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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I think heaps of people are focusing on our national meet up. If I lived any closer I'd be coming. I like meeting new people. In saying that though, have uber fun, take lots of pics and get gigiddy hombre!
  2. bunch??? & HONDA's from memory this is a toyoya meet :P but it's all good i don't care much cause i wont be there Mishark... I mowed my lawn with a Honda the other day. Seriously good mower. You shouldn't knock it!
  3. The end product with the Mazda SP23 is more refined. However, they're kidding themselves if they think they're quicker than a 2zz powered Celicia or Corolla (which is the belief of some SP23 owners). This, of course, doesn't matter to you. I for one nearly bought an SP23 due to how classy it was. Classic small luxurious car. Very well built. Sportivo had the 'vroom' though, so I bought it.
  4. A pie that rapes a cat... man... Picsor******inban
  5. Your so much better at summing things up then me I'm an awful troll compared to the epicness of yourself dude. As proven by this post, as it contributes nothing to this thread. Other than this picture of Kate Beckinsexy: Alllllrrriiigghhhht... However, yes you should simply clutch in and wait a couple of seconds, then just go for reverse. It'll slot straight in.
  6. Be patient and wait for a couple of seconds with the clutch in before selecting it. Simple.
  7. Purr Snickety - Smashing Pumpkins i youtube that didnt find anything It's because my friend and I wrote it lol.
  8. Chick is uber. Rob's the romantic type though, who loiters on cliffs thinking about getting gigiddy with chicks.
  9. One does not simply 'ask'. One is shown. Gigiddy... Rob is eying a chick off at the moment actually... allllrriiighhhhttt.
  10. Maybe this will help your decsion somewhat! ZERO 1 A$1,600 shipped via sea (6-8 weeks transit time) A$1,750 shipped express (2-3 working days transit time) Maybe, but I'm over it I think. The whole concept of coilovers just depresses me now. 'If' I do buy them, they'll be installed by Master Taylor. Unfortunatley I don't think I trust anyone else in Canberra to install them now, not with recent events. It's more likely that the stock setup gets put back in. Nothing seems to go smoothly with this car. To be honest, I could end up being the first one to go the way of the airbags if it proves to be a no fuss mod after installation.
  11. The Tocau Immunodeficiency Virus is rampant. Wear protection: Slutsky Equation
  12. Holy **** it's Jesus! EDIT: Oh...nvm :(
  13. HAHAH :P thats not even jap!! :P thats a jap cartoon character! xD Oh... I'll try another. "Bulbasaur"
  14. I'm sure I've seen that somewhere before... It'll come to me soon. I might check my received files in my msn folder
  15. Oh this guy. Gold. "A've been butten gars. A've been butten. For ****'s sake gars. A've been ****ing butten!" I would have sat there laughing if I was the cameraman. It's like, "Hey guys step forward if you think you aren't going to die today. Ah ah... now not so fast 'the guy who sounds like Tony Greig'. He survived btw.
  16. Mr Dissecticles left testicle is hanging by a tenticle - Iron Laiden.
  17. Noise came back again last night. On closer inspection, it appears that the rubber o ring that sits between the top hat and spring seat is fudged and snapped in two. Also the bottom of the boot has come off, and it looks a little twisted. In saying this, I'm over it. I'm done with mods, and I'm done with all the b/s associated with them. If it's not one thing, it's always another. I'll be reverting back to the stock suspension setup most likely. I'll have more of a think over the next week in regards to buying the Cusco's, but my level of trust in aftermarket suspension components is rock bottom.
  18. I haven't played it in 5 months. Not planning on starting again either. Graphics are ****, PvP engine is ****, some of the people on it are ****, and Warhammer Online is going to smash it into nothing anyway. I'll be playing that when it comes out btw. It's not like WoW in the sense that you have to play more and more to get better. It's 'life' friendly. Sounds the goods. (Plus the graphics don't look like they're from an N64 like WoW's)
  19. *cough cough* Why was I not informed? Dude look at the date lol. I gave up on that project. Mick didn't seem interested. Forming a band in Canberra = fail.
  20. what's a mitsubishi chubby? huh i so dont get that part ? u got to explain ok ? Hahahahahahahahahaha...
  21. Good? Being single sucks. I like female company and getting gigiddy. I think I'm lacking it of late. In saying that: I had a Mitsubishi Chubby the other morning. It went from 0 - 15cm in half an hour.
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