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hey guys

i'm sorry if this is a repost... i couldnt find it anywhere...

i was thinking about getting twin varex mufflers for my trd, so i was doing some searching around last night and found this video...

it convinced me straight away... :D hahaha

anyway.. enjoy...


It sounds even better in person :) , I was the one that took the vid at a meet. The car belongs to Darius.

Posted (edited)

yeah... ignore me... i just found the thread with the links in them... :ph34r:


helps to spell properly when you do a search... :lol:

EDIT: i still had problems spelling... hahaha

Edited by SecaBoy

Haha - its all good, I reckon they deserved their own thread anyway. You should get them and post clips of them on your beast.

Posted (edited)

before doing it, you better ask Darius if it is good to get this mod done, from the Meet section, i read that Darius had some issue with this system..

Loss in power? Emission? i forgot.. not sure..

By the way, you are modding a AUD50k+ car, are u sure you are doing it the right way?

Even a small air intake mod, i spent aud600+ and tat's a good friend's price. BUT i made sure it definately helps some performance.

btw, nowadays, I THINK the ECU has a self-learning system, the first week when i mod it, the air suxked in is a seriously too much, meaning the petrol consumption is also scary. Also i push it too, to test if the mod really helps...

After 2 weeks, it starts to be less "aggressive". Petrol consumption is lowered too. Which is under normal driving.

I still need time to test it, according to my mechanic, if i drive aggressively for continuous like 1-2days, the ecu will start adapting it and allowing more air to actually going in...

Everything has to be done/tested slowly/carefully..

p/s: i m not sure if tat is the ECU learning, but there is a system which is doing something... not sure wat it is called..

Edited by dannywss


thanks for the heads up...

i'll send him a PM...

in terms of modding a 50k+ vehicle... i dont see any harm in these varex mufflers...

when the valve is shut, i'll be in a situation where i dont want to be thrashing the car anyway.....

so the lack of power when the valve is shut is really completely irrelevant..


I remember Darius having emission problems, but that was because the cat was taken out, but performance increased. When they put back in there was a loss in power but I dont remember if it was a loss or gain from the stock setup.


easiest way, there is a dyno run soon in Vic, Darius, lets join, see if wat we have done to the car, and if there is any improvement :yahoo:


You going to dyno day? I didnt see your name on the list. I would be interested in seeing what minor mods do to the engine. I wonder exactly how restrictive all those cat converters really are.


i m really thinking to join in too.. but with just a CAI, i think its a bit boring aurion hay? and i will b the only one with a sedan:unsure:

Secaboy n Darius, interested to join?


mate, if i was in melbourne, i'd definitely come along and put the car on the dyno...

but its a bit far from sunny qld to drive just for a dyno day... :lol:

if anyone talks to darius, could you please point him in the direction of this thread? i'm interested to know his thoughts on these mufflers... :)




Yes Dyno it first, see the power curves, As said earlier posts you can lose low end and gain peak. But if your after sound then by all means, seen the vids and sounds mean.

For the TRD being forced induced probably more beneficial...

  • Like 1

yeah, to be honest, the only reason i'm looking at changing the rear mufflers is to release the "REAL" beefy sound that the car should be making...

i unbolted the rear mufflers this morning and started the car to see how loud it would be and, well, um....... HOLY CRAP!!!

the sound was so so so sweet... but you'd go deaf if you drove around with it being that loud all the time... or maybe i'm just getting older... lol

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Posted (edited)

secaboy, from the look of your bumper, how are you gonna bolt tat Varex muffler on? i think u got more job to get it done neatly hey?

you arent old, i tried that too, and i believe it will b damn stupid to sound like that..and lolz, po po will hunt you down..

p/s: i have decided to get 1 side done. while for the other side, just cut the original tip and join a very similar looking tip. anyone hv suggestion if i should or shouldnt do it?

Edited by dannywss
Posted (edited)

for those that haven't seen the TRD up close and personal, i'll let you guys in on a little secret.....(this is my one pet hate of this car!)

the exhaust pipes arent actually connected to what you see on the rear bumper...

those funky "exhaust pipes" you see, are just for looks...

disappointing i know... :(

so as long as the space under the car is enough to fit the varex muffler, then it'll fit no problems... :)


you can kinda see in this picture that the exhaust isnt connected to the bumper...


Edited by SecaBoy

OMG!! lolz, i m soo sorry, i thought it is actually connected... fuk.. tat's soooo... &*%#^**#*)@

wtf is toyota doing?

if i were you, i will ask someone to mould it together very soon.


Not only do they not connect, the opening does not properly align with the positioning of the exhaust.

I have seen a number of TRD Aurions where the bottom portion of silver highlight on the rear bar of the exhaust opening has turned black!

Having seen what Darius has done and the size of the (exiting) exhaust pipe on those Varex cannons, I think you may need to cut out that section to fit the cannons and ensure that it will not turn black.


Having seen what Darius has done and the size of the (exiting) exhaust pipe on those Varex cannons, I think you may need to cut out that section to fit the cannons and ensure that it will not turn black.


hrm.. from the look of the picture again, i think varex wont suit trd rear bar.. turning black, too big, and definately ugly, coz that canon is huge! any driver behind will see the half uncovered canon.. which is funny..

best way, go to a muffler shop, try 1 on.


nah, no way i'd get the cannons... i'd be going for the oval ones... and i'm lead to believe that they are shorter in height than the cannons...

but yes, my car now has black shi*t all over the rear bumper exhaust ports... looks fuqn ghey... :(

so it really wont matter what kinda muffler i put behind the rear bar... as long as it fits... :)


Hey guys... sorry about the lack in replies!

I've been away for a while!

Nice to see that my car+mods have a fan!

I'll most likely be at the dyno day guys!

The only downside to what i've done is the increase in fuel... I'm not sure what that's due to...

could be due to a increase in back pressure... you can always close the valve to save fuel... I don't know how that works... but it seems to do the job.

There is a performance increase though...

Seca, You might have a loss in power with what i've done seeing as yours is a supercharge... You might need a highflow cat so that you retain back pressure, i'm not sure... talk to an exhaust specialist about it... alternatively you can just do what i've done for now... try to gauge for yourself whether there's an increase or loss in power...

As for the exhaust, if all you do is change the muffler... then you won't get that sound that you hear from the clip!

I've also taken out other stuff, (pm me if you want to know what exactly) and put a straight 2.5 inch pipe through.

With just the cannons you barely hear anything... the resonator does too good a job!

With your TRD, i'm pretty sure you'd still be able to fit cannons, you just won't be able to see them coz your ur bumper!

You might not get the sound you want from ovals though...


I THINK, cannon might be big, but mayb also quieter than the oval.

Compare this:

http://xforce.com.au.tmp.anchor.net.au/cars/view_car/29 (look for muffler specification)

Oval is 4inch shorter(big difference) and 1inch smaller(not so big).

Hrm.. a lot to think about now.. Oval will be easier to install on too. Oval looks less aggressive(i prefer) too.

So.. who gonna try it first? and come back to us with more informations?

Hey guys... sorry about the lack in replies!

I've been away for a while!

Nice to see that my car+mods have a fan!

I'll most likely be at the dyno day guys!

The only downside to what i've done is the increase in fuel... I'm not sure what that's due to...

could be due to a increase in back pressure... you can always close the valve to save fuel... I don't know how that works... but it seems to do the job.

There is a performance increase though...

Seca, You might have a loss in power with what i've done seeing as yours is a supercharge... You might need a highflow cat so that you retain back pressure, i'm not sure... talk to an exhaust specialist about it... alternatively you can just do what i've done for now... try to gauge for yourself whether there's an increase or loss in power...

As for the exhaust, if all you do is change the muffler... then you won't get that sound that you hear from the clip!

I've also taken out other stuff, (pm me if you want to know what exactly) and put a straight 2.5 inch pipe through.

With just the cannons you barely hear anything... the resonator does too good a job!

With your TRD, i'm pretty sure you'd still be able to fit cannons, you just won't be able to see them coz your ur bumper!

You might not get the sound you want from ovals though...


i'm confused now if this is the right way to go or not... :huh:

i want to keep it such that i still keep my warranty... thats my major concern... i dont car about "road legal", i just want to make 100% sure that the warranty remains valid...

and from my understanding, for that to happen, all cats must remain in place, and all sensors must stay in place as well...

I THINK, cannon might be big, but mayb also quieter than the oval.

Compare this:

http://xforce.com.au.tmp.anchor.net.au/cars/view_car/29 (look for muffler specification)

Oval is 4inch shorter(big difference) and 1inch smaller(not so big).

Hrm.. a lot to think about now.. Oval will be easier to install on too. Oval looks less aggressive(i prefer) too.

So.. who gonna try it first? and come back to us with more informations?

this is why i wanted to go with the oval muffler... cause its smaller and also it wont be super super loud... lol


The warranty for all your major part won't be effected.

Because everything you're changing is after the engine, it won't touch your warranty...

the only thing it will effect is the warranty on you're exhaust, which really can't stuff up anyway.

If you're still unsure about it, go talk to your local toyota service centre.

fyi. the varex cannons will fit, the oval ones might not, I remember having trouble with the oval ones

but none with the cannons.


dyno dyno!!!!! i wanna know the difference!! but anyone has the ORIGINAL aurion's dyno sheet? how to compare if we dont hv it?

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