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Everything posted by sportiv

  1. Driven... 97 Honda Accord 98 BMW M3 99 BMY Z3 Roadster 03 Holden Ute SS 03Holden Ute hsv - Maloo ? Mercedes CLK430 A handful of sportivo's
  2. FOR THOSE USING TRD WITH FOG LIGHTS IN... how is the air intake.. is it still as evident as if the fog light was out
  3. this is just a quick poll topic to see what everyone uses on their CAI'S and if you have input into which you feel's better give reason why... Cheers Greg :D ALSO COULD PEOPLE THAT USE THE TRD FILTER TELL ME IF THEY STILL HAVE THEIR FOG LIGHT IN...??
  4. cough cough brendanovich i think we both know the potential of the black beasts.. maybe some people haven't utilised the power avaliable.. or quote "some australians just dont know how to drive"
  5. :P Nope,, but all lexus tech's have been brought up through the ranks of toyota, hence most of them have about twice the experience that SST techs have.. there good and im glad now that i have pursuaded alot of people to go there.. if you have a problem you tell them or put it on paper and they'll see what they can do except in craigs situation when they couldn't put a little lube in :P
  6. :P :P OH well while we are at it "HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!!" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. shao,, you crack me up.. oi did you manage to find anyone or anyplace for the koni's...
  8. Moderators, close it up, causing trouble Accelerator makes you go faster, brake makes you slow down thats all there is to it....
  9. bahaha shao,, you cant ban craig hehe the shaow ming warrior wants to play with his sword.. does this mean another 1/4 effort will be had soon theres one on today :P
  10. very unique,, as my stance will be lowered soon aswell. :D
  11. Count me in.. 126kw.. easy.. Time to test the vehicular transport machine on the dyno
  12. for shizzeles. i'll be there in my entertaining state. possible nudity and perversion may also be present.... :D
  13. :o that is just ****.. why cant people eccept that a car is just a car not a **** boxing bag sorry to hear this.. hope it can be sorted out
  14. good replies guys & girls.. human interest piece is raising some good suggestions personally i believe that without the LSD are cars aren't going to make the mark.. also some good gains from a torque dampner are need.. anyone want to start making one.. or design one... keep it up.. :D
  15. after recent issues that happened on this forum i was just intereseted to know firstly.. what you all think it would take from top to bottom to make the stivo a lets say sub 13sec car.. 14's been done now its time to move on.. ??? suggestions ideas.. let this topic be a brainstorming arena.. and secondly i wanted to find out if anyone has owned a sub 12sec car or potentially a sub 12sec car in their lifetime.. this is just a general observation and suggestions topic.. i dont want fights or any other ridiculous speculations to be thrown around.. just fun times and a few giggles if necessary.. :D Greg
  16. 14.87SEC wow craig thats FURRY SICK.. who's car must be a pretty speedy gonzalz :P we cant fight the truth if the figures show up it must be legit.. :D we always new this car was fast obviously came out the right side of the production plant.. i was wondering why it came with stock TTE development stickers throughout the car... ;)
  17. Well put craig.. and if only "IT" and you know what i mean was on paper.. hehe zzzzzzzzzzzzooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmm!!!!
  18. Everyone that has driven my Stivo that owns one themselves has nothing but praise for the TRD SS Northy, Rollagrl, Sportiv, Wei wei, Stoopidhead and more........ It may not be a 50% reduction in throw but it is noticable and feels great ;) Danthuyer logged in at gregs place :D
  19. KT. The main reason to put in a voltage stabiliser is to equal out the surges that the battery + alternator release, Raizin voltage stabilisers seem to be the most popular as they are small and compact,, very easy to fit,, the voltage stabiliser is mainly used in cars that are using alot of electrical equipment,, hence if you have a high end audio setup, it is a wise idea to chux one of these little guys in.. plus it will stop your headlights dancing to the subs beats in the boot.. good little invention and in my mind well worth it.. plus if you getter a better ignition spark out of them hey why the hell not.... 10/10 in my mind.. cheers also heres a site that tells you about them.. http://www.the-pivot.co.jp/product/se/raizin-e.html
  20. Silver Stivo,, Milton Maccas around 1:30pm today with two shark fins attached ontop of the rear spoiler.. different.. catchyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehahaa
  21. Silver levin,, that does look very very sexual... can you explain what the guy did was it just a spray on tint.. and also.. ADR_rOLLA. is there anychance you can post some pics of your cars tint.. thanks.. just want to try and see what it looks like on the black car.. thanks in advance greg
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