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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. ur a bum mikey.. ill find out tomorrow wat its all about bec what hes talking about is ion the corolla section
  2. I want him back too Harry Kewell
  3. i havent entered the wrong room
  4. LoL i read that thread sorry but the guy doesnt know how to write properly ..
  5. Yes indeed hahaha little shims who cant take it :P
  6. lol you think being nice is gonna stop from telling fibs jase ??
  7. doesnt look very active in there lol
  8. Get it while you can Mhahaha not gonna last for long :P edit i cant spell for crap!
  9. guess he hasnt yet haha post whore
  10. Yes you and your secrets in your members area :P
  11. Hey starting that stuff again are we :P
  12. yaY Only if one of the guys posted b4 me u would hav e goten it mish. Haha yes tis over with :P
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