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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. yep, get the power steering fluid flushed and see if it helps things. You can do it yourself too, there are plenty of how too guides floating around the internet on what to do. The service manual actually covers it pretty well also.
  2. 1JZ can be a bit of a squeeze, but it can be done. 1G-GTE is by far the best bang for buck conversion for these cars, and has been done many, many times before.
  3. If these are ST205 calipers then this is an absolute bargain, and you may as well buy them to test fit anyway. Then just sell them if you can't make it work, you won't lose anything, trust me. Even for ST185 twin piston calipers this isn't a bad price, about what they go for anyway.
  4. MR22ZZ

    Timing Belt

    the timing belt needs to be removed to get to the water pump on the S series engines anyway, so it's stupid NOT to do it at the same time. Basically, the list that Keisari is the way to go.
  5. not to forget the other celica which also came in 4th in class and 16th overall...
  6. MR22ZZ

    Timing Belt

    Yep, it will be about $600-$1000 to replace the timing belt as it takes a long time. The belt itself isn't the main cost, the service time is.
  7. MR22ZZ

    Timing Belt

    it should have been changed at the 100,000 service, if it hasn't, I'd do it now. Generally they get replaced every 80-100,000 kms
  8. 5000 RPM was what I was pulling at WSID, and that was on street tyres.
  9. bah... like that matters... we'll just visit you at work :P come Dr D ..... u knw u want 2 ..... dont b soft :P :P :P ..... u can bring ur exa :lol: Not quite that simple. I'm in the process of replacing the bushes all round, and will be doing the front suspension struts as well. I've not got a lot of spare time at the moment so I'm not sure if the car will be ready for highway driving by then. I will have a better indication by Monday though.
  10. Gladiators? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=superbowl
  11. With superchargers you can change the pully sizes to change the boost levels, however there is of course a maximum that a charger can reach before things are spinning too fast.
  12. you know... that thing where the men in padding run around between the commercials.
  13. MR22ZZ

    The stig

    lol... maybe the American BIG Stig...
  14. I know the rotrex is not as responsive as your standard supercharger compressor, no idea about the sound of it though.
  15. I wonder if you could post some pictures of your car and engine bay... will give us a better idea what what's going on.
  16. I'm lost... can you please explain what's so great about it? All I can see is a whole mass of rice... I'd prefer the Blitz supercharged one any day.
  17. there's you problem right there... it appears to be broken...
  18. I may head out and smash some gears down the strip in 17 seconds of pure rage unleashing the astounding 62.6kW of 4A-GE powers my MR2 possesses... ... Then again I may just sit in the stands in the cold and take some pictures :P
  19. MR22ZZ

    Mk1 or Mk2

    nope, not that I know of anyway. There may be subtle changes through the years but I haven't really looked that closely
  20. KMart FTW!!! just get a cheap 7 foot Jervis Walker combo set.
  21. MR22ZZ

    Mk1 or Mk2

    I think it was in 1994 and onwards that got the better brakes
  22. MR22ZZ

    Mk1 or Mk2

    no... there ARE 2 versions of the SW20... the later has a better brake package. they are designated in MR2 circles as Gen1 and Gen2... MK1 and MK2 correspond to chassis changes.
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