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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. What did the RA40 and RA60 run though?
  2. There's a member on OzCelica who has successfully fitted a 3VZ Camry V6 to his ST184.
  3. I'd actually argue that fuel filter and spark plugs are part of the "service" as they are consumable items that need to be replaced at regular intervals or as needed (same thing goes for brake pads/rotors etc) If I had to break it down, it would be thus: 1) Service = check and replace consumables if required (oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, spark plugs, leads, distributor cap, brake pads) = things which keep the car running 2) Tune-up = Diagnostics check, adjustment of timing, injector clean/flush, ECU flash/reset etc = things which will make the car run "better", but usually no physical replacement of parts (unless something has failed). Or to put it another way, things which get "used up" are replaced in a service, things which "degrade" get "refreshed" at a tune-up.
  4. Times like this I'm glad I got my return back 3 weeks ago...
  5. Hiro

    P Plate Legal?

    Feel free to be shocked at my 1997 Corolla having 335,000km on it and still running strong, even with the head never having been removed and still on original clutch (was on original brake pads until 280,000km too)
  6. I must say it does look better than I anticipated. Kinda reminds me of those boxes of Jila mints where you have the little red tear-off strip to open the plastic shrinkwrap around the white box of mints :P
  7. Hiro

    Hiro's AE102

    2 further additions to the Bedroom of Imminent Car Installation
  8. "Loss of power" is a very vague and loose term, and could apply to many different things caused by many other different things. If you want an informed response you should supply us with more details about the conditions, history and magnitude of the loss - ie is the car struggling up hills, does it only happen when cold, have you had it serviced lately, how long has it been happening, what was the last thing you did to the car before it started happening etc etc
  9. All seem reasonably valid. Clear gives maximum light penetration (or minimal light reflection/absorption) so good for night-time (as long as you know you're not going to get direct light in your eyes from on-coming traffic, which you probably wouldn't if you are wearing a helmet. Smoke is basically a tint so will cut the overall percentage of light transmitted and thus is good for direct sunlight and overall bright days. Mirror will deal with direct light too as you are reflecting a significant proportion of the light rather than transmitting it. And the yellow has been discussed before about dealing with glare (won't let you see further in fog though :P) reflecting off of rain drops and puddles, but only if you've got a significant light-source as well, so rainy-overcast mightn't be the best time to use it (works well for snow though)
  10. I wouldn't say it's that radical, more like Apple apps being official genuine Toyota and TRD aftermarket parts, and JB'ing allows you to use non-genuine accessories. Putting a Honda engine into a Toyota would be like taking an iPhone and trying to transplant the better screen from a Samsung Galaxy S for instance.
  11. Jacuzzi GP Team: McLaren Drivers: Webber, Hamilton Pole: Alonso Fastest: Webber Bit of a scattershot really, but Spa is one of those places where the powerful cars _should_ shine but the race is very unpredictable.
  12. Might be best posting this in the Hilux section rather than in the Audio/ICE section.....
  13. Hiro

    1jz vs 2jz

    Technically the 2JZ engine is only 1 year newer than a 1JZ (1JZ was 1990, 2JZ was 1991), and both were sold all the way though until the mid 2000s
  14. Hiro

    JOKES !!!!

    There's a punch-line in there somewhere? Either it's a good joke told poorly, or it's just a poor joke (I'm aiming for the latter).
  15. Hiro

    1jz vs 2jz

    Which model Supra? If it's a JZA80 then you're only going to get the 2JZ, if you want a stock 1JZ Supra then you're limited to the JZA70 (which aren't super common compared to the JZA80). Apart from that, they are pretty much identical as far as reliability and mod-ability goes, the 2JZ has more support but the 1JZ isn't left in the dark by far.
  16. Same thing with skiiers, it's to filter the glare, but has nothing to do with fog penetration/dispersion/scattering.
  17. Proven to be BS/old wives tale etc. It has more to do with illumination and the eye recognising differences in colour than it does actual penetration of the fog (all visible light penetrates fog the same amount, you need to increase wavelength massively (ie so it is the same order of magnitude as the size of the water droplets) for there to be any sort of colour-specific filtering/scattering effect. The purpose of foggies is to reduce the glare that is reflected back at the driver from fog as the light is dispersed at a different angle to that of the headlights. The yellow colour does a better job at reducing some of the blinding glare compared to white light when it is reflected from the moisture in the fog. Yellow light has the longest wavelength after red lights and that is why yellow foggies appear to cut through fog. The yellow hue is used as a saftey precaution as it is not as blinding as white foggies towards oncoming traffic. PS. Have you tried driving in the snow+low visibility with white foggies compared to yellow foggies? I find that yellow foggies does a better job. You missed the point of what I was saying. Visible light is roughly equally scattered by fog, no one wavelength works better than any other because they are several orders of magnitude shorter than the water droplets. If you ever see the phenomenon known as a "fog-bow" you'll notice that there isn't the separation of colours like a rainbow, because the light is being scattered evenly (with a rainbow you're actually getting reflection off the inside of the water droplet, which is significantly bigger than the droplets inside fog, and a different phenomenon). Yellow is also a universally recognised colour for "caution", remember that half the point of fog-lights is for other people to be able to see you What is correct in your post is the role that glare plays, however your basis behind it isn't exactly true. The whole phenomenon is best described HERE, from where the following quotes come I feel like I'm repeating myself here, because this was all covered in great detail in an earlier thread discussing this matter. Besides, fog lights these days are almost universally NOT yellow, as the theory behind their initial implementation with yellow light was not properly grounded in science (or not understood properly at the time).
  18. Picked up 2 JL 12" subs in a ported box and a Cadence mono-block amp to power them, for $400 Always said that I'd never go twin subs (not a hard-core bass fan), but JL are good and if it gets too much I can always swap them with the single 12" in the Celica (Cara is jealous that I've got more subs than her now anyway)
  19. y? It's the perspective of how you see the ground. Because the ground is closer to you you, it seems like it is moving quicker. Just like how when you are driving (or sitting passenger looking out the window) and the trees etc that are closer to the car appear to be flying by, whereas the trees etc that are further from the car seem to 'move' much slower. Basically the same idea, but in reference to the road. One fun way of playing around with that effect is to stand right up the front of a bus or coach (or other flat-fronted high-mounted cabin), and look at the road ahead of you, then slowly bring your head down to look closer to the front of the vehicle - because there is no bonnet to hide the fast-moving road, it can be quite trippy watching the road "accelerate" under you.
  20. Is the 2ZZ 6-speed box any stronger than the 1ZZ 5-speed anyway? At least in earlier series the general practice is to swap in an E-series box to replace the C-series when you go forced induction.
  21. Hiro

    Hiro's AE102

    There's a good hour or two worth of labour in there too remember, especially if they're colour-matching to the car, and with prep. Think of it like a timing belt, which costs about the same, but the belt kit itself only costs like $50.
  22. Hiro

    Hiro's AE102

    Vetting quotes as we speak, currently looking to be around the $2-300 mark
  23. Hiro

    Hiro's AE102

    2 more pieces completed in the puzzle, only 2 remaining :D One fresh-out-of-the-mould Genuine Toyota Parts AE101 FXGT front spoiler extension Said Genuine Toyota Parts FXGT spoiler extension added to FXGT front bar 1 Set of Genuine Toyota Parts FXGT front fog-lights I swear it follows you around the room.....
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