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Everything posted by sportiv

  1. are they any larger than the stock ones.. ??
  2. welcome, i guess we'll see u out this thursday night then
  3. meh.. come live out on the west side - bellbowrie.. we dont have street lights and from my house its a 2km ++ hike to the nearest bus stop.
  4. Ask Sportiv his thoughts on the item after he installed the one from my car..... ← My thoughts on the product,, Some may say ok ok its a nice little addition to my engine bay 'plus it has a nice little blue light' but yes i did noticeably feel a difference. with the RSM and Stabiliser in place monitoring the drop in volts was the key. generally pre install of stabiliser i would drop 0.5v when putting windows down or up the stabiliser limited this to a decrease of 0.2v in same condition. the big test will be when the audio goes back into the car. i can honestly say though upgrading your battery cell will prove to be more benefitial currently our battery has -the bare minimum- to run what is needed, which is perfectly fine but with the addition of more electronic devices and components it is wise and some what of a necessity to upgrade. the voltage stabiliser in my mind is a great little addition, for anyone that has a problem with dimming lights or slugish response, the car runs and idles alot better than before.. 4 out of 5 stars.. Nice find to Craig and to those that were able to purchase the items. Enjoy
  5. when you are equipped with BASS in your boot i would not advise to have your rear windows down and font up unless you seriously want to damage your ears whilst driving the bass is directly forced into your head. causes pain
  6. Fresh,, it looks good. questiong though? - how do the tweeters in the air vents go. just thinking about your audio zones and pushing high end sounds straight up .. it doesnt sound to trebeled in the front.. p.s I LOOKS REALLY GOOD... p.p.s. Give me a few weeks :D
  7. and again? So am i not a GENUINE corolla enthusiast? merely as i cant afford a CES system? ← save.... im a full time student that works 2 days a week for a meazily 150 cash.. so pffffffft..
  8. stay tunned ,,, craig's ipswitchian cruise details soon to be posted for tomorrow evening
  9. warped brake rotors... sends vibrations throught the foot well..
  10. ^^^^ mines louder wei :D suss db read out considering it wasnt on the car and you knew how loud it was
  11. just out of interest ,, what are rough prices and how hard is installation on an average set of pads that will do the job.. €???
  12. :D CES is hornbag.. mid torque i find is fantastic now and lift is once again violent and makes people scream...
  13. how will u stop people from voting more than once?
  14. solarglaze and a chux is all you need spray that **** everywhere.. u wont regret it.. sooo shiney and black
  15. its WEI WEI to the max,, man im almost ****** myself watching that.. but yeah i'd hit him hehe.. mike jones.. -clearly doesn't know the words..
  16. Nice Pippy... B) oi i keep seeing u'r car, that parking ticket thing must cost you millions i have to park about 1.5km away from uni but at least its in a garage.
  17. Searchy Searchy Searchy.. *** damn..
  18. the lights are off though kids.. chains may be down but lighting will be required.. turn on those hid's
  19. Went to lexus of Brisbane yesterday to get a quote on the 40,000km service,,, roughly $350 this includes all oils and liquids , and spark plugs are also on the description,, azza,, im not going to complain about new sparkies.. extra goodness
  20. i've heard from some of the regulars on the forums that they may in fact be dangerous to the cars lifespan.. it would be fun but personally im not game enough to do it and wont be in the near future.
  21. i would recomend any pioneer screen at the moment and match it up with their diagnositcs tool.. very simple to use and ultra ultra good looking .
  22. Roberto, off the top of my head i would have to say that there would be no problem at all, things to make sure of are since your car is a 1.6litre instead of the 1.8litre is the inlet that the actuall intake fits onto is the same diametre,, but even if they were different im sure you could purchase an adapter that would allow you to fit the unit onto it.. good luck and keep everyone updated Greg PS.. welcome to TOCAU :)
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