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Everything posted by Speedz

  1. Maybe get some Coopers tyres? They are expensive but they last ages... not sure if they are noisy at speed...
  2. 50% of the cost... so how much is 100% setting you back? you might have to further calculate how much km's you doing per service and the time frame between each service, seems like the posters above trying to pin your Prado fault to severe driving conditions which if you use it for urban start stop driving... hardly severe to me consider the Prado suppose to be build like a mini tank of the Landcruisers... and maybe just maybe you would need a engine specialist or someone independent to give a written qualify opinion that the engine is blown due to once in a lifetime defect and not due to severe driving condition (but i'm not sure how they can prove it...?) again i will be keeping a watch on this thread !
  3. *Drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool* :D :D :D :D
  4. This is getting increasing annoying! Its their fault for a 'lemon' engine they should fix it, maybe ACA or TT should pick up this story to gloat them into action... i just hope karma bites them back sooner or later...
  5. Lost all my points while driving from Brisbane to Gold Coast twice over a period of 1 year when I was working FT... Main reason I quit the job lol...
  6. wat about the NVH levels? alot of ppl stating on other forums that the 'rollas have poor NVH for the price they are asking, nevermind if the car is intended to be sporty or have great chassis potential to turn it into a rice machine...
  7. Yes consumers always wants and wants more... but its the credit company that keeps on lending them money without exercising restraint, much like a casino keep letting u gamble on credit...
  8. TMCA is ruining TMC's reputation very well alright... they just dont understand reputation is a hard thing to build upon and the goodwill of the customer is paramount...
  9. Many corporations (not just car makers) do not have a downsize plan for fear that it means they are admitting there will be a downturn, and any way with the govt. bailouts they now have a downturn plan - ask govt for money. Everyone is looking at growth, growth growth rather than sustainable long term growth. One company I used to work for had set a rule in place that each brand had to achieve a certain growth target (I think it was 15% from memory) failure to do so for 4 successive quarters would mean the brand would be axed. 1 brand was consistently falling behind and it's growth only equated to just under population growth at the time (about 3% I think) anyway the heavies came in ready to get rid of this brand when one of the junior analysts pointed out the brand had market saturation and was quite profitable and there was no way known that it reach the growth target. My point is a lot of companies (and their shareholders) are obsessed with growth rather than maintaining the company and ensuring it can survive any downturns. Tell us something we dont know...? hahaa :P :P :P alot of public listed companies need to grow at a breakneck pace to justify their huge bonus payout and dividends to shareholders... thats the problem 'expectations'... CEO only cares about 1 thing the bottom line... he doesnt care about the grunts getting fired or the trimmings of the managers watever... those are HR and bean counters advices and he just executes the order... and the end of the day shareholders only judge the CEO base on their bottom line performance rather than if he had hug any trees or help an old lady to cross the road... Look at Alan Moss... huge payout when he bail just before the honeymoon collapsed... yes Macq Bank made crap loads of money and acquisitions but just how liquid the bank actually is, is anyone's guess because all the bean counters would have used all sorts of methods to conceal the blackholes in the balance sheet or hide losses here and there to throw shareholders off that the bank is actually struggling... At the end its the public that had to bail those morons out, so i guess we are doubled screwed over... on one hand some of us on the forum might already lost their jobs and yet have to fork their tax money over to save the company/banks etc... __________________________ Obama got the approval needed for another 800 billion plus bail out package... and the republicans not one of them voted in favour of the package, is it coz they wanna save their collective ***** or they reckon its futile? Ford also just posted record lost of wat 8 billion? its a nightmare over there atm... who loses out... its the grunts... who bails the companies out...? then grunts... :(
  10. Yeah thats what the media is good at... pile on the dirt....!!! those rival car makers would be celebrating atm me thinks!
  11. Hurstville... man that place is pretty bad now, i use to hear negative things about that area when i was living over at Allowah back in 93' lol i guess it hasnt changed much only gotten worst then! lol
  12. Anti-Bacterial treatment on Air Conditioning... I had that on my Yaris too... the smell returned... and 50 bucks was drained from my wallet...
  13. spray some Glens into the aircon intake on the left front windscreen on fresh air mode also helps...
  14. Nice work you got there... Reminds me of the work I did on my Yaris when I 1st gotten into to it... lol Its too rainy and windy to do any of those outside my home now... :(
  15. I think driving training should be implemented as part of the mainstream public/private school curriculum from Year 10, educate the kids from an young age against dangerous driving (excessive speed on a suburban street), irresponsible behaviour (road rage, cutting ppl off, texting sms etc...) Me reckons this would be a good start... Follow by perhaps like when TGUK James May's take on the Finnish segment, having kids able to take control on the vehicle on skid pads etc... It will cost crap loads of money which I think both the state and the federal govt would rather fine us more and throw more stupid statistics at us...
  16. I most probably be @ uni coz at home will be stinking hot... got test this weds, tut work and want to apply for this job i found...
  17. You could probably get some metal underplates for better protection...
  18. For me it s the TRD FTW!!!! No need to add anymore reasons...
  19. ^ Yeah I know that... I did a quote thingy with a RAV4 and the dealer rang asked me to see him... (www.discountnewcars.com) Wasnt happy that he told me wat was advertised over the internet wasnt the supposed price... haha But seriously I wouldnt mind getting a 08 plated car let say in mid of late this year if possible coz in the end you save more bucks when u do sell the car anyway...
  20. mate a quick question that always wanted to ask... if those 08 models doesnt sold out... where does it go? anyone know?
  21. Does the Presara start up more quieter than rest of the model range?
  22. I wonder how much will it be if you can pick those off from the wreckers...
  23. 1 thing i hate about the white color is that it didnt came with pearl metallic... otherwise the car would kill...!!!
  24. haha well u guys are lucky bunch compared to me...!!! i got my licence suspended 2x within the last year why...? coz I drive to GC everyday to work back then and lost my licence after 3 months... (then driving with a suspended one for another 3...) then after i got my licence.... (thats when I got the Aurion...) caught speeding 138km on a sweeper on Logan Motorway near the toll booth... then 74km on a downhill slope on Algester Road... im done... lol... (also thats when i came to the point that its crap driving down there everyday...) now i could only drive again in 2nd March 2009 with 12 full points again... (no way I want to drive 1 year with 1 point too much pressure to drive...)
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