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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. People that have prams must also drive SUV's....... Coz both can't drive and walk around shopping centres #shorgunrequired

  2. Just rick-rolled the office #rofl

    1. jeffy


      never gonna let you down~

  3. Happiness is a decision, good.......I'm gonna get plastered! #greatquote

    1. .gorgz


      Times not wasted when you're getting wasted

  4. Still in 3DS Max at this hour. #mightneedsleepsoon

  5. Who died?

    1. .gorgz
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      ^^ wtf goz so anti christian :P

    3. .gorgz


      would you prefer me to be an anti semite coz I do that pretty well too

  6. Bouncy naked yum yum night! Where is the sign up for that! #awesomecubed

  7. "in marriage there are penalties for early withdrawal and desposting into another account" #goodadvice

  8. Holy smokes batman! Sunshine in Sydney #goodmorning

  9. Sadly all good things must come an end. My holidays have been great. Great food, wine and people. Now the last 6hr grind begins

    1. jeffy


      have a safe tripp ! ~!

  10. great day to be detailing :)

  11. All the yummies are out today in #RADelaide

  12. Next time I go to the wine districts I so need to bring my mrs.........when I find one #RADelaide

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      wheres the pimpin' button dutch man? :D

    3. 1stKill


      nah get a ute mate,bring back the missus and fill the back with wine...win win :)

    4. 69.NIX


      the LS has a 4 dead man boot......handy in #RADelaide

  13. The city of churches has opened its arms for all to enjoy. Sunny 22oC #RADelaide

  14. BBS electronics aust. The boss must have nothing to do. Told me to move my car. #1stclass****er

  15. Oh Melbourne, you have produced some truly awesome sunshine for today #iheartyou #awesome

    1. jeffy


      mmm shiny cars :D !

    2. Hiro


      And at the same time NSW's weather is going down the toilet...

  16. Packed, Stacked & Ready to Rumble!……MELBOURNE & RADILAIDE here I come! #awesomesquared

  17. *ring* hello, mr sexy's pizza..........today special is "sexoroni" #

  18. Me and 3DS Max are back in action :) #awesomesquared

  19. Left home with 4 car rims, came back with 40ltrs of drytons port #winningcubed

  20. Speed bumps......my new nemesis #bawlinlikeaboss

    1. itsmehuey


      good luck making it to Melbourne, buddy.

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