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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. Damm you video rendering....while do you take soooooo long #coffeebreak

    1. Andrew357


      Distributed computing perhaps?

  2. Bathurst Toyota: great service, great people @bathursttoyota #awesomesquared

    1. juvenile


      I bet you froze your nuts off out there today...

    2. RedSportivo
    3. Hiro


      Can imagine, not looking forward to the cold in a week's time for the annual Twincam Bathurst cruise...

  3. Oh Damm, my own bed is soooo good. #awesome #sleep #niteworld

  4. Just passed the bundy turnoff #allnewterrain #awesome

  5. Drive up the coast today to Gladstone, weather looking good #awesomesquared

  6. Just reviewed some footage from the annual meet.........all I'm sensing is #awesomecubed x #awesome to create a whole level of awesomeness

    1. RedSportivo


      BGPete forgot to say thanks for everything on the meet mate :D

  7. Just reviewed some footage from the annual meet.........all I'm sensing is #awesomecubed x #awesome to create a whole level of awesomeness

  8. I've joined @Pintley! Come join me for beer recommendations, reviews, community, and prizes. http://hops.to/ppTZCU

  9. How did Queensland know I needed a officeworks and a 1st liquor store together #awesomesquared

  10. Looks like the weather gods have heard our cries out for no rain. #awesome #TOCAUannualmeet #TOCAUshowandshine

  11. Nothing better than a warm beverage on a cold morning #awesome http://t.co/XJFVBTr

  12. The midnight express leaves for qld in 17hrs 28 mins. #awesome #TOCAUannualmeet

    1. dutchie101


      wishes all those driving up a safe drive. Travel well my friends.

  13. Tis a bit fresh tonight outside. Think a warm shower and some csi miami will do well ;) #awesome

    1. Andrew357


      *dons glasses* - Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh!

  14. the nikon 50mm F1.4G is officially my favourite lens. #awesomecubed #happysnaps

  15. Females in uniform Ftmfw! #awesome

  16. have you seen the messiah? Coz he is a very naughty boy!

  17. Damm noisy rain and wind. #SydneyWeather

    1. RedSportivo


      Getting ridiculous

  18. Just installed ubuntu on /dev/whorebox. Might be time for some /dev/beers. #awesome #goodiegoodiegumdrops http://img.ly/4wlx

    1. juvenile


      Once more in English?

  19. Coche' del Negro is really loving this cold weather #cai #awesome

  20. By weird do you mean sexy? #3rdrockfromthesun

  21. Carrot Juice & Bacardi....Discuss. #morningwakeupcall

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