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Everything posted by lucio_libre

  1. Ok, so we have.... 1. Lucio 2. The Missus 3. Bigbum 4. gOODbOYz 5. E-Gene 6. E-Gene's Friend (S13 200SX) 7. HDACHE 8. omn1potent 9. spec_black 10. Danz 11. MotoMan 12. 1ZZ-FE 13. 2fST4U 14. Teknoman 15. Chompies (Arrive at around 12-1pm) 16. eddy_torrezz 17. Pecker 18. KEEVERS (Astra c/- OpelAus/HDACHE) 19. InsaneAsylum (c/- OpelAus/HDACHE) 20. FlySRi(Astra TURBO c/- OpelAus/HDACHE) 21. Bob (Triumph Spitfire c/- OpelAus/HDACHE) 22. Sparks (Astra c/- OpelAus/HDACHE) 23. Flameboy (Mazda 3 SP23) 24. BanGn 25. Jarred(Mirage turbo) 26. TPJ (Mazda3) (Arrive at around 12-1pm) 27. CityEnd (Mazda) 28. BlkZR (05 Celica) 29. Tom (Mazda 6) 30. Loc (Nissan Exa Turbo) 31. negatron 32. Turblue (Astra Turbo c/- OpelAus/HDACHE)(maybe) 33. Peekay(Tuned Honda Euro) Pay on the day, rock up early then you get a run :) im sure there will be more than 30 cars. I will print out the list, and we go from there. Should we have a draw on who is going up?like a raffle?all names in a hat :)
  2. I will be there before 9 am, i will have a printout of who is coming and who has paid, etc, so theres no confusion. 1pm is fine Dan. I know youv'e been saying youre a goodie goodie, so we respect all religions and beliefs, :)
  3. I have been running Mobil Synth S, or Castrol Magnatec. If youre going to change every 5K youre wasting your cash on Fully synthetic, besides the fully synthetic is too thin. I once used castrol Type R, the car revved much faster but was idling different and it had lost power ;) .
  4. Since we have quite a few different makes and categories, can you guys provide some suggestions of what categories to have. I would say 3-4 categories tops. Im thinking 1.BEST STOCK COROLLA 2. BEST MODIFIED COROLLA 3. BEST TURBO 4.BEST N/A MODIFIES INCLUDES ONLY ENGINE MODS, LOWERING ETC NOT CONSIDERED A DYNO MOD.
  5. What you really need is for CES to make you a custom one :P
  6. HOOON!!!!!!! I love it...thats just the Injen though, no exhaust, and you didnt land lift 1-2 either :P
  7. If everyone on the list turns out, were pretty much booked, onlookers are always welcom. I will print out the list on the day, and when you rock up, you will just tick it so we know whose there. It will ne like a roll call :P
  8. Remember guys, this is not a modding comp. With soo many cars i doubt you have time to change parts and do runs separately, but we will see on the day.
  9. Might need the pepper and tweezers to find it first ← Its gona have to be one big pair of tweezers :P might have to get CES to make me a custom pair stainless steel :P
  10. No need for water, just unzip the fly and ***** on it.
  11. Blast from the past. Yes, there is! A set-up similar to the TRD/Brash Brothers/CES system, when it comes down to it; and R&D research; who cares, its just a quality built pipe! Talking to a few exhaust places, they claim that our set up is very good and efficient, and the only thing that you should do is get a more free-flowing/performance based catalyct converters. Apart from that, the rest is looks and noise. ← I had that too mate, they look at me like wtf would you wanna swap this system, most of them cant believe how good it is for stock. Did I hear a Vtec noise in here?? :D :P
  12. Exactly my friggin point, when they first brought it out and i said its too expensive everyone was busting my chops coz its custom made etc etc. and not many brought it. Its not a world famous brand, its a local exhaust shop that gets into sports exhausts, im sure they didnt spend that much time developing. I just dont see the value in it, but hey thats just me , and a few others i think ;) . And Danthuyer if i was rolling around in millions i wouldnt get one, the issue is not money or how many car I own, the issue is bang for your buck. Like sportiv said, hes on a tight budget, doesent make sense for him to spend soo much on an exhaust. What you guys dont suggest is another alternative which I am trying to research, but its hard when everyone with a CES exhaust is soo secretive about it like its the shiet, which im sure it is, but thats not behaving in a community forum way, and you guys suck . Some of you dont know details etc, but some that have techincal info never mention it. I expect some blasts so bring em' on!!!
  13. I guess i just dont want something made in Queensland being flogged off by you ever since you signed on the forum :) surely you must be getting some comission from this a muffler is about $300, the rest of the system can be easily copied, its a 2.25 inch stainless, the muffler is the tricky part.
  14. I agree Northy, but I personally wouldnt be spending that much for it. Then id have to get it shipped down here and installed, would easily set me back close to $1,300. Can get one done here for half the price, im just waiting to see when Magnaflow bring out their system. our system is more than adequate, its the muffler than needs replaced.
  15. Yep, and i would never spend over a grand for an exhaust system.
  16. Not to mention the friggin ridiculous price which keeps another shi*load of people from getting it ;)
  17. I think the Audio comp is self organised, just make your own doof doof, its an industrial area so should be allrite for noise.
  18. Yeah it does slow you down I noticed too, but i only use it on a 2-3 shift where it makes no difference.
  19. You and your cruises :D I went to see the place myself, spoke to Simon, pretty cool guy, specialises mostly in Nissans, so heres our chance to show him some sportivo power :D . The prises include Free synthetic oil for most powerful car and other stuff that will be given out on the day. PS: No need to call him, if you have any queries pm me or give me a call on 0423 084 959. We will try and run alll the corollas at the same time, all the astras at the same time and the RWD at the same time as they have to change the dyno around.
  20. I found a little trick in my Corolla. Hit the rev limiter in every gear and you land in lift all the time. I guess every car is different, but this works for my car 100%. It always lands at 6400-6600.
  21. Looks good mate, how much did it frop 40mm??
  22. I can make it if its early in the day. BTW Tony were you in the Vic market area on Friday afternoon?
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