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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. nah... just get some Tism or Smashing Pumpkins cranking :)
  2. dude, you're getting carried away.... but nice work :) 999,585
  3. positive... just ask Bill ;) he's got the Celica 6th gear with the taller gearing.
  4. the ST245 has passed as well :D pity they only come in Auto though :(
  5. You assume correctly Jimmy... and yes it is a whole Pandora's Box scenario... that's the whole point :P
  6. Jimmy, how about you jump in Micky car and go for a drive at 110km/h and see the 3,400 RPM on there too :P
  7. I thought the ratio for 6th was similar to the 5th of the C56
  8. If so, then you should also be charged with negligent driving, another occasion of speeding, evading police, obstruction of justice etc etc. And if you've poured said 100 grand into your car, you would think you would be responsible enough with it so that people DON'T legally take it away from you. The fact your stakes might be high does not compensate for the act you are doing - that is almost on par with running from police after you murder someone in front of them!! What are you going to say in court: "...oh I'm sorry, but i had so much money in that thing that it wasn't viable to get caught"??? Wouldn't it have been more viable not to be a d1ck in the first instance? Do recall the offender in Redfern that ran from the police and killed his 2 mates in the passenger seats, after already stealing the car!! He and others then tried to blame the police for their deaths!!! Finally, a sensible judge - who did not condone police chases, btw - has laid rest to it. He ruled that Police were not to blame - and people (ie. him) need to start taking responsibility for their own actions! I don't agree with the car crushing - if only because i consider it a waste of resources. Why not just take the car, take off all the hoon parts, and sell the cars secondhand again? Still leaves the offenders without a vehicle and out of pocket...fine by me. I really don't wish to offend people, but seriously... If you get caught, it is because you have done something wrong. If you run, then you are acknowledging you have done something wrong. And yet, in full acknowledgment of your 'indiscretion' (read: crime), you would rather commit more AND risk multiple lives in the process - just so you don't get to see your precious little automobile get a little crushed. That is such a deplorable attitude to have Answer again: DON'T BE A DOUCHE ON THE ROAD you really don't know me that well, if you think I was talking about myself in that situation... lol I was talking about the mentality of those that do, do these things though. Yes it is stupid to run, yes it is stupid to even be in the situation where you would consider running... no I don't condone that activity...
  9. 999,687 I didn't even notice who posted them, I just did the next number :P
  10. put it this way... you have a 700kW Supra or Skyline that you have poured $100,000 into and you get caught having a street race, or doing some hellies in a back street... would you stop only to have your car that you poured your heart and soul and all of your savings + a sizable loan into get crushed, knowing that you 'could possibly' outrun the po-po?
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