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Everything posted by dutchie101

  1. Enjoyed All Jap Day today, ill post pics when i have time.

    1. juvenile


      Which car did you enter??

    2. dutchie101


      AH neither regrettably. Was invited to take the ZRE, and the LS was still rubbin the rears. I was a little paranoid re cops & defect stations. Turned out to be a great day, and the only w@nkers were people driving by. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Didnt. Stupid me!!

    3. juvenile


      Shame,either one would've been a hit for sure..

  2. working still at 10.25 on a saturday night...

  3. Thanks guys'n'gals :D Its looking pretty sexy. Ordered my new Michelin's for the front, getting rid of those p!ssy Nangkangs. Just found out i can upgrade to a gen 4 nav computer from a 05 LS(new format) so ive got one coming from the US, direct plug n play. Excellent(with Mr Burns finger tap roll) B) Also looking at (well buying) a front camber/caster adapter to bring the front wheel forward to the middle of the guard, as when you drop it the caster moves the wheel back too much. The adapter also cranks -2.5 degrees neg as standard, so i can wind more in or out if i like, and space the front wheels out by another 5mm i hope. The adapter also drops the front by 30mm. These will replace the 30mm drop SS-kit spacers.
  4. WOw, what a great purpose built car! looks the part too! Enjoy :D
  5. Ummmm im already running stretched , and -3 on the rear, around -2 front. Thats it for now till bags later down the track.. I dont want to be cop bait, nor it be a show car. It still has to be practical. I think it pretty much almost there. Im not going any lower for now, tho another 10mm would be nice, that means harsh coils, looking at around 2.4 for a set of JIC's. I wouldnt settle for less. To have more camber, useable camber that it, expect a 4-4.5K bill for adjustable arms all round to start with. Thats before bags.. Plus higher offset rims, guard work (pull)and coil overs or bags. You would be looking at over 15k easy.
  6. slightly happier now.. see my second toy pics...

  7. Now with 30mm more down low... Black grill installed and mud flaps removed. No scrub on the front, dont like the Nankangs tho, Michelin's on order.. Light rub on the rears, front & rear fender roll/shave early next week.. Now for some stylish HPS shots... Another location: ^ have to colour adjust those last two... havent touched any of them yet.
  8. Big front scrub= no go for another day..

    1. juvenile


      I'm all for sacrificing comfort for good looks but yeah you have to draw the line somewhere :) one sleep to go then.heehee

    2. master.Cuong


      dw pete i know how u feel :(

  9. naawwww gotta wait till tomorie for the LS. Saw a sneek peak of it today tho. Perfect ride height. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Seby123


      im afraid that is not enough dutchie...it has to scrape! :P

    3. 1stKill


      i'm eagerly awaiting photos...and lots of em :)

    4. dutchie101


      Ohhh its enough for now.. 55-60mm down in total. :D pics tomorrow

  10. Nice work :D thanks for sharing the capture.
  11. will hopefully be 30mm lower tomorrow.. all things going to plan. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dutchie101


      SS-Kit = 30mm drop. Tanabes already dropped it 25-30mm. :D Hope no rub n scrub but we shall see..

    3. juvenile


      Yummo,how about another 30mm for the ZRE...:D

    4. dutchie101


      I wish! Not without bags my friend... Hmmm.. that gives me an idea...

  12. John you tease! :D The 135i and the G37 are most impressive also :o
  13. I would say someone elongated them, perhaps they were a 112 or something first. I only used that pic cause i couldnt find anything else to describe the cavities in the rear of the wheel.. Its had a hard life that wheel by the looks..
  14. B) Its all good man, im sure 5mm will be enough to make you happy. I think the 10mm bolt ons were around the 170 mark if i remember correctly. Mind you, I always thought bolt ons started at 15mm, 10mm was a surprise to me.
  15. Yeah If yours have been machined to suit, im not sure they will have the cavities... 5mm have enough thread?? I havent tried mine yet.. Or... you could just get the offsets my wheel guy suggested in the first place :o :P B)
  16. saw Nas and Damien Marley LIVE, what can i say?? Simply brilliant!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dutchie101


      Ps the "other dude" is a hip hop claasic....

    3. juvenile


      I need to get out more....Oh that's right I can't,i'm too old...

    4. dutchie101


      :D Trust me, your never too old.. I thought i was untill i saw quite a few "older" people at the show. My back, neck and feet tell another story tho!

  17. Sorry for the late replies, been up Broadbeach for the weekend, Thanks for the comments peoples! greatly appreciated :D Kit is on the way, with the cutters and grill... Hell yeah! the seat coolers are bloody awesome in this hot summer weather. Nice cool a55 wherever i go, and no sweat marked shirts :D Thanks Lee. Have been away for the weekend, so havent driven the LS for more than say 20km. Im amazed at the ride quality. Unexpectedly amazing for 19"s and 40's. Only slightly firmer than OEM 55 16", and very very quiet. Ill keep you posted as i drive more on them. Yeah bit hard to see what going on with all the reflection, ill get some more shots later in the week. Thanks John, glad you like em! Rears stretch looks MAD! hopefully i can eventually find something for the front, or ill order some 19X10's at high offset to complete the look. Pity, cause i actually specifically got that offsets i did to suit a 225/235 stretch on the front dammit. Dammit. Thanks Bro. Yeah I think ill go bags, just have to work out this front wheel/tire issue before i progress any further. A55 cooling vented cooled seat my man! not just heated seats, they are also cooled... mack'n.
  18. Looks good John... Thought the thread issue may arise.. could always opt for longer studs! Ive seem 10mm bolt-ons from Japan, not cheap tho. But your BBS's will have to have the holes opposing the current 5 holes to accommodate the OEM studs poking thru the spacer.. like this: (not sure of the technical name for those bits)
  19. Hey Hey... Wheel update! -AMISTAD Klouds F:19X9 et 31, R:19X10 et 38 Had to go to MICHELIN Pilot Sport 245/40/19 98 load rating for fronts and rears. Really happy with the rear stretch, but i have to be satisfied with the fronts as is. Wanted to go 235/35's at the front but none available in such a high load rating. Ah well...heres the results.. Another 30mm drop with the SS-Kit might be a bit drastic, but way cool.. until bags are installed..
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