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Everything posted by alan.chalkley

  1. Welcome Joann :) Ask your local locksmiths , They might need to come to your Tarago. If they can't , try another locksmith until you find one that can. I have four Toyotas and Genuine Toyota key blanks are very expensive and require a locksmith to program and machine them anyway. Some locksmiths have aftermarket blanks that are very cheap and work just as well as the original. You should probably buy two keys in case one is lost again.
  2. Welcome Owen :) For an aftermarket replacement , try a few locksmiths. There is a new aftermarket fob coming to aus next month that clones two different access codes. Alternatively you could glue the broken one back together with bostick plumb-weld pvc pipe cement (from plumbing supplies / hardware stores). I use this often to repair broken plastic bits in electronics and also plastic spoilers and bumpers on cars.
  3. Electronics tech , Currently doing work that requires a 2F licence. These days we need a 2F licence to get a contract. I don't have time to service my cars , so I pay my mechanic.
  4. Welcome Kelvin :) The camrys are very reliable.
  5. Welcome Jon :) The camrys are very reliable.
  6. Welcome Mark :) Please post up a photo or two of your celica.
  7. Welcome James :) My 3 boys are grown up now , so I am getting back into sports cars.
  8. I live in Gladesville now , so I will come - but no challenge for me.I previously lived in Leichhardt for 26yrs.
  9. Welcome David :) My 93 2200 camry has done 360 000kms and still drives well.
  10. I went to the local locksmiths today and he told me about a new product that is due in aus next month. Its a fob with four buttons that can do remote open lock on two cars at once.
  11. my 2200 93 camry had this problem because it was only used for very short drives (less than 10km) , so we fitted a new 630 cca battery and it now works fine with the extra battery capacity. I checked the alternator charge rate with a multimeter and it is okay. However with the amount of rain and moisture at the moment , electrical drain on the battery is worse.
  12. Yes. I rarely use cruise control on any of my toyotas (only sometimes when I drive to another state) and it does not activate on the first try and needs up to 5 tries b4 it activates properly. I recently drove my 2003 V6 camry from sydney - tasmania - sydney and for the first five tries it would not activate and then worked well for the rest of the 5100km drive. Like aircon it needs to be used regularly to work properly. The japanese say this (translated) "use it or lose it". :)
  13. For me it was, A bathurst spec L34 torana. This thing was so wild it could lift the front wheels off the road. No nanny abs vsc air bags electronics rubbish in this beast. To drive this car , was to make sure you stayed focused on keeping in control , especially in the rain. Looking forward to the TRD 86 and STI brz .They look like they might be as exciting to drive.
  14. With extended warranties you really need to read the fine print. My celica came with a 3yr warranty , but it has a $1000 excess fee on all claims , so it might be worth it if I have an engine or transmission failure. Usually extended warranties are not worth the paper that they are written on.
  15. Welcome Adam :) I have a 93 2200 four cylinder camry ultima that has done 360 000 kms and still goes well. Also a 2003 V6 camry altise 120 000 kms with plenty of power. Both are reliably boring and boringly reliable,but good solid family cars to drive. The sportivo 2400 four cylinder is a family car with racy parts attached.Just like the wrx , but it's not fast like wrx.
  16. In the car park of the pre release motel. How many motels in Canberra?
  17. Has anyone bought the first TRD 86 that is sitting in Canberra?
  18. Welcome Jessica :) Congrats on a fantastic first car. My first car was a rusty hillman hunter.
  19. Just one more thing to check. The carby float/pin might be stuck. It can be dislodged by gently tapping the side of the carby with a piece of wood. I have started many old carby cars this way after they have been left while I was on holidays.
  20. Welcome Daniel :) We used to have a corona until it was written off in a hail storm. One day it would not start because the inlet manifold was loose as the bolts had fallen out. I got some replacement bolts from the wreckers and bolted it back up and then it started. It is not good to spray carby cleaner through the carby whilst the carby is still on the engine. Any gunk/rubbish dislogded will go into the engine. As the car was sitting around for a year , the petrol would be bad and possibly contains moisture. Also is there any water in the engine oil or oil in the radiator. This could indicate a blown head gasket. Check the spark plugs and leads with a multimeter. I hope this helps
  21. Welcome Luke :) I just got my 2004 corolla conquest back from the panel beaters.We think a truck bumped into it and dented the pillar around the windscreen.
  22. My 03 camry is a v6 auto and I recently did a 5100km drive from sydney to tasmania and along the great ocean road and back to sydney.It didn't miss a beat , but the tyres copped a hammering and It will need another set of tyres again. My 2200 93 camry has done 360 000 kms and my son won't give it back. They are tough cars and should last to 500 000 kms with regular servicing.
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