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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Within 1 - 2 months dude. After even further conversation with one of the Brothers Purcell tonight, I'm locked in on getting the Zero 1's as I have no intention of hitting a track often. I've been told that the Zero 1's preset is still rather firm, but forgiving to an extent (it's no where near as bad as my DeePoo's, where if you hit a cigarette butt your car flips). Have more of a think dude. Don't just buy Zero 2's because it's going to extend your e-peen further lol. Make sure you get what you want and use it to its fullest, otherwise you'll be wasting your money. Eg: I'm getting the Zero 1's because it's a no fuss way of having my car as low or high as I want and retaining great handling / suspension travel. If I wasn't as picky on the ride height with our cars I 'would' be getting a standard spring / shock combo. Just food for thought for you dude. PS: Yep I'm up for teaming up privately to see what deal perfect run can settle. If anyone else expresses any interest for any parts from PR then I'll wave at a Mod and see if it's ok to get a big group buy going or something (to be honest I can see them getting nervous about it, I know I would lol)
  2. Gigiddy goo. You're awesome Jason. You and your brother stay epic now y'hear?
  3. Cheers mate. From new I see? You'd recommend popping the bearings out on the fronts and doing this before installing them then? It just minimizes noise and friction right?
  4. Jason, why are you so awesome? By the way, (and apologies for the slight hijack), but just clarifying what Mark said here. You guys used a teflon spray on the pillowball bearings in his Cusco's when they started getting old yes?
  5. They're both red though. Hahahahahaha. Stupid DEEPOO's made lots of noise again this morning. "My DeePoo's bring all the clunks to the yard, my DeePoo's, are more 'clunk' than yours"
  6. I remember Pedders here in Phillip weren't too bad. I think it's all dependant on who actually works at the shop in regards to whether you'll be taken for a ride or not. On the subject of Cusco's, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Unless You're serious about going to the track, Zero 2's are totally pointless for you. Saves teh moniez and get 1's.
  7. If I remember correctly I owe you a sig. I'm so sorry Jim Jim. But here's a random clip for you for now: Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  8. Alicia? Yes, I killed myself laughing in a packed lecture hall in my Adelaide days... even the lecturer thought it was amusing. Please tell me we are talking about the same Alicia I am thinking of.... I dunno, did get gigiddy with her as well? lol
  9. Poor Paseo's. They're toyota's too! We should support them more. I'm sick of the jokes like: 'PaGayo', 'TehSao' etc etc
  10. FYI that stagea ran 136 from memory. *** damn, that R31 was fun to watch though. He needs new coil packs and he'll be even more uber then. Yeah I like GTiR's, I was just being a Jimsky Equation I'll give you 6 in...I mean...10 inches of Robsy Equation if you d...wait wtf am I saying :o Gigiddy...
  11. That's all. If you want to count Canberra's dense 'close to minus degree' air as a mod then feel free lol.
  12. Alicia? See that's why it's a favourite. You can do anything with it, for example, if you know a promiscuous lady called Bec, you could say Becsky Equation, and all your economics buddies would laugh. Gigiddy. Dude I listened to a song tonight...AND YOU'RE IN IT! "Fuking's cool, but Jimmy's the romantic type, Loitering on cliffs, thinking about stuff like, Screwing you, on the beach at night"
  13. The DeePoo's are always set at 'TittyBouncing'
  14. I see, so you pick your dampening when you buy with zero 1 and it stays that way. That's what 'Nengun' have on their website yeah... hmmmmmmmmmm.
  15. I've already seen enough lol. You got owned by rollamods and MAP81 when you misjudged their s/c setup
  16. Coilovers allow me to go low uleh. /thread
  17. That would be the serial number Tayles posted. Eg: 166 60 E CN = Zero 1's 166 60 L CN = Zero 2's Comprehende? :) Ohhhhhh hehe. Me spethal. *drools spittle*
  18. What nationality is Les Murray? - TISM I'll never understand your sample worship... I never understood it either until I stumbled across electronic music in '99.
  19. I whore myself out to chicks. Haven't had business for ages ever.
  20. I'd hold your tongue dude lol. That GA16 isn't even tuned properly yet and it's only 6kw behind us. He'll be pulling 130 - 140 soon methinks. Proof: Pulsar + Turbo = Sportivo Sportivo + Turbo = Xoom Xoom = Win QED. (yes I am a nerd ) BiLoL wasn't even at the dyno day you noobhatzor! I'll defend Pulsars to the death, because in reality they are similar to our cars in a few ways. Many people have done similar jobs to the GTiR Pulsars and come out with weapons, you can't deny that.
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