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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Well it'll be interesting to see how you go against all my mates in the class dominated by the mighty VW's :)
  2. Priorities mate. C'mon leave her at home like I am :P If you get really desperate we'll put Azza in a dress for you
  3. Unless you have a contact overseas you won't get a discount out of TRD here in Australia. Hell they only offer 5% for trade(businesses) if you place a big enough order.....
  4. Well I guess when Shao run his car on the dyno then took the rear muffler off and got the same reading from memory confuses all listed theories here. Lordworm seems like a hell of a lot of time and money to gain that elusive 1/10 of a sec to qualify for drag meets with a 14.99 cut off from memory. Buy a stock Sportivo and spend $1500 on intake and headers and run 14.3 hey Dylan
  5. Queensland members we will be driving down to Sydney in convoy as there will prolly be at least 5 or more of us going.
  6. Sorry can't make this one as the Mini Jam is on that weekend and am involved with my regular crew chief duties. :D
  7. the Silvabullit and JC will be attending representing Sportivo Central
  8. This Thread is now closed. Poll will now go up with voting to commence on Forum Stickers. the one iwht the most votes will be our new forum Sticker. :D
  9. Firstly let's keep this as the TOCAU national meet and not a free for all invite to other forums and clubs. If you want to party then go ahead but remember most of us are driving from interstate and will need to get some sort of rest to enjoy the hectic pace of sight seeing and also mountain drives and just generally meeting everyone and looking at each other's cars. If we all go to dinner somewhere then we can all hang out and talk up each others car but I won't for one be out till early hours as I want to make the most of the 2 days or so I'll be in Sydney and do everything that is on offer event wise.
  10. I'd take a Civic over the Mazda any day. better build quality than the Mazda and has the potential with wheels etc to look really nice. Besides Mazda SP23's are all over the place and are all modified in the same way....different wheels and that's about it. I'd take a Civic over the Mazda any day. better build quality than the Mazda and has the potential with wheels etc to look really nice. Besides Mazda SP23's are all over the place and are all modified in the same way....different wheels and that's about it.
  11. Keep the desgins coming guys cause what we will do is close this thread on Sunday 4th March and then we will vote in a poll on which design will become our new Logo/url address.
  12. Could be an intersting match up between a turbo Sportivo and a Supercharged Celica in Brissy soon.... :D
  13. Then why do you keep comig back for Jason????? there's only so much Spamming you can do on "twinspam.com.au" so you look for other places :P the name of the Forum is TOCAU and that is what it will be staying as......
  14. you're catching up to me private tubby!!!!(and any smart comments and labour charges at Sportivo central will go up LOL) Happy 7th and a bit birthday mate. Now is it today or tomorrow???? Seeing as you were born on a leap year....:)
  15. Be a bit more specific as to what you are looking for....
  16. Us mods have been bantering this idea and the logistics involved for a while now. Finding the date to do it is the hardest one to start with plus it will take a few of the Sydney members to put their hands up and help out with some serious organisational issues like accomodation, itinerary etc etc. It would be pretty hard for us here in QLD and those from VIC etc to try and organise as we don't know the place. Hell the furtherest south I've been is Bathurst and that took 12 hours towing a race car.(man that was painfull) Some my suggestion is this; NSW mods will have to take control of this with the help of some other members and then the mods in the other states will then organise their groups to to make the trek to Sydney. I am happy to try and help from my end but as I said I don't know Sydney from a bar of soap so if you have the local knowledge then put it to good use and help out!!!!! Personal preference for me is Queens birthday long weekend. It's still 3 odd months away :D
  17. To be honest mate most of us steer clear of the Spit on the weekend due to the large number of Police cars marked and unmarked present in the area. Plus the traffic is just ridiculous. We would prefer to go down there on a Saturday night for a nice drive then stop somewhere away from all that. Don't get me wrong we love a cruise to the Goldy but Sunday arvo traffic at the Spit combined with Sunday driving Volvo's and the like makes for a frustrating drive in bumper to bumper traffic.
  18. Mate if you want to swap pre facelift trim with facelift PM me as I might know someone willing to do a deal
  19. Well I guess then someone will have to be the guinea pig on this one. :P And no I won't be putting my hand up as my exhaust works just fine. :D
  20. 100% right there Rob. TOCA is the US site. We have to have the AU part as we are the Australian site. Here's the design that nearly all of the Qld members are using.... This size costs $10 for me to get made.
  21. Could also be the shifter cables themself as my gearshift got really stiff to the point of hardly being able to change gears at all. Both my shifter cables were broken and was due to a service dept fixing my shifter rattle by zip tieing the cables to the brake lines on the fire wall away from the heat shield thus running the cables through a severe angle and causing them to break.
  22. Sportivo is cable not wire. Northy and JC have cruise control fitted to their cars and both are different brands that work well. PM either of them for more info as they'd be happy to help out :D
  23. Mate it's a Volkswagen not a missin Nissan..... VW's are built to last unlike disposable Nissans and the like....
  24. Well lets just say that I have waited 20 years(longer than some of you have been alive) for the Bullets to have a legit crack at a championship and now it's almost here!!!! They beat the Sydney Kings tonight in game 2 of the semis to advance 2-0 in the best of 3 games 93-87. It was 2 ex Kings players that did the damage (CJ Bruton and Ebi Ere) giving Brisbane a shot at a title at long last and extending their winning streak to 20 straight games an NBL record. The fact that I hate the Kings and their coach with a passion made this just that much sweeter!!! Bring on the winner out of Melbourne Tigers/Cairns Taipans... we're waiting Lets go BULLETS
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