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Everything posted by Seby123

  1. engine looks distorted and goes way too far forward...the headlights would normally go into the engine bay a fair bit and here they dont...all he did was put a picture of a RS6 engine on top of the hood of his own corolla, lowered the opacity and kept dreaming. :P
  2. steak and shoot pictures are up!

  3. Pics are up on my flickr! not many but better than none :P
  4. yea i dont ACTUALLY see it often, but ive seen pics from mates and other forums....heaps of people do it
  5. satin black or matte black is too played out imo...saw a Jaguar XF wrapped in carbon wrap in the city yesterday..
  6. LOL no i just chuck em on for photos...my dad was like so yeah how you gonna use em? and i told him theyre just for photos, he actually prefers if i take pics with them on because people wont know my rego.
  7. WTAC was amazing...anyone who didnt go missed out.

    1. MrRob


      You guys left early and missed out on fully sick drifting.

    2. JDM-GTFour


      how do I find the pics mate?

  8. i got jap plates coz theyre JDM AS F*CK LOL. nah i just like the look of them, so clean :P and coz i want my car to look japanese.
  9. GT5 is definitely good, also look at games like the newer NFS...Shift or Shift 2, or if youre into cops and robbers, Hot Pursuit. and yea Dirt 3 :P
  10. small update, well i guess you can count it :D just for photos. and midnight harbour tunnel runs.. just kidding :P
  11. not long til WTAC now..

    1. clifton


      you going on friday?

    2. cruzer


      awww yeah so keen for it shnadlay, you gonna come here on sat then we gonna drive there ? :D

    3. Seby123


      haha i said we should pre meet sean but you were like lulz no way. clifton we're all goin on sat

  12. thought you were just gonna paint the insides :P put em on!
  13. so would the ascent or cheaper-than-zr models actually have the electronics to run the full climate control unit, as in can they actually run a specific temperature? i'd be interested in doing this also, im so following this thread
  14. definitely a successful meet :) sad i couldnt stay til everyone left... also saw John looking over my car...wonder if it got the Juvenile Seal of Approval? :P
  15. like half of the cars on here are from germany or switzerland...never wouldve thought the Auris would be this popular :P
  16. RIP my HIDs :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Try spending $5 on a relay kit. It might actually fix your problems.

    3. Seby123


      i bought a relay but just one...i switched the bulbs between the lights today, well pete did, and it still didnt work. The bulb just lights up for under a second then goes out again.

    4. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      relay pshht, ive got hids in my fogs and my lows woithout one and they been working heaps good, lows been in for year and a half... get derrrr

  17. soooooooooooooooooooo....where are we meeting? LOL
  18. not sure about the paint scheme to be honest....but looks nice :)
  19. john isnt that the F1 edition or whatever they called it? been discussed before in here :P
  20. media pass for friday night drifting ;) win!

  21. oh your nuts are red? howd that happen sorry couldnt resist...just had to let that one go when talking about nuts
  22. Corolla Ascent serviced every 10000km not going to the dealer because of prices, instead i go to Top Secret Imports...normally ~100$ cheaper and fantastic service....they offered me a free pinkslip for my next rego, because it took them two weeks to send me my invoice via email :)
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