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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I'd hold your tongue dude lol. That GA16 isn't even tuned properly yet and it's only 6kw behind us. He'll be pulling 130 - 140 soon methinks.
  2. Pedders* are awesome. *replace Pedders with Cusco
  3. Daft Punk - Teachers Bantalgar and Homme are sample geniuses. Stupid trumpet sample. I wish I'd thought of that.
  4. Amphibious Corolla! Yesh. I just like having it all low. Hey at least I'm doing it right and not cutting springs! ...and WTH!? I'm not fat! :(
  5. 'flywheel' readings are fudged anyway. The only way to get a true flywheel reading is pull the engine out and stick it on an engine dyno. A few of us T Sport owners on the forum are having a rolling road day in June. most places over here give a flywhell reading after letting the car run down on the dyno with no throttle - this apparently calculates mechanical drag working out what is being lost through the drivetrain. Its interesting you say that as i've heard that a few tuners give elevated flywheel readouts - only problem is it starts with the manufacturer who gives bhp figures at the flywheel so you can understand why tuners give flywheel readouts. What should the stock power be at the wheels? Anywhere between 100kw - 115kw depending on the climate by the looks. Like I stated before, the only reason mick and I scored higher than a few other people on here could be because of how freaking cold it was that day. My nipples could have cut glass. Dyno's aren't totally accurate anyway. They give you a massive e-peen though. The 2zz-ge's love cold dense air from what I've seen.
  6. I find this thread confusing, but fun. Mullets and Richard Dean Anderson is 'not' annoying Angelo. /slap You must admit though, it is an excessively large sig. Takes up a good third-to-half of the screen on lower res. Anything to further exercise my middle finger. I likes to scroll!
  7. Cheers David-son EDIT: Wait a minute, where did 'L' and 'E' come from?? Haven't emailed Nengun yet man. That postage quote was from Perfect Run manos.
  8. Mike, Dude good to see you back on the horse. Also good to see that the paint scheme hasn't changed ;) /clap
  9. Mullets and Richard Dean Anderson is 'not' annoying Angelo. /slap
  10. Postizzle? /slap Well I mean the part number is right and coincides with what Superdavidbeckham listed in the parts sticky?
  11. I have to admit, I'm buying the Zero 1's because they suit my application. I want to go lower than the standard koni / king springs combo, and do it properly. I'm not buying Zero 2's because it's a waste of money. Even if you're going to the track 4 - 5 times a year and being semi-serious about it the Zero 1's are more than fine (MAP81 has done fine with his set, and he's had them for yonks now). Superdave can back me up on the Zero 1's (he has Zero 2's because he IS hardcore with his track times).
  12. For ZZE123G Corolla Fielder <-------- This looks totally spot on. Can you Cusco King's confirm for us though that this is what you saw when you ordered? Cheers * Cusco Zero 1 (Item Code: 166 60E CN): 120400Yen (= currently A$1229) * Estimated shipping cost from Japan to your address in Australia: roughly A$450 (I was noob and forgot about the shifting dollar value) So like, it looks like, uber like. I'll be buying them soon, then waving goodbye to the Dee-Poos.
  13. He's one of my best mates though dude lol. He'd organise it so everyone could come. He's a nice fella. We call him the gentle giant for a reason (damn that guy is tall - 6'4)
  14. Nengun had the Zero 1's priced at $1150 and Perfect Run at $1250 - $1450 or thereabouts. Meh, all I know is, it's going to be happening soon. The Cusco's setup is oem too isn't it?
  15. Ironically my grinding stopped when I changed from the stock sportivo wheels to the P1's. The only thing I could put it down to was heat. P1's ftw.
  16. Bloodhound Gang - Screwing you on the Beach at Night
  17. Mick we'll have to rebook again in another 3 - 6 months or something. Twas awesome fun just seeing results of various cars, plus I'm looking to improve that AFR a bit. Yeah Bill! Our e-peens are massive! Our e-peens, in fact, are the hero of this, and EVERY hour, and can access all orifice, growler and blurter! Oh Bill, it's so heavy since Saturday. I'm finding it hard to walk. Mick how are you coping? Did tape it to your leg like I did? It helps.
  18. There is a movie night / bowling night / cruise coming up guys. Adrian (Mr SSSchwing King) will be organising it. Can you say, 'Indiana Jones'?
  19. You are... selling something man? lol
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