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Everything posted by CAP

  1. Danz's system has a great crisp sound to it, awesome SQ. I like the mounting point of his ground in the passenger side door sill and the drone box works a treat.
  2. Either look nice. E-gene - I like your G-Max wheels :)
  3. It's a Dyno Dynamics Dyno, I've just e-mailed the place so I'll have the other info for you soon.
  4. Glad someone else thinks the same. sr20 is just a very strong motor in general ( It's just one of those motors that came together right from the start ) and even on a 90's model that's had a few km's put on it - It'll still be pulling like a train.
  5. I've taken a sss. Basically he kept on giving me cheek at every set of lights until I got ****** off and opened up my Corolla. Half a car length at the end of second gear. But they're similar in performance to the 1zz's. Probably better in the right hands because of the more torquey character of the 2.0 engine I don't think that tool knew how to drive. ←
  6. Welcome BuffaloMG ! Congrats on the new purchase, for questions regarding the best oils/greases etc to use when you go bush with the Cruiser, you're best to try and look a 4x4 club near you. Don't be affraid to approach the Jeep Club. They know pretty much all there is to Off road driving and maintenance like it's their religion! They also do some pretty hard core stuff so if they don't know, nobody will. Most important thing is your airfilter. After Every outing, ensure you pull it out, check it and give it a good shake to remove any dust, you'd be surprised how much you pick up in one afternoon off road. Cheers.
  7. Now you're really famous, my friend who works in Toyota Development Engineering - Melbourne just sent me a link to the video clip !
  8. Yes and your Corolla has 100kw, so they're even on paper. But the SSS does have a stronger motor in that it's got more Torque. The reason why they don't bother having ago at you is because they're quite confident they can take you. "A true master will only engage a worthy opponent"
  9. I've taken a sss. Basically he kept on giving me cheek at every set of lights until I got ****** off and opened up my Corolla. Half a car length at the end of second gear. But they're similar in performance to the 1zz's. Probably better in the right hands because of the more torquey character of the 2.0 engine I don't think that tool knew how to drive.
  10. Kcorro - was it Hotbits you were telling me a while back now can go down lower than any of the others, or was that the D2's ?
  11. CAP

    JOKES !!!!

    A True Dilemma You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. An old friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? Think before you continue reading. This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first. Or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again. The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. He simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams." Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box." ...HOWEVER...the correct answer is: Run the old lady over and put her out of her misery, Have sex with the perfect partner on the hood of the car, then drive off with the old friend for a few beers.
  12. Number 1 is my favourite - I like dish and studs. Number 4 is my second pick - I like them on MAP81's car. Number 3 is becoming way too common ( In Melbourne anyway ) alot of VR/VS Commodores have them. In regards to tyres - he's yanking your chain, there's heaps available 205/45 88, 215/45 is a little harder to get with the 88 load rating.
  13. So far we have: 1. IZZ-FE 2. Omn1potent 3. TRD_141 + 3 4. Danz + 1 5. Nino_Leb 6. Bigbum + 1 7. Bangn 8. Arxis 9. Pecker 10. Chompies (maybe) That's 14/15 We're almost there guys.
  14. It just depends on what you need or want to do with it. The Celica is a two door and I can tell you first hand passengers will not want to be in that back seat for more than 10 minutes. On the other hand with its 2zz motor it's a nice drive and corners nicely. The IS200 will carry 4 in comfort, still handles well for a sedan, but not quite up to BMW standard. It probably has a few more bells and whistles than the Celica. The performance from it's 2.0 is smooth but it could do with more poke. Choices Choices Just test drive both and see what you like best.
  15. What ? They actually provided good service? Those are they same ones who delivered my car with a Total of 5 scratches, loose front strut tower bolts and a faulty rear window regulator, and could never match up the colour corectly when they fixed the scratches. Be wary.
  16. It sounds like you're getting detonation / pinging. Check the timing, My 83 Commodore used to do this as a result of Leaded fuel quality being dropped quite dramatically with the change to LRP. I overcame this by retarding the timing a little and making the car run a little leaner. I lost a little responsiveness but gained fuel economy and the detonation is gone. Could be a range of other things but this is a good start that wont cost you anything if it works.
  17. ...did you not see the photo's of marks motor with the intake plenum off? It had to be removed to drain out the water, then clean out the residue before attempting to start the motor! The CAI did a good job of filling the entire lower section of the plenum with water. ← Yes, but what I'm meaning is that hydrolock did not occur ( The Engine did not blow in this most extreme case ). I and Kcorro know of a Golf R32 that did have it's $32k engine replaced ( Insurance ) due to being in a minor flood in Melbourne. People have previously raised the question about driving in rain or hitting puddles with a CAI, this to me has shown that your engine should be pretty safe driving through rain with a CAI.
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