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Green P's

Ascendant Rice

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Oo00oo congratulations!! :D

do you guys have the red P / green P thing over there too?

We only just had it come in in WA

up til then it was just red ones overall no matter what stage of ya P's u are on...

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Oo00oo congratulations!! :D

do you guys have the red P / green P thing over there too?

We only just had it come in in WA

up til then it was just red ones overall no matter what stage of ya P's u are on...

Thanks nellie!!! :P and unfortunatly yes we do :( :angry::angry:

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so how long were you on the red P then?

over (i think) it works you start on the red ones then after 6 months u progress onto the green ones (?)

same for you?

i had my reds for 1 year( got them on my bday :) minimum is 12 months on red and then 24 months on greens.

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Oo00oo congratulations!! :D

do you guys have the red P / green P thing over there too?

We only just had it come in in WA

up til then it was just red ones overall no matter what stage of ya P's u are on...

the eastern states had these for ages, their GREEN P's only can go up to 80 or 90kph if im not mistaken with red P's on 100kph limit :)

hehee. we got it late!

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Red P = 90k Limit - 12 Months - No use of phone (Includes Bluetooth) - No more then one passenger under the age of 21 after 11pm - 0 Alcohol

Green P = 100k Limit - 24 Months - Same as above however can now use phones (With Bluetooth) and dont have passenger restriction.

Bullsh!t Part is that you have to display the P's on the outside, cant mount it inside the car - Scratches Galore

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no wonder i see people with their plates wedged behind their license plates

in vic we can pretty much have it anywhere, when we introduced the graduated system, vic roads gave out those sticky ones that stick to the inside of your window

man looks to suck to be a p plater these days

thou the rest of us have the 110 km speed limit :(

Edited by bonbon
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but sucks to be a p-plater, the laws are crap

... well I am, but i'm on my opens next month, and I fall under the old laws of qld (so no p-plates, speed limiting, etc)

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yeah ive been driving my s14 for three years (illeagally) oops! but only got my licence 4months ago so im on red plates: mean no driving between 12-5am thats it! after 6 months theres no restrictions!

OMG! REALLY!?!?!?!?!

LOL... seriously... i saw those Red P Plates in ur aurion last cruise BONDEE.... i thought u just cant be bothered removing it or something... or maybe some one else's P...

oh.. u just got ur license... no wonder... ROFL

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yeah ive been driving my s14 for three years (illeagally) oops! but only got my licence 4months ago so im on red plates: mean no driving between 12-5am thats it! after 6 months theres no restrictions!

OMG! REALLY!?!?!?!?!

LOL... seriously... i saw those Red P Plates in ur aurion last cruise BONDEE.... i thought u just cant be bothered removing it or something... or maybe some one else's P...

oh.. u just got ur license... no wonder... ROFL

hahah nopes there mine! got my licence on 3rd june!!! lol!

but as i say ive been driving my s14 since the day i picked it up! which was the day before my 17th bday! haha

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You gotta celebrate with a burnout and post up the video here...

lol how do i burnout with a front wheel drive auto?

where's the fun if we tell you? :P

aww come on :(

your going to need some oil, thats all I will tell you :)

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Damn your lucky hehe.... i got my license 2.5 yrs ago and im still on my reds'.... lost my license twice + drove expired for 10 months and couldnt renew it because of outstanding fines (****loads so i didnt pay them).....

Anywho, they were actually payed off today so ill be getting my greens in 1-2 weeks hopefully!!! wooohoooo!!! cnt wait.

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lmfao lucky betch, you get to drive more than one passenger at night now >=/ while the rest of us have to pretend to be over 21 LOL

hahah yeah awww dont you love those nights!

but good on you for getting the greens got mine like a month ago

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