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Everything posted by rollagrl

  1. honestly dont get em painted, powder coat em cos it will last heaps longer
  2. hey guys, am home now. was great 2 meet some of u guys in preson, thanks 4 coming out 2 say hi 2 me and thanks 2 craig 4 arranging it all.. hopefully ill have my babe down next time...... :D
  3. dont get cross drilled unless u wanna be pickin out bits of brake pad all the time :P
  4. most of the globes have rubber things over them that like like condoms anyways go 2 autobarn or somewhere like that and they should have them, i could only get 5mm 1s and they were 2 big 4 some of the bulbs so i just put em over the greens 1s, looks ok
  5. ok y take out the surround 4 ur stereo, once theat is out go 2 the mouldind around ur gear knob put ur fingers under it were it meets the cup holder, like get ur fingers underneath it and gently pull it up it should unclip. now go 2 the top of the climate control and gently pull it 2wards u the top should unclip when it does move ur hand down 2 unclip the middle/bottom clips. wwhen its un cliped genlty un plug the 3 (i think) plugs at the back and whoala! hope that made sense, once uve done it a few times..... as i have its a piece of cake! hope thats helps
  6. once u have the climate control out there are about 6 screws and it also clips in but be careful cos there is a ribbon cable there that comes out easily, then u should be able 2 see the things 4 the bulbs... hope that makes sense
  7. i did mine my self and put different mesh in, but the paint had a reaction and now up close it looks like crap (Danthuyer, this is an old pic ok)
  8. What work you getting done? ← if u really want 2 no pm me
  9. my car goes in 4 some work next friday, either my father or myself will be yaking it in and havin a talk 2 the service guys, ill let yall no how i go
  10. yep especially in light of all the recent crashes, and we cant say it happens at the drags or on the track cos toyota will probably grab our warranties and tear em up, not that the warranties are doing much 2 help us
  11. Nah, Wollongong first and all you in queensland should come along too ← nobody cares bout me :(
  12. i love adsl....... looks like u boys had a great day, wish i couldve come down :(
  13. atm coal chamber, usher, ozzy, i really listen 2 everything
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