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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. how long ago was that bigbum? hope they arent 40.. or even 80 which is what someone in here was quoted
  2. found this in another thread... the toyota part numbers for those spacer/ear thingys that go along either side of the stereo to fill the extra space. $7.50 each apparently... 86221-52050 LH Side 86221-52060 RH Side gona get a pair of these myself when i get the time
  3. plus another thing - with regards to the choice of colours... when you order them, will all the frames be printed in the same single colour or do we get to choose our own individual colours when we order?
  4. depends.. where in australia are you? and what equipment do you already have?
  5. theres a clock in there? i have the same head unit (at least looks exactly the same) and it doesnt have a clock. i do however have a clock in the dash
  6. we got different size plates in NSW. which plates are these designed to fit? only the basic black text/yellow background ones? if they fit the smaller white background/black text ill be interested.
  7. i know its hard to explain in words, so i prepared this... your input would be much appreciated. the LEDS are yellow and blue... since it aint legal in these parts to have blue LEDs on the car id rather have them changed so that they are all yellow, but since it looks like i cant change it without breaking the lense, i thought of wiring up the blue LEDs to the same wires the illuminated doorsills are, so that the blue LEDS light up when the door is open.
  8. my carmate frontbar is looking pretty tragic right now. the fit is terrible.. you think they can fit it right? check my car in the members rides section!??! http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...mp;#entry196137 has anyone in here gone to them for this kind of work? (besides the basic stuff ie. painting eyelids) how much would it cost for fitting and paint?
  9. ive got these chrome indicator lights with yellow and blue leds inside. i tried to crack open the lense so i could possibly change the LEDS to all yellow.. but no such luck. unless someone has done this before and is confident of beign able to do it with mine... id love you to do it! i dont like the way the chrome cover has to be attached onto the stock cover via doublesided tape. itll attract too much damn attention and i dont like the way it looks when its stuck on like that. so i was thinking if i could possibly cut the leds off the chrome covers, then cut holes into the stock cover and poke the indicators through. is it a silly idea or is it crazy enough that it just might work? i managed to take off the stock cover.... just wondering if there is much room inside the stock cover to house the light. does anyone have a stock mirror cover lying around that they can throw my way.. just so i can test it out?
  10. hmm.. wouldnt want a bentley anyway. dont think carmate make front bars for them :P
  11. does anyone know how to take off the colourmatched plastic off the side mirror?
  12. geez i didnt think about that!?! anyhoo i was the little asian guy with army shorts and old school jordans walking round by himself taking pics.
  13. true the new model is heavier than the previous model. about 200 something odd kgs more. however ive heard (on 2CH AM radio - they usually have auto reviews of new models released in australia on saturdays) that theyve managed to retain fuel efficiency even with the added weight.
  14. im prettty sure my parents owned 1 of these!? i got more pics of the older cars just havent uploaded em yet woulda thought the hairy lemon woulda made an appearance? no? and another thing - i woulda thought there might have been a TOCAU stall somewhere selling stickers and whatnot... no? had no idea who was a tocau member and whos not!
  15. not suprised if ununiformed cops took some pics of their own.. or if they are lurking in this thread.. hmmm
  16. oh yea i forgot this pic... HAHAHA! i when i walked back to the car to check if the wife was ok and the baby had woken up already (he was sleepin in the car..) I SAW YOUR DAMN CAR! too bad dont know what you looked like.. but its not like im gonna go and start yelling AZZA!!? AZZAAAA!!?! in the parking lot hahaha yea.. too bad couldnt meet up. woulda thanked you in person for helpin me build my sub box :P
  17. i couldnt handle all the shinyness... why the hell did you all have to go crazy with the polish.. damn the glare! it was too hot for that!!
  18. i like the custom plates on this 1.. the can was a nice touch hehhe
  19. gday, i arrived there considerably late.. i wanted to give my car a rinse b4 dropping by toymods.. i arrived there around 12ish?
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