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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. talk about the worst kept secret of all time :P I'm surprised he didn't do it straight after Monaco.
  2. I really wish they made them for the AW11... I would already have some if they did. :(
  3. yeah i agree ground rules are good and this would be a good opportunity for bec and sam to get that awesome pic of mr and msrola on the grass together. thats a classic shot!! Sam doesn't own MRROLA any more...
  4. October Long Weekend is Toyotafest in NSW and also the Toyota Car Club in Brisbane's annual show and shine.
  5. since Dan works at Dural Autobarn that's understandable ;)
  6. found another one... real cheap if someone wants to shell out for a test... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/00-01-02-03...sspagenameZWDVW
  7. Hope he's OK... haven't seen him on missing person's unit yet. Rob... can you please check in...
  8. we don't though... we refer them to twincam.org...
  9. at least the used the big, fat, heavy model as the base and didn't ruin any good cars :P
  10. I did the nasho/seacliff bridge for the first time in the MR2 on the way home from megacruise. definitely put a smile on my face :D I had a mostly clear run all the way as well, at 6:00 in the afternoon... it was awesome, into the sunset.
  11. the port design on the 1ZZ-FE is different so, no, they won't fit.
  12. Corey, could you add the new Headers list topic to that covered topic thread :)
  13. ... yes, but what ECU are they going to use for it...? I'm pretty sure that's where 1/2 of your $8000 is going ;)
  14. most importantly... how are you going to control and tune the duel VVTi?
  15. awesome :) The way I always wanted it to look but was too scared to do :P (stupid driveway) I see you haven't replaced the antenna yet...
  16. dude... K-mac springs are the worst... don't even get me started on how **** they are. they are not even captive in the strut on full extention
  17. well maybe someone should look into the balance of the vehicle with the different spring combinations and see the reasoning behind the spring design ;) not everything is about looks... but then again, I doubt Kings would have put that much time into it either :P
  18. I dare say the battery charge life has now halved due to lugging the extra weight...
  19. MR22ZZ


    I've studied/worked in the chemical industry for over 10 years now. I can't set foot into a lab without having safety glasses on purely by habit.
  20. ^^^^ Ben speaks the truth... no one likes a quitter.
  21. we have in no particular order... Hot Shot headers http://www.2kracing.com/product_info.php/c...roducts_id/2034 PPE 4-1 race headers http://www.newcelica.org/forums/showpost.p...p;postcount=202 OBX Racing header http://www.sparktecmotorsports.com/h10671s.html Weapon-R headers http://monkeywrenchracing.com/weapon_r_hea...ts_2000_02.html DC Sports headers http://monkeywrenchracing.com/dc_sports_he...celica_gts.html
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