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Everything posted by Dead

  1. This might be a good opportunity to get some lyrics and poetry up perhaps... Thankyou Steve. You look snazzy in your pic btw.
  2. There was a thread created, but it quickly resembled that of a TISM album and plummeted down the list.
  3. Every time I have my lights on, they're on basically. Most of the time I just forget to take them off. I wave at people and smile if they high beam me. Personally, I'd rather people see me than not see me at all (the amount of close calls I've had in Canberra due to impatient and blind people is rather substantial). I'll cover 'you'...
  4. I remember one guy was. They actually defected him which was hilarious. He took it to the registry and the guys there basically said, "Um, you like, turn them off if you don't need them? They're a factory fitted item?"
  5. Your indifference curve displays a convex preference thus meaning that you prefer, in terms of your way of life, an easy going nature over that of an extreme one. I applaud your ability to look at life in a layered, simplistic fashion Jeremy. /clap Sketra, get the train. They're fun. Chooo chooo!
  6. *FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP* edit: good to see you're representing us hairy chest folk azz. respect.
  7. What oil should I use in my box then, oh mighty one? Sig.
  8. $20 says its a fuel card ;) B@stard. I may as well give you the money now then. Damn you.
  9. I'm turned off imports due to the prices and availability of parts personally. If I ever 'was' going to buy one, I'd be very wary of the salesperson, and the car itself.
  10. Uh...why Shell? Are they going to kill you if you don't use their fuel or something?
  11. These guys want to talk to you: You should sign up.
  12. Larger diameter yerh my friend once had it on his car a while back now and he started his car up next to mine on a cold day and walked out to let it warm up and it stalled infront of us lool i think tooo much air was going in or somthing like that but it was pretty funny just chocked and died lol but was fine after just sharing stories =P It's basically the same pipe dude. The larger diameter wouldn't increase the airflow that much to stall it I think. Hmm. I'd say his maf sensor was a bit grubby? errr nope. CES is slightly bigger, and yes my car wants to stall when its cold, but only when I'm on the throttle slightly and its freezing cold. Its never stopped by itself. Stoopid noobzor. Yew shood lrn 2 read n look into wot people write moar proper kekekekekekekeke lulz. Mine's never stalled either dude, and our climate here is far colder to that of Melbourne. Do you have the CES intake on there now? edit: Yes, I'm a d!ck and I should elaborate more on what I say in the future. Mmhmm.
  13. From what I could see, I could only just make out what appears to be a black and gold plate on the front. There doesn't appear to be a plate on the back.
  14. Because Kyle Sandilands was too busy with some lame TV show on Channel 10 to come forward for the shooting (pun intended). I know I know...bad taste. I'm only joking.
  15. Dead


    Pbear9000@hotmail.com It's ok, I'm not random and strange as people make out. I mean, as if I'd be random and strange while people are making out in front of me? I'd be too busy watching. Fap.
  16. Azndave...wtf. How dare you post this up... ...without telling me where I can buy some.
  17. Doesn't need changing 'ever'? If so, I'm actually not overly shocked they would say that. If anyone is going to know 'anything' about our cars, it's actually NOT Toyota Australia.
  18. I would have been there if it wasn't for a major project that was and still is on at work, plus the car giving me grief. Bad timing I guess. I'll be coming next time though, car or no car.
  19. Allow me to elaborate more on what Carlo said. TV networks are inhabited by...'interesting people'. If they could be called people (if there was ever going to be such a thing as an 'evil leprechaun', you could say that they work in the media industry). If any of them give you the s**ts, feel free to tell them that they're like septic boils on the buttocks of humanity. Be yourself, stick to your guns, and don't back down on a good foiiighht! *starts air punching Russell Crowe style*
  20. Blue facelift sportivo, black plates. He lives somewhere behind me. He doesn't look in much at the car, so I don't think he's an enthusiast at all. I don't think he realises what he has
  21. Dead

    JOKES !!!!

    Uhhhhuhuhuh...you said 'Peni5'...uhhhhuhuhuhuh.
  22. As if you guys saw my mum btw. She stopped working at Hooters ages ago.
  23. It's a super model program, and it's on channel 7. I will pray for you Sket. Just make sure you're prepared to experience the horrors of going on a commercial TV station, and being surrounded by people who either lost their humanity long ago, or were never born with it Good luck. edit: wrong section too dollface, but meh
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