; Johnnieboi will post up any details of any meets either on here or via txt msg. Usually have stuff on for a friday night! Location; Wherever. Usually westside melbourne or CBD area. Time; Whenever. Usually around 9pm. Again, wait for johnniebois txts or posts in here! Casual meets are open to anyone! random pics of past friday night meets If you want to get in on the action and got nothing else to do on a friday night just msg johnnieboi or myself your number or keep an eye out on this thread and you should get a msg or see a post here sometime on a friday! Hope to see you all on a friday night sometime in the future!
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. private number

      private number

      lol yeah? All good vick. thanks for your input. Ill save the money for the wheels. ;)

    3. Kenpo


      I was actually thinking of getting the visors too, just to help make the car look a little wider :P

    4. VF-X


      You should... He doesn't.. =P

  10. Got a part number bro so i can just sus out the specs? Just want to see if its damper + camber adjustable. Also, any leaks? Condition? Shoot me a price bro, your the boss here!
  11. HAHA LEE!!! ***that awkward moment when a grown man spells the word "cum(s)" instead of "come(s)" in a room full of men*** haha jokes lee.
  12. Yeah I noticed that too. Some cameras that were there, are not showing up on the map now. I guess, if your not a speeder then you don't need to worry about where the speed cameras are ;) haha
  13. lol -___-' Its not like i have a decent camera anyway. ***looks in richards direction***
  14. ffs. I knew i should of gone! ahha next time fellas! Any flicks of the random turn out?
  15. we think alike johnnieboiii! spotted an aurion sportivo with 20s, lowered and a VIP grille on station road lastnight. you were driving behind me, next to me and then infront of me all the way up to water g haha.
  16. Anyone interested in black vinyling their roof? I might order 10m worth of the stuff (obviously i dont need the rest) PM ME!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. private number

      private number

      flip; i dont mind sending to Syd, but it might actually come from syd if i go through this person LOL. Still searchin around for a big enough vinyl to fit the roof. No idea where people are getting it from and ebay isnt look too good. But ill ship it to ya if your really keen once i get it sorted.

      chicken; go for it! Im thinking of getting high gloss black too!

      Cruzer; nuh too much man LOL. I already think i have too much black going on in my car. Still second guessing doing...

    3. chicken


      yeah i was looking at this american site: www.bmwshadowline.com

      dunno about postage though

    4. Kenpo


      I might know somebody that can get the Vinyl.. I'll ask him today! :D

  17. Why doesnt melbourne have its own sticky thread up the top like all the other states? haha
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