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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. MR22ZZ

    Mk1 or Mk2

    you mean gen 1 and gen 2 right ;) MK1 is an AW11 MK2 in an SW20 the biggest difference between the gen 1 and gen 2 SW20s is the brakes which are larger on the gen 2 (which is post 94 I think) there are also generation differences with the engines but they are harder to tell from just looking ;)
  2. perfect opportunity to get an Exedy HD clutch. :)
  3. since you're in Qld, pay a visit to Road and Track http://www.roadandtrack.net.au/ They are MR2 specialists so may be able to help you out. You will need to know what you want before you go though, if you just rock up and ask what they can do you may as well hand over your wallet and bend over because you are going to be royally screwed... and that applies to just about any 'performance shop'
  4. they may have made good use of the reclining rear seats?
  5. Jase, I may also be worth setting the coilovers to full hard on the rear and soft on the front, for minimal squat and max traction to improve that 60 foot time.
  6. Needs a flange to be welded where they cut the exhaust off the cat. It's about a 20-30 minute job.
  7. that's not the point, it still takes 10 minutes to d/l them all on a regular ADSL line.
  8. maybe you can learn to resize your photos next...
  9. pay no attention to this man ^^^^^ listen to this one \/\/\/\/\/\/ A stock looking Paseo with a 4E-FTE would be a nice little sleeper.
  10. Jimmy told me that it was only you that does that simo :P
  11. Imagine how much more **** our roads would be if we didn't pay tax on fuel...
  12. yep, it's true :) There's this brand new invention called the bicycle. It's an awesome thing too. If you need to travel less than 10kms, it even gets you to work faster than peak hour traffic as well.
  13. dunno where that info came from ^^^^ I can think of more than 4 countries with cheaper fuel off the top of my head, but they are the main oil producing nations. I spend about $50 a month on petrol :P
  14. what fuel are you hoping to use with the 13.1 comp pistons?
  15. MR22ZZ


    He's from London dude, not Munich :P
  16. have they done a new vs old for the WRX yet... I can't wait for that. The new one is a load of bollocks. My dad said he had one as a loaner while his car was getting serviced and it couldn't even make it up the driveway. He also noticed the soft 'comfortable' suspension, and this is coming from a Outback owner...
  17. oi... what about the ones I took :P
  18. Man Clocked at 181 kmh TWO men will have their licences suspended after being caught speeding in the NSW Southern Highlands, south of Sydney. One of the men, driving an Alfa Romeo, was caught travelling at 181km/h in a 110km zone of the Hume Highway, near Mittagong, about 6.15pm (AEDT) yesterday. Police said the 26-year-old Burwood man has been issued with a traffic infringement notice, and will have his licence suspended. A second man from the ACT was caught travelling 169 km/h in a 110km zone of the Hume, also near Mittagong, and he, too, was issued with an infringement notice. Police said the 32-year-old, who was driving a silver Toyota Corolla, will have his licence suspended.
  19. Exactly what I said, the car it too low and the muffler caught on the speed hump. The force must have sheered off the bolts on the first flange.
  20. more like a write off at the auctions... that way it can still roll (sort-of)
  21. $2500 for an engine right? that's for just the engine though, I need harness, gearbox etc plus a few extra bits and pieces as well. Which is more like $4000 through King wreck. I'd rather buy a wreck and strip it down to be honest, that way I know I have all the bits I need.
  22. Bollocks Mick, you did that to copy me... ... I also had the same thing happen to my AEM, but not the melting part, just the deformed fins in the filter. I also put a Drift filter on as well... for $40 why not? :D
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