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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. I will not enable you......you need enable yourself! Think outside the box #awesomesquared

  2. Clean Garage, Clean Car, Dirty Pete. Think this calls for a #Beer :) #awesome

  3. Zooey Deschanel + Katy Perry + Lilly Allen + Kaley Cuoco + Jelly Pit. Discuss :) #awesome

    1. lateralus


      whoa! where do i sign up?

  4. getting my lion on! #awesome

    1. pezzie


      everyone's getting their lion on!

      Im still contemplating whether to get a mb pro or new comp. hrmm....

    2. 69.NIX


      MB pro with and SSD and anti glare screen FTW!

  5. Dry your eyes princess, the lovin' is on it way! #awesomemclovin

  6. Shout out: to anyone who is interested in a drinking fest and a bit of a beer nut at the redoak beer cafe, apply within. #awesome #finebrews

  7. Potato, leak and zucchini soup on the stove, 1000's of photos to look through. Maybe start on a xtended TOCAU annual meet vid #awesomecubed

  8. Its on..... Like donkey kong!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big sausage pizza..

    3. 69.NIX


      listen here trout, i've had enough of your fishy ideas

    4. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big fish pizza then?

  9. Pizza delivery girl was cute @crust_pizza #awesome

    1. itsmehuey


      that's double win

    2. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big sausage pizza..

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      did u ask for her number?

  10. woohoo, elJannah chicken delivered to my door by a JVN11L #awesomesquared #relax

    1. dutchie101


      B@stards both of you! :D

      No, no its my fault for postponing my last visit... Damit.. mmmmm.. crispy glass like chicken skin.....

    2. 69.NIX


      well I have to thank mr JVN for all his efforts last night

    3. master.Cuong


      awww whatt where's mine john !! i only live just around the corner :(

  11. Operation re-arrange is complete! #awesome #relax #showerrequired

  12. operation re-arrange has finished for today.....90% complete #sortingstuff #bigplans

  13. oooooo box of shiny object has arrived! #awesomecubed

  14. Just poped a fresh cherry #awesome http://t.co/Zoz72hf

    1. juvenile


      Bit early for that isn't it

    2. itsmehuey


      Never too early for that!

  15. I think I feel a Jackson pollock coming on! #nothappyjan

  16. Who needs an alarm click when there is a domestic at 7am #nothappyjan

  17. Must be ladies night in woolomoloo #awesomesquared

  18. Nothing better than the smell of 2 stroke in the morning #toxicgases #nothappyjan #notsoawesome

    1. .gorgz


      I love the smell of 2 stroke motors as well haha! best things ever

  19. Caterglotism - when you get a cat stuck in your throat. #notsoawesome #nothappyjan

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