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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. Stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

    1. Foss


      Oh jeez. lol. This place is dad joke central this week!

  2. This is D&G you pissy little bitch! @alarum #bostonlegal

  3. One week till i'm low bawlin' #awesome

    1. juvenile


      New underpants could help with that

    2. le.vinh.zr
  4. Thanks to the fellow unit dweller, I can wash the car properly and not have the hose running off my balcony! #awesomesquared

  5. I'll be in mine crapper.!..............I'm always in mine crapper :(

  6. Extra virgin olive oil, how does that work? #lifeslittlequestions

  7. Did something just happen? #snooze

  8. Yes I know it's summer, but I don't need hear you bitch about how you look fat in a tanktop and tight pants #blacktownskanks

    1. itsmehuey


      oh how i hate looking so fat in a tanktop and tight pants :P

    2. Andrew357


      I agree itsmehuey. Summer is coming. My diet starts tomorrow! Oh those LV bike pants would look so good on me!

  9. Omg, my car smells like a bakery ;)

  10. You can now buy nails at aldi? What next ...... German bunnings!?!?!

    1. cruzer


      Gonna start selling beer :D

    2. jeffy


      probably sh!tty nails that wont go through wood LOL ~

    3. Hiro


      Some of their hardware stuff isn't that bad apparently, guy at work got a big-***** air rattle gun from there for like $30 that was the same as what the guys in the workshop are using, nothing but glowing praise for it

  11. You can't re-write history.........wrong! I have a pen ;)

    1. jeffy


      what if it ran out of ink ? :P

    2. 69.NIX


      your doing it wrong

    3. jeffy
  12. Hot water, cool aircon, cold beer #awesomecubed

  13. *giggles* runs.... hides

  14. Just emptied the farts out my pockets before putting my pants in the washing machine! #silentkillers

    1. 69.NIX


      Stinky McGee :o

  15. Damm you asian bakery, why you smell so good #awesomegoodies

  16. The air in the men's bog at work is #abitthick #toomuchinfo

    1. JDM-GTFour


      Whoever smelled it dealt it! Good of you to own up. :)

  17. what do you get if you sit under a cow? A pat on the head ;) #dadjokes

  18. Racing stripes on a micra #epicfail

  19. Tomorrows challenge ~800km 55ltrs of 98ron. Can I do it?

    1. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i thought u were going with john O.o o.O O.O

    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      and its today -_- LOL

  20. I'm officially weird. I was talking to the self service checkout at woolies #freak #getalife

    1. le.vinh.zr


      but it talked to you first?

    2. juvenile


      That explains why I saw you chatting up a ATM last week,,good on ya,Bender

    3. cruzer


      drugs are bad mkay

  21. Unlocking the wino badge on #4sq. Is that something to shout about? #hoehum

    1. itsmehuey


      lol unlocking anything in 4sq is always something to shout about! i haven't unlocked anything for a while now :(

  22. Bread baking afternoon #funtimes

  23. I'm crazy like a fool. #daddycool

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      #what is up with these hash signs that are totally random with what you say?

    3. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      i think its a twitter thing

    4. 69.NIX


      Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.

  24. Will one and a half bog rolls last a bachelor a week #discuss

    1. Andrew357


      If you use your hands, towels and handkerchiefs in addition to the 1.5 rolls; yes they will.

    2. 1stKill


      depends what you eat...spare a square

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