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Everything posted by Madrox

  1. Madrox


    all new cars from the car yard come with 35%. we have 12 different films that are all 35% but all look differant. f1 is 35% both bolle is 35% midnight express is 35% security film is 35 tint conidtioning is 35 ashcool is 35 motor one is 35 3 year is 35 sunsmart is 35 street legal is 35 eminem is 35% teh list goes on. but they all look differant have diff warranties, darkness is diff, protection is diff. midnight express has charcol in the film so it appears as dark as 20% but is still legal.
  2. i have only ever seen one on the road in north qld. and have only heard of one other in aust. it will be hard finding anyone here with any iformation about this car. post up some pics of the whole car please. lol imho i really dont like the look of these cars. they remind me of fiat's. interesting to look at.
  3. sydneyrollaclub.com mainly ae92's and ae82's.
  4. "the vodaphone you have called has incoming call restriction activated, please try again later" its to give credibility and the other number is a residential number.
  5. at work we must dial 0 to get an outside line. once the call is connected though we can push whatever we want and it won't disrupt the call.
  6. engines are like 8 grand or something. for double that price you can pick up a sportivo. and i think you could sell your car for more than 8 grand. plus u dont have to worry about putting the engine in yourself
  7. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/07/04/1057179142856.html an article from smh in 03 disspelling the myth
  8. What the warning letter floating around the Net doesn't say is that this scam only works on telephones where you have to dial 9 to get an outside line. Unless you have to dial 9 to get an outside line at home, this scam does not affect residential telephone users. Dialing "nine-zero-pound" on a residential phone will only give you a busy signal. That's it. On some business phones, however, dialing "nine-zero-pound" may transfer a call to an outside operator and give the caller the opportunity to call anywhere in the world and charge it to your business' phone bill ... maybe. It all depends on how your business' telephone system is set up. If your company doesn't require you to dial 9 to get an outside line (for example, if you have a direct outside telephone line on your desk or if your company's phone system requires you to dial a number other than 9 to get an outside line) the "nine-zero-pound" scam does not affect you. Also, if your company's phone system is set up so that you cannot make a long distance call once you have accessed an outside line (a lot of companies now limit all outside lines to local calls only), the "nine-zero-pound" scam does not affect you either. The "nine-zero-pound" story only affects those businesses that require you to dial 9 to get an outside line and then place no restrictions on who or where you can call once you get that outside line. And, just to be anal-retentive, let me say one more time that, unless you have to dial 9 to get an outside line at home, this scam does not affect residential telephone users.
  9. dude for a 14 yr old he is bloody good.
  10. same thing happens with chika's car that happens with mine. highly improbable that we both got a bad batch of fuel. the problem doesn't get worse. ill explain mine. i start on a flat road at 7am in thhe morning in sydney. not too cold. turn the car on and 10 seconds later i am in first accelerating normal and easing out the clutch. the car starts to splutter a bit and the revs drop down low. it continues doing this moving at about 8k's an hour for about five seconds. i put my foot down a bit harder and absolutly nothing changes. push the clutch in a little more rev up 2500 and let out the cluch while increasing the revs and off she goes. drive 500 meters to a give way sign. stop and start in first again just like normal and she runs how shhe should. no problem after 1 min of driving. even today on a 38 degree day when the car temperature dial was just about to bounce upto 40 it still happened after sitting still for 6 hours. didn't happen when i bought the car off mark and mish 4 months ago. but it is now. i have changed nothing to the engine and it has only done 8000 more k's with a service chucked in there.
  11. **** man that was unreal. but pointless
  12. am i suposed to take it off? its up to you. it is not illegal to take it off. imo i think its just silly looking and shouldn't be left on there. each to there own i guess.
  13. beautiful color mate. nice looking car.
  14. please tell me that u photo shopped that fuel consumption sticker onto the car and that it is not still really there.
  15. same thing happens to mine. i went over it in the echo cold start thread. still dont know what the problem is.
  16. i cannot do it. mark did it on the test drive a couple of times but i have been unable to do it yet.
  17. spotted bill i think down south on sunday. not to sure though. waved to you if it was.
  18. Carjackings, muggings etc happen to you every few months? It might be time to change your name or something... unfortunately this sort of stuff has become part of society here in sydney ..... thats exactly right. i do not get targetted because of who i am, i dont even know the people and the dont know me. being on the road most of the time around the innerwest and southwest late at night i am followed at least once a week. i am usually driving other peoples cars during the day round these area's and seeing me driving a s5, bentley or whatever around punchbowl gets some pretty strange looks. esp as i am australian. i usually either try back streets or drive straight to the cop shop. and yes i have been pulled over while doing it and it resulted in them being arrested and me getting a pay rise from work :P. i dont do outrageous speeds if i dont need to. i am 20 and can go for my opens and still have not lost a single point for speeding offences.
  19. i would rather get pulled over for being over the limit then getting my car jacked by people. soemtimes you need to speed up to avoid people and so forth.
  20. more than likely early chrissy prezzy remember he is only 10 years old RAV3R Advanced Member 10 years old Male Western Sydney Born June-2-1998
  21. fancy adding some info and pics of you car??
  22. gps systems do lie though. mine says 220 kmph on mine. i havn't put it over 170 yet. but yes i am usually 5-15k's over all the time. but not in school zones or red light camera zones. sometimes we all do stupid stuff though when we get caught in the moment. myabe once every few months i might double or triple the speed limit late at night trying to get some where or get away from someone. 4 cars trying to box you in isn't fun
  23. no he isn't. i know him through work. we tinted his windows a couple of times.
  24. have driven this car. is a beast. he used to own a 350z but sold it for the TRD
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