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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. ….I do what all geeks do on a saturday night, re-tag my MP3 collection #wow #needasociallife

  2. Nice day to be polishing cars

  3. You saw me crying in the chapel - Elvis #awesomemusic #relaxin'

  4. left my iPhone in the car hidden, wanted to add some more music for the drive to work….easy #bitlazy #wirefree #notmorecable

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Lucky for you i not even have an iPhone ;'(

  5. If you got nothing to swing, you cant dance with bing¡

  6. FTW :)

    1. jeffy
    2. JDM-GTFour


      Excuse me. are you in a relationship? no.. would you like to be in one? yeah ok.. lol

  7. I hear the boom boom and light show is on tonight #bigwet #crazytimes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seby123


      why hello there.

    3. jeffy


      omg.. took me a while to realize it was pete .. <_<

    4. juvenile
  8. On the lookout for old swingin' jazz on vinyl #itjustsoundsbetter

  9. MEN: If you can't grow a beard, you've probably got 2 mum's #awesomefact

    1. JDM-GTFour


      I think our asian buddies would disagree.. :P lucky buggers.

  10. Change is inevitable, progress is optional. Take both these ideas and run with them. #makeithappen

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Your Words mean more to me than you will ever know :) some times i just want to run away

      find a new adventure in my beloved Toy box ;) there are answers out there just waiting for us

      to explore this amazing world and Bring something unique to this little bit upside down planet

      make it happen you BET !!!

    2. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Yes Change is inevitable that is life i'm afraid, and you know what they say a Change is as good as

      a Holiday :D

  11. Nukkenfuts, I'm gonna get the powerbill from hell. I left the aircon on all day! #icebox #globalcooling

  12. Here's a tip. Do not do power drugs and go to the supermarket..........coz you'll stand out. #awesometip

  13. Bob barber shop. No bull****, super fast and well priced #trimmingsdone

  14. Don't know if "late night butcher" is such a great search term in google. #latenight #hitmannotrequired

  15. Perfection is an art, but all I've got is a box of crayons

  16. DAMMIT…..eBay….you are EVIL! #damm #onlineshopping

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 69.NIX


      ^^^^So boned

    3. KIRIUS


      LOL <3 ebay especially the asian side, theyre awesome with shipping, prices and variety! ^_^ americans take yrs...

    4. juvenile
  17. Apple tech support, yes I do that #oncall24x7

  18. Let's see if they found my "package" #auspostfail #1000lols

    1. 69.NIX


      2 parcels found, crisis averted :)

  19. Right epic car clean starts now, see you in 7 hrs :) #awesomeclean #tomuchtimeonmyhands

  20. My inner oldman is upon me #goodnight #NYE2012

  21. House cleaning and classical vinyl #awesome

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