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Everything posted by sportiv

  1. you know best buddy,, if your worried about it that much maybe you should take it into the dealer and ask their technicians.. as for me i'll keep my high revs and learn to put up with it i guess i've been happy for the last 1-2years
  2. its a HIGH REV'ng engine.. highway cruising isnt as fuel saving as we would be lead to believe...
  3. Here we are children some crazy bastardos in USA have applied that camcon lift lower thingie magig to the matrix's which have obviously our 2zz-ge. here's the links New Celica Org - camcon Toyota Nation - CAMCON
  4. Shalen, its me thats coming back to johburg at the end of the year not silvabullit.. who obviously forgot to quote me.. umm and i dont really know what im looking for small cosmetic things like * window shields * bonnet protectors * new rear lights just random stuff also can you point me in the right direction to do searchs for like sports and supplement shops over there ive got no idea, mid december i'll be there .. Cheers GREG
  5. why herrrroooooo there... whats your story.. car but cant drive?
  6. 350z rip off. but i'd hit it.. good call on that brendanavich
  7. inventor of the RSM positioning guide for corollas.. :P
  8. Shalen-gp, nice car champ looks the goods,, mate where are you in South Africa, im coming over at the end of the year, do you know where i can get some quality african car goods im bassing my self out of Jburg and possibly Pretoria ... Cheers Greg
  9. pretty sure this topic has been covered before.. have a search. certain we came up with a few models for the 2zz-ge.. not sure about 1zz-fe
  10. ahhh of course...... that is the most logical place to put it .... the dash wouldnt be a good place..... ← ^^^^^ you know i only found out about this function about a month ago i was over the moon with enjoyment i could turn those bloody red lights down a little.. so bright..
  11. check all pipes, reset ecu.. thats how i'd start the process... maybe leave your car for a week or drive a stock model with no mods then come back you may just have got used to the intake.. alot of people have had this feeling..
  12. apexi rsm with g sensor should have all your basis covered,, RSM - 300ish off the top of my head then add another 100 for the g sensor.. install do it yourself.. looks good, reads great, :)
  13. Aaron - AZZA.. hehe i laugh.. well done on your gear change,, now keep it going such that you can do it through all gears.. hehe gets hard from 4th..
  14. its a good tale,,, just listen to azza bull**** about his fake resuts.... with ces and cai i can vouch for my efforts come saturday next week :D
  15. no go for me tonight kiddies.. sick and sore... cars coming back on monday so should be out next time round time for installs galour
  16. lets say ..... two pods attached to the TRD cold air intake.. all you are doing is adding potential cleaner colder air. although i understand that the engine can only except a certain amount of air. i just need to find the right piece of pipe to do this ontop of the CAI..
  17. you think about it really all its is, is a chunk of metal pole between your suspension tops. how effective it is ??? i can personally say that i felt absolutly no difference when i put mine on with stock rims but upon putting new 17" on you actually have to turn the wheel around sharp corners insteading of just resting your hand and turning
  18. have been toying with this idea for a long long time.. just ask.. i just have to get a y or f pipe and add it to the TRD CAI and attach two filters.. your ideas were the same as mine.. let us know how you go if you get it done before me..
  19. dont think i'll be out can some one do me a big favor and if NAT comes out can they give him $20 from me and i'll pay you back seriously... just i dont know how i'd get in to give it myself.. thank you
  20. heheh.. shao's retired his modding shoes for at least 12hrs.. keep me updated
  21. SHAO, SHAO , SHAO.. hehe as if your going to be modding your car thats a laugh.. good luck with it all.
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