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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Today was a good day for me until crap fell onto my floor mat. My UR front strut bar was delivered so I was pretty excited about that. I wish I didn't get so happy because every time I'm in a good mood, something ruins it <_< . So long story short, my cousins car battery died so I drove down to supercheap to pick up a battery for him and take it to his car as he was stuck on the side of the road. Everything was fine UNTIL I picked up the battery from my rear seat and as I picked it up the lead acid from the battery spilt out onto my floor mat and some of it got onto the actual carpet as well :( :( :( Here is the result: I don't care about the floor mat as much because that can be thrown in the bin and a new one can one put in it's place, but some of the acid falling onto the cars actual carpet really upset me and ****** me off heaps! I tried to patch it up as much as I can but still unhappy it happened. HUGE lesson learnt I guess.
  2. So I thought I should make my car its own thread instead of posting in the what did you do to your car thread each time and keep it all here in one place. Here's few pictures which are the only decent ones of the Aurion. I will take better ones once I can be bothered getting my mate to take a few snaps with his new SLR.
  3. I have no idea why it isn't allowed. I just know it's not. You've made me curious though.. next time I see a Police Officer, I'll be sure to ask them. This was discussed to a great extent on the automotive section on the whirlpool forums. Try and search for that thread. It has a lot of info. Is this the thread you speak of? Well someone says that it is illegal, but everyone does it. Everyone else just gives their personal opinion... Nah man this one http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1205813
  4. I have no idea why it isn't allowed. I just know it's not. You've made me curious though.. next time I see a Police Officer, I'll be sure to ask them. This was discussed to a great extent on the automotive section on the whirlpool forums. Try and search for that thread. It has a lot of info.
  5. Man the car accident you explained sounds like a car accident I almost had on Sydney RD as well. I was looking, okay, I saw one car drive past. Then I saw it was clear so I started to move out and all of a sudden I get a huge beeeeeeeeep and I look the taxi driver is going insane at me for driving out in front of him. It was so weird because I did not see him AT all. Luckily it was avoided. Taxi driver evasive manoeuvre ftw! lol Also your car is coming along nicely bro. I'm pretty happy with my Aurion. The rear sway and front strut are good enough mods for me. But I wish I could afford the rims I want to really get the Aurion to look less stock and more head turner
  6. what the hell is with this rain forest weather in Melbourne? It's EXACTLY like a hot, wet, soggy, humid rain forest weather. No kiddding there are frogs in my backyard. One small one jumped at me. WTF

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RedSportivo


      Sydneys weather has been just humid and disguisting im so sick of it@

    3. Silver-Aurion


      from what I recall everytime I went to sydney the weather was always crap! it's always humid and hot there :P

    4. RedSportivo


      Well, compare to your weather maybe it is but im use to the weather and the current weather is something new

  7. Ouch! Well let's see if he wants to disclose the price
  8. That's not the right Q.. It's supposed to be 'How much all round does it cost you to convert your look to a TRD'. I was surprised when he gave me the figures.. Well, as I always say 'Each to their own' True. Should have asked that instead :). So, what were the figures if you know?
  9. Are you being sarcastic? Hard to tell on the forums .. He sure isn't man. The one thing you are missing out with when you didn't opt for the TRD are the many ladies that get on their knees for you. You are so missing out. Far out! That's it, I'm selling up and getting me a TRD Mike, can I ask how much it all cost to have the kit and all at your door step?
  10. Are you being sarcastic? Hard to tell on the forums .. Anyway, good stuff man. Car looks great and I think if you have the kit on you will possibly be the first person here to do the whole kit on a non-trd Aurion. Maybe should have bought rims first? But each to their own B)
  11. wow. going to rain for 5 days according to BOM in melbourne

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      lol! So true mate. Poor guys down in Qland :(

    3. private number

      private number

      damn dj. i feel for you man. was just watching the news

    4. 1stKill


      +1...looks pretty savage up there :(

      hope all TOCAU members and their families are safe and dry.

  12. since I cannot see/view the TOC Supporters Members Lounge AT all. is that section of this forum pretty active?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DJKOR


      Yeah, support the club if you want to find out. Now that you mention it, I might say something in there about you.

    3. Silver-Aurion


      noooo. tell me :(

    4. Andrew357


      Given how little it costs for a year, I'd be inclined to pay anyway. Oh wait, I already have! :)

  13. Lol! I doubt I would ever spot you because I never ever head down your way. I'm always local except for when cruising around for work.
  14. Every time I open my fuel cap mine always hissing loudly. So I always open it kind of slowly to let the pressure out. I'm surprised people don't know why this happens and how. I remember when I was kid and every time dad would fill up this noise would happen. Also the car feeling faster, talk about placebo effect. I pretend that the car feels faster too as soon as I drive out of the petrol station.
  15. Cheers mate, will have a look in the morning. I hope it's something that easy Well I had a look at all the bolts and they are tight as can be. Ever since the warmer weather there has been no thud.
  16. Awesome. All these positive comments are really good. I can't wait to get it and install it. It's going to go great with my UR rear sway. B) At least I can now tick the strut off my to do list
  17. Yeah I figured from your location on the left . That kebab store near the station is delicious
  18. Alright item: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290439473238 Has been purchased
  19. Cheers mate. I've spoken to Kenpo through PM and he pretty much says the same thing. I think I'll order one now from eBay. Woohoo, my next mod is coming up lol Then you'll have to come past the airplane viewing area again and find me haha. :P I never thought i'd see anyone up this way. :P haha, man that was completely random. NEVER in my life would I have thought I would spot a TOCA member in the middle of no where
  20. Cheers mate. I've spoken to Kenpo through PM and he pretty much says the same thing. I think I'll order one now from eBay. Woohoo, my next mod is coming up lol. edit: by the way, what sort of difference did you feel? better turning, stiffer feel, car felt more stable, etc?
  21. I had the top brace installed on my Aurion for about a week before I got the rear sway bar installed and noticed a difference. I think you'll notice more of a difference if you have something that isn't a Sportivo as the suspension setup is obviously diff between the stivo series and the atx and others. Definately worth it in my opinion. Yeah, since mine has the soft suspension. After installing the rear bar the difference was decent. I can still tell the difference. Though asking on another forum. Most people said it's useless because new cars these days the firewall is close to the front anyway...
  22. ffs. I HATE PETROL COMPANIES! $1.45 FOR 98? WTH! I just paid 1.30 few weeks ago. ****ers!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      holy crap. I can't wait for EVs!!

    3. DJKOR


      Yeah, I can't wait for EV's too. So I can laugh at all you hippies while I cruise around in a fuel guzzling V8.

    4. Silver-Aurion


      Pfft, I rather people think I'm a 'hippie' rather than give these devils any more of my hard earned cash...

  23. So I'm planning on getting the front upper strut bar to compliment my UR rear sway bar. Do you think it's worth it? Would like to hear more stories about it
  24. Cheers mate, will have a look in the morning. I hope it's something that easy
  25. You too, damn! If I came earlier we could have watched the planes all together My mate bought a new mid entry SLR canon(beast of a camera) so we headed down to the airplane viewing area to take the new camera for a spin and also to kick back and munch on some food :) Going to catch up with him again and hopefully get some photo shoots done with the car :)
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