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Status Updates posted by itsmehuey

  1. feels like some Gelati..

    1. dutchie101


      I always feel like gelati! Whats your fav?

    2. itsmehuey


      I'm a huge fan of choc-peppermint and hazelnut! rum & raisan ain't too bad either. you?

  2. Finally got my strength back. 42kg dumbbell chest press. #notevenbulkingatmbruh

  3. Finally just got off work since 8am.... jeezus hate working weekend shifts.

  4. finally named my car after 4 months of owning her..

    1. Seby123


      haha my car doesnt have a name tbh i think its silly :D what did you name her/him/it?

    2. Andrew357


      I have had mine for a touch over 4 years now and I still haven't given her a name.

    3. itsmehuey


      lol to each their own. I named my previous car (champagne coloured RAV4) Cristal. I named my current car, black ZRE Leila.. it's of an Arabic origin meaning "night beauty" or "dark beauty".

  5. First day at work and them feels of trying to put on work pants. #thestruggleisreal #squatterproblems

  6. first time in a stivo yesterday.. i must say, lift is fkn awesome!

  7. FK!!!! What else can go wrong today. Falling behind at work because I'm sick. My Injen CAI gets lost by USPS/Aus Post on its way to me. And now just slightly scraped the right underside of my front bumper!!! FKKKK. *Rage quit*

    1. dutchie101


      I guarantee you CAI will arrive mid late next week... If you scraped your front bumper already, better not get the TRD lip, you'll rip it off!! :D

    2. itsmehuey


      :( Is it exxy to fix the front bumper scrapage? It's not major. But is noticeable when you kneel down and feel the underside of the front bumper.

    3. itsmehuey


      oh and the reason it scraped was because I misjudged the curb when I was parking. So if I have the TRD front lip I'll be even ore cautious. Just got to figure out how to order one now..

  8. Friday needs to come faster.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. itsmehuey


      @Duy: lollll :P

      @Juvie: lollll. Don't remind me *looks at bank account*

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      as least my cars good mechanically... the panels... i dunno why they wanna go thru with me once more when they already been thru it with me last time... maybe they think i'm lying or something

    4. itsmehuey


      maybe cos you look shifty, Duy :P

  9. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips. gay bacon strips.

    1. DemonRolla


      jack daniels SAUWWCEE!

    2. cruzer


      tonight im the sauuwceeee bawsss

    3. itsmehuey


      Next time.. we eat Hondas.

  10. good weather for a nice big bowl of pho..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dutchie101


      Home made stock or packet/cube Cuong?

    3. itsmehuey


      lol I can't get my mum to make me one.. well.. I can.. but I don't live in Brisbane anymore :(

    4. itsmehuey


      home made stock with buffalo carcass D:

  11. got quoted $670 for Levin sideskirts (both sides plus the rubber seals for both sides). Does anyone know if I need to buy the clips for the install separately or should they come with it/already be on the car? I know that the two screws on the front mudguards I'll probably need to buy but the guy quoted me $7 for each clip and said I need about 18 of them???? wtf. Anyone know what I need for the install of the Levin skirts on an Ascent?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. master.Cuong


      huey under the side of ur zre there should be a black strip that runs front to back. under there u should be able to see like rectangle shape kinda clips u take them out and remove the existing black strip u then will use those clips to install with ur side skirt. Hope that helps

    3. itsmehuey


      ahh.. thanks Cuong. so I won't need to buy separate clips, but I will need to buy the screws that are required to secure them to the mudguard?

    4. master.Cuong


      yes you will need 2 screw of the front also get urself some double sided tape to stick onto the side skirt for it to stay in place. Im sure one of the melb zre boys will be able to help u on this!

  12. got the rear bumper.. just need to sand and spray now.. recommendations for places in Melb to get it done for a decent price and a decent job?

  13. got the rear bumper.. just need to sand and spray now.. recommendations for places in Melb to get it done for a decent price and a decent job?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. itsmehuey


      its OEM toyota bumper. I need to move the diffuser from my current bumper and the reflector lights too, onto the new bumper.

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      yeah they good with that. black cars are a bitch but they do the paint job well

    4. itsmehuey


      $300 cash price @ DT Panels in Springy.. can anyone do better?! :O

  14. grueling 2.5hr gym session done. fwuark.

  15. hates the sticky humid weather.. yuck.. but on another note, anyone had a look at the moon tonight?

    1. VF-X


      Missed it... Guess I hv to wait till 2014.. =/

    2. itsmehuey


      yeh me too, couldn't see sh!t with all the clouds :(

  16. Have decided on zee brake calliper colour :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. itsmehuey


      All in due time Mr. Duy.. Planning to wait a month or so to accumulate funds to get a number of mods done..

    3. itsmehuey


      m'eh.. spoil the surprise. gonna paint them gold. but won't be for another couple weeks though; as I said i'll be waiting for more funds to accumulate so I can get some more minor additions made to the car.

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      throw on a brembo sticker for +1 stopping powaaa!

  17. Hey, F you pollen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jeffy


      woo ~! hay fever immunity ! :D

    3. Kenshin X
    4. master.Cuong


      Like (Y)

      i hate pollen too ! :(

  18. High 'Rolla? More like, low 'Rolla..

  19. hmm.. looks like I'm going to be replacing the stock cat+resonator tomorrow with a high-flow cat.

    1. juvenile


      pics & specs too please :-)

    2. itsmehuey


      probably going for a catco but not sure what I should go for

  20. hmmm $870 for faclieft TRD front lip from RHDJapan shipped via FedEx? hrmmmmmmmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dutchie101


      GET IT!!!!!!!!!!

    3. itsmehuey


      lol but but... sideskirts :( Oh how I wish I was made of money

    4. pezzie


      haha GET IT! by the time you receive it, you'll have enough for side skirts :D

  21. hmmm.. is it normal for my engine to run hot even after i've installed my injen CAI? (yes I do fang it a little bit here and there but in moderation.. lol.) it runs hot enough that I can smell it. should I be worried?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. itsmehuey


      lol i'm pretty sure it was my engine, but could have been my brakes. agh.. can't tell for sure. just thought it would be my engine because that's where the heat was coming from.

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      u wanna smell brakes? go on the freeway drive til 100kmh and brake to 40 and do that 5 times. u will know what brakes smell like then :)

    4. itsmehuey


      lol. lovely, Duy.. very lovely.

  22. hmmm... sideskirts or WeaponR headers? fk...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. itsmehuey


      are the ZRE levin sx and levin zr sideskirts the same? just need to make sure I'm inquiring with the wreckers on the correct parts.

    3. RedSportivo


      who won now DUY ? sIDEskits FTW

    4. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      sx and zr skirts exactly the same.. also skirts imo

  23. Holy **** front tyres completely bald on the inside lol.. fkn need new rubbers

  24. Hopefully will get over this damn flu in time for my b'day this week -_-'

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