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Everything posted by trentmeyer23

  1. It should work provided you have the correct tachometer/shift light. It simply cuts the supply from the negative side of the coil.
  2. Closed. Duplicate thread. Please only create one thread per topic.
  3. Have you, or are you able to get your hands on a fuel pressure gauge/test kit and check the fuel pressure?
  4. I could be wrong; but, I don't think it has those anymore.
  5. PM will be the best way to contact him, otherwise you will just have to wait it out until he replies. I would also not expect his car to be as modified as it is in his thread.
  6. Are the injectors new or used? Genuine of aftermarket? Definitely the correct ones for that series engine? Are you able to switch back to the old injectors and retest if you have not done so already? The pinging would likely be triggering the knock sensor and telling the ECU to retard timing. Assuming it is backfiring into the exhast and not the intake, it would appear the extra fuel and retarded timing is causing the backfire.
  7. That is because you have used all of your allocated storage space via the forum upload feature, which is not alot. You will need to use a photo storage website like Photobucket or similar and then post the link here.
  8. Have you had the distributor leads off at all? When/how did this all start happening? Were you doing maintenance? Were you just driving along? A bit more background info would be helpful.
  9. The Toymods forums may also be of assistance to you. They tend to have a bit more of the older Toyotas.
  10. TE1 and E1 will revert to base timing with no advance or retard. In regards to the process and specs, your manual is correct. It matches with the Toyota factory service manual. Is the vehicle doing anything odd, giving you reason to play with the timing?
  11. Does the hybrid have the button next to the shifter, to disengage the gearbox shift lock when the car is switched off?
  12. Throwing parts at a problem rarely works. The art of diagnosis is disappearing.
  13. Most performance/tuning workshops will have one. Some 4x4 diesel perfornance places will as well. Otherwise known as a dyno. Just make sure they have the rolling road type and not the hub dynos.
  14. What diagnosis have you done to prove it is getting all of those things? If it had all of those things at the correct time it should start.
  15. Not that I know of. It sounds like it could possibly be timing chain related, potentially the tensioner. Maybe a hydraulic lifter issue. There are places to have a look at least.
  16. Might be worth getting some time on a chassis dynamometer. This will allow the drivetrain to get up to speed and also allow the technician to closely inspect the components in a safe/controlled environment.
  17. I used to have these sizes, but I seem to have thrown the piece of paper away. I just bought a universal kit off eBay; however, there was no clutch disc anvil the same size. I solved that by wrapping a heap of layers of tape around it. Worked a treat.
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