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Everything posted by Speedz

  1. I was playing both KOF and SF2... but sucked at both of them... ___________________ But i kill alot of ppl in Daytona USA 2!!! Only in the intermediate lap... though lol...
  2. Its that a MPS btw...? Yes they are quick but its a FWD and the chassis couldnt handle all those extra power...
  3. trying to imagine a GTR and 3 having some sort of intercourse...
  4. the Aussie dollar are pretty weak atm and will be for sometime... so unless China decides to buy our stuffs by the truck loads again all Japanese branded cars will get a price hike for sure...
  5. I'm only gonna own the car for now as I'm planning to work overseas as soon as the economy improves!!!
  6. Friday night my Aurion nearly got taken out by a f*&king maxi taxi just got out of the ranks from the left without indicating or shoulder check!!! My car had to mount the kerb on the right and I was barely over 55km at best, wasnt that close as the parking sensor didnt make any sounds or was it too scared lol... Needless to say I could have gotten out and murder the indianish looking driver but couldnt be bother and just proceed to horn the bejesus out of that bas*%$d!!! _____________________________________________ The quality of the drivers in Brisbane has gone dramatically over the years as an another example I had yesterday... This idiot (middle aged non asian driver...) in his bloody civic, decided to exit Market SQ (I was on the left lane just after the lights...) he merged into traffic without speeding up, and proceed to drive 40km/hr for another 500km before turning into one of the streets on the left... (I guess thats where he lives...) Some people just dont have any considerations at all or they think they are saving the environment just by driving 20km/hr below the speed limit...
  7. I love road trips!!!!!!
  8. OT here... I was riding in my friends car with the 3M tint, made me regret straight away with the Formula 1 tint... <_<
  9. *sigh* as usual, good luck with the response!
  10. Even though some of us liked Howard... Rudd made the correct campaign based on the fact Howard 1) has been there too long, therefore perceived out of touch with the public on several key issues... 2) tussle with Costello on who wants to be PM 3) made a crap loads of fuss on the asylum and children over board saga 4) Howards refusal on Kyoto and Reconciliation issue... even if Howard was right on both issue public sentiment thought otherwise... Rudd took full advantage on that issue/ opportunity quite well... 5) lastly, the bogans thought we will continue to ride the economic boom when Rudd takes over coz they think its too easy... alot of us know Rudd almost copy word for word on any of Liberals core promises during the election, but in the end i think Kyoto and Reconciliation was what tipped the public's vote to Rudd... (not to mention the media all of the sudden backed Rudd like the 2nd coming of Christ and Howard the Devils Advocate...) if the global down turn happened 9 months sooner, Howard probably would have still be our PM ...
  11. I think its more like govt giving money to schools and in turn they get the contractors to fix up watever its needed to be fix...
  12. The Govt General will never sack Rudd, she owes him the job... GG earns more than the PM FFS!!! of the 42 billion only 30 billion is put into some form of infrastructure such as insulation, classroom upgrades etc... the cast handout costs 12.4 billion alone...!!! not to mention Rudd sort to push up our credit limit to 200 billion... _____________________________ that aside i read Turnbull's plan cost 175 billion but dont know the details... some ppl are saying its the pot calling the kettle black again lol...
  13. OK my 2 cents... The selfish side of me wants the $950... But I like so many intelligent members here knows that this is spending the cash borrowed on credit, and the interest will be increased tax in the future to make up the deficit... There are ofcoz better ways to spend the money, but the $12.4 bil handout is more or less a vote buying exercise much like the predecessor govt... I agree with the opposition, backed by financial analysis and economist the package is way too big for the current economy which is shrinking but not to the point where we need to sink in 42 bil... We should instead split up the package and target strategic areas that create job opportunities which hopefully creates a ripple effect and creates even more jobs and you then have increased consumption which is what the economy needs... (or as Turnbull puts it, leave some ammo in the cabinet...) Thats how the US got out of their 'Depression' in a nutshell they hired 17 mil soldiers, hire lots of people to work in the govt thus was able to recreate consumption again... (but we know this cant happen now since private entity back then were not big enough to hire so many people...)
  14. Naaahhh dude, your confused. Im not getting a dodge. I just brought my misses a dodge. I will be trading in for a Nissan 350Z Roadster Convertible, Pewter colour. So i was thinking I dont need a 4 door anymore because my misses has the dodge, so now i can get a 2 door sports car. But i do agree, the dodge is a boxy car. But it has all the bells and wistles on it. Itll speak german to you it you want it to. It even came with a bose sound sytem, subwoofer. The soundsytem hammers. Kluger - you should atleast be able to push some 22"'s on that sucker. My mate at work just brought one, they seem like a nice car. Nah mate I'm referring to your missus Dodge... See yank cars and reliability does not fall into the same sentence, dont think it ever will for another 2 decades... Probably like most European cars, get rid of it before the big 100k service, if not less... (Australian conditions are just too harsh for alot of euro and yank cars...) If i'm getting the Kluger, i probably at least take it to the dirt trail or the beach so probably end up getting aftermarket rims and tyres from coopers... I came into the conclusion that you get abused (road raged at...) when you driving a small car, I was on the receiving end for one when I was slow out of the round abouts coz I saw a beemer coming and he didnt... (bloody tradies...) So concluded that f*#k the environment and get myself a car with presence on the road... lol :D
  15. The kit looks good... except the front looks abit squarish... probably will look better as i get use to it... :D
  16. I wonder how reliable are the Dodge anyway... if they are 1/2 as reliable as the Japanese brand that would be good otherwise they could change their name to Dodgy... (btw never liked the Dodge current lineup, squarey and boxy design not my cup of tea...).... ________________ If i trade away the Aurion, I would be looking at getting a Kluger instead :D
  17. Good luck driving down to Surfers... tried that for 1 year, now i get Surfers-phobia... the thought of driving down there 5 days a week drives me mad! lol...
  18. Spotted DJKOR on last Weds driving along Adelaide Street during the peak hour traffic after work alone lol... May I say 'carpooling' next time lol... (I was on my way back to QUT after getting some sushi rolls for my missus... :P)
  19. Hmmm ic... haha damn dont spend too much money away mate!
  20. gonna get my licence back in 2nd March... i rather take the 3 months driving break than hanging onto 1 pt for the year... lol
  21. out of those 10 cm magz on the lemon guide i would take a educated guesstimate that the 'dore and 'cons would have at least 20 pages between them! :P
  22. seca mate what happened to ur job? Theiss downsized?
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