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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. PETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Mate... we NEEEEEEEEED your car for Toyota Fest on Sunday :)
  2. yeah that was funny... come out of the carpark everyone knew to follow me on my 'special route' but then everyone comes on the CBs going... hey isn't the M4 to the left ... bah, what fun is the M4? ;)
  3. I had the same experience at a Subaru dealer in Adelaide, The same dealer I serviced my old car with for 2 1/2 years and that my parents had bought both their cars from... I test drove Hondas fine, Peugeouts fine, Citroens fine, Mazda/Protons fine, Holdens fine, Nissans fine... then settled on the Toyota. It was just this prick Subaru dealer that didn't want a bar of me...
  4. I suppose if every1 buys 4, then we only need 12.5 group buyers, is that right? no because the rears are a different design to the fronts
  5. sure can, it's free for the general public to browse through :)
  6. MR22ZZ

    Hiro's AE102

    nice looking car, nice of you to make it here Hiro :D
  7. Ye saw the same car on seven hills road. Its like a cosmic blue echo color. yeah that guy is a mate of Sunny's I think, He came out to one of the meets
  8. most people only want fronts unfortunately... but I'm with you Dave, I want all 4 too.
  9. man that would beat the many conference calls over Bill's phone I think you can only do that with 2 people, not on a conferecne
  10. yeah... pimp the VAN!!!! that would be awesome!!!!
  11. To be perfectly honest Mish, if he stops there, no harm done, he's done the 2 best mods available for the money ;)
  12. nope, I'll be having an early night then coming back up in the morning. It's just a Toyota Show but the variety of models there will be second to none, well worth a visit even if you don't enter your car.
  13. yes... the more the merrier, your car doesn't need to be a showcar to enter, just be clean and tidy.
  14. what Jump Mish? see this thread... http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=7380
  15. what you need is Badger power@!!!!!
  16. The way I saw it was in regard to Corey posting... he's 'sick of people jumping on the CES bandwagon' In a literal sense wouldn't people jumping on thier bandwagon be a good thing for CES and as such encouraged by various people here. That's all I saw from it... just correcting some confusion that came from that statement.
  17. It actually feels really good to go bald for a while. Kind of liberating. I don't recommend doing it over winter though...
  18. there's also a differnce in choosing to be bald and male pattern baldness
  19. 25 people = 50 rotors ie 1 production run...
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