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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. Note the disclaimer on the 141kW this time <_<
  2. You have a CAI right? check the hoses that need to be sealed following removal of the old box and install of the CAI are all sealed properly... Don't ask me to assist though as I do not have CAI... yet ;), though I'm sure plenty of other can help you out though
  3. Precicely... The only you need to be is a Toyota Enthusiast, we have plenty of non-toyota owners on the boards too!!!!
  4. mud *I was hoping for jelly ........ wrestling*
  5. yeah, there's no need to YELL!!! :P But seriously, we were helping you out, the thread I referred you too, like Shao stated if just a few lines down on the forum, but the title did not refer to the problem directly so I though you may have over looked it (I know I did when I looked for it remembering that someone asked the same question) so I used the Search function for 'gearing' and guess what was at the top of the list... the thread I was looking for... It does take a bit to get used to the forum, and the right things to look for. We were simply helping you out to settle in by giving a few pointers from what I can tell. But hope you can stick around and get to know us, we are a friendly bunch really :D as I'm sure you'll realise soon if not already... Cheers Dylan
  6. Blech!! thats wrong in so many ways man, its a sausage skin full of congealed pigs blood, when you fry it you make a very big pig scab ← I hear black-pudding, I think ekky-thoomp... :P *one for the Goodies fans*
  7. Hope you have a great time over there Bill... be sure to bring yourself back some unique bits for your car too ;) . One of my cousins mates managed to pack a WRC high-mount rear wing for his 206 GTi into his suitcase to ship back when he was over there I expect no less from you... :P
  8. 2 new posts added to help aliviate the boredom late at night... Also a thought, a joke sticky would be good for ppl to add the latest and greatest... though I guess they have to be car related to be in this forum area :P
  9. MR22ZZ

    3 work story

    a fast car... *I guess I'll have to do this myself if no one will play :P*
  10. following the quick sucess of the word association I'll now introduce the 3 word story... The way this one works is it starts with 3 words, then 3 words are added to follow then 3 more words, etc, etc, etc until a story is formed :D OK There once was...
  11. metal *could have chosen the obvious but chose to get off that line of thinking :P*
  12. someone else just asked this topic the other day.... Other posted topic!!!
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