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I had my 10000 km / 6 month service yesterday......Toyota DISADVANTAGE at Fergusons Toyota Hurstville

As part of the deal when I purchased my black 2010 Kluger AWD Grande the dealer agreed to pick up the car from my home and leave a loan car, service the vehicle and return it.

It was picked up at 8 am yesterday, it was immaculate.....3,500 klm on it.

The dealer returned it a few hours later, I had an upset baby in my arms so I did not go and inspect the vehicle.....just paid the $170 and that was it.

A few hours later i went to go and put the car in the garage, I noticed how poorly they washed the vehicle, dirty water marks everywhere. Then I saw the paint in the sun and swirl marks everywhere. They must have had a 17 year old with a rough or dirty rag wash it. I was really not happy, i spent two days polishing the car only weeks ago and all swirls were removed.

Then I inspected the vehicle further, my receipt clearly stated that they rotated the tyres. I have aftermarket rims and they DEFINATELY DID NOT ROTATE THE TYRES. Each rim is a little different, and i know my vehicle meticulously. In all other walks of life I’m sure this blatant ripping off people is known as a crime.

Since I know for a fact that they didn’t do the tyre rotation it really makes me think that they probably didn’t do anything in the service except give it a crappy wash and scratch it. It really makes the $170 look quite expensive

Oh......What a feeling.

I would like to warn all owners to stay away from Fergusons Toyota Hurstville. They are shonky back yard operators

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Hey fizzking sorry to hear about your bad experience. I'm fussy with my cars so when the dealer asks if they would like the vehicle washed I politely say no thank you but a thorough vacuum would be good.

I also stipulate to the consultant every time the wheels/tyres are due for rotation that I require the 5 wheel rotation as per the owners manual and not the 4 wheel rotation. Never had a problem as they always annotate this on the service form or they would only do the 4!

Its not so bad on the fixed price servicing but when service costs go to variable also tell them you dont want the washer bottle refill which they charge a stupid amount for given what it is. Got caught once on my Corolla when mine was full prior to the service and they charged for a refill after testing the wipers...pleeeeeease!

They are monkeys so if you want them to do a job properly spell it out....I know you shouldnt have to but the resale value a few years down the track will be better if you wash it properly.

My local Toyota service dept has a huge viewing window in the customer lounge that looks over the service bays so I always set aside time on the servicings to watch them do their job. Thats what they put the window there for as the kids arent really interested lol

I have only ever had one problem with a service (previous car) and when I did their survey and told of the problem you could tell that sh%t did rolled down hill that day and everything was fixed pronto.

At least you get a courtesy car...if I want one from my dealer they charge me for the courtesy!

Edited by Freewuns
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I feel your pain, unfortunately some of them are just cowboys.

I had a similar experience with my previous car (Holden dealer). Picked it up after work just as they were closing so I paid in good faith expecting all the work to be done and it hadn't. They had to fix something behind the dashboard and when I got in may car guess what, passenger side and centre console was still removed and sitting on the passenger side! It was barely drivable. The service statement said 4hrs labour to resolve the issue.

I took them to task on it saying how could they quote me for work that had been completed when clearly it hadn't. Not only was the dash still removed but the issue was still there! So I asked them did they just quote what they feel like and not actually base it on the 'actual' work performed? They danced around the subject and offered to fix it the next day. Barely an apology or indication that they had stuffed up.

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I had my 10000 km / 6 month service yesterday......Toyota DISADVANTAGE at Fergusons Toyota Hurstville

As part of the deal when I purchased my black 2010 Kluger AWD Grande the dealer agreed to pick up the car from my home and leave a loan car, service the vehicle and return it.

It was picked up at 8 am yesterday, it was immaculate.....3,500 klm on it.

The dealer returned it a few hours later, I had an upset baby in my arms so I did not go and inspect the vehicle.....just paid the $170 and that was it.

A few hours later i went to go and put the car in the garage, I noticed how poorly they washed the vehicle, dirty water marks everywhere. Then I saw the paint in the sun and swirl marks everywhere. They must have had a 17 year old with a rough or dirty rag wash it. I was really not happy, i spent two days polishing the car only weeks ago and all swirls were removed.

Then I inspected the vehicle further, my receipt clearly stated that they rotated the tyres. I have aftermarket rims and they DEFINATELY DID NOT ROTATE THE TYRES. Each rim is a little different, and i know my vehicle meticulously. In all other walks of life I'm sure this blatant ripping off people is known as a crime.

Since I know for a fact that they didn't do the tyre rotation it really makes me think that they probably didn't do anything in the service except give it a crappy wash and scratch it. It really makes the $170 look quite expensive

Oh......What a feeling.

I would like to warn all owners to stay away from Fergusons Toyota Hurstville. They are shonky back yard operators

Have you bothered to ring them and question or complain? If you haven't i'd suggest you do so before making comment hanging sh*t on a dealer, as your case MAY be an isolated incident. As mechanic myself(not for Toyota) i can tell you no one is perfect and everyone has a bad day every now and then, u just take it on the chin and deal with it as best as possible and with the people at fault.

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What difference does it make if is an isolated incident? So if you only rip one person off, is it ok? Unfortunately this is the attitude of people in the car industry, they think they are protected species that can charge for things they don't do. If you ever rob a bank, maybe you should just explain to the judge it was an "isolated incident"!!!!

I did not go to the dealer directly as I would never let them touch my vehicle again. I reported the incident to Toyota head office; if mine is the only complaint then they have nothing to worry about.

The reason I did not go directly to the dealer is because at the 1000K service I complained about the genuine nudge bar install as it was disgraceful. I asked them to fix, they ignored! I then rang the service manager several times, no return phone calls, so I rang Toyota directly and then service manager rang in 5 minutes and he would like to see the nudge bar. He asked me to bring the car in. He agreed it was not good enough and ordered another one in! The other one came in so I had to bring the car back. So there were 3 trips to the service centre to look at a problem that should have been looked at the first time. Talking to them is like the ANZ Bank World Ad! These guys are in Car World.

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I am not in the car industry, i work on heavy vehicles for defence. Saying that making an error is the same as robbing a bank is a little bit dramatic. All you need is to go in with a bit of motivation aka put a rocket up their **** and things can be achieved fairly easily. I am faily lucky though, my dealer is very good with warranty work and things that need to be fixed.

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What difference does it make if is an isolated incident? So if you only rip one person off, is it ok? Unfortunately this is the attitude of people in the car industry, they think they are protected species that can charge for things they don't do. If you ever rob a bank, maybe you should just explain to the judge it was an "isolated incident"!!!!

I did not go to the dealer directly as I would never let them touch my vehicle again. I reported the incident to Toyota head office; if mine is the only complaint then they have nothing to worry about.

The reason I did not go directly to the dealer is because at the 1000K service I complained about the genuine nudge bar install as it was disgraceful. I asked them to fix, they ignored! I then rang the service manager several times, no return phone calls, so I rang Toyota directly and then service manager rang in 5 minutes and he would like to see the nudge bar. He asked me to bring the car in. He agreed it was not good enough and ordered another one in! The other one came in so I had to bring the car back. So there were 3 trips to the service centre to look at a problem that should have been looked at the first time. Talking to them is like the ANZ Bank World Ad! These guys are in Car World.

Because of course you can prove that they intentionally set about to rip you off, and are now currently sitting in a dark room rubbing their hands together with a big pile of cash in front of them.....

Trent is right, these sorts of things _can_ just be honest mistakes - think about how many sets of hands and mouths that the communication will pass through in order for that car to get serviced.

Typical service procedure (note I don't work for a dealer, just common sense)

1) You drop car off at service desk, tell desk clerk etc "I want it washed, this checked, that checked, oh and can you rotate the tyres please

2) Desk clerk will create a file/whatever for your service records

3) Service manager will take file, look at work required, and assign workshop time and personnel to complete it

4) Car is left at dealership for the day. Over the course of the day, it will probably be moved around several times, by several different mechanics or apprentices

5) At any particular stage, an apprentice or mechanic will be given the keys to the car and told to "go do this" or "this needs fixing", or "customer complained about such and such, check it out and see if anything is wrong"

6) Work will be carried out according to above instructions

7) Once each block of work is done, car will be returned to pool or to suitable waiting place for future work

8) After work has been done, mechanics will check off on what was done and/or what is needed, and report to service manager

9) Service manager will record in service records what was done

10) Service manager will inform you of further work required, or total costs of what has been done

11) You come and pick up the car, pay the costs, and receive the completed service record

Another thing to remember is dealerships will service literally dozens of cars every day. When you work on that many cars, and are having a bad day, it can be very easy to overlook a couple of small items (rotating tyres isn't exactly ground-breaking stuff, something you can quite easily do at home with a jack and 30 minutes spare time, and neither is it a critical part of the safety of the car) - example scenario

1) Service manager gets handed back an incomplete service record by a mechanic - "xxxxx, you forgot to fill in here if you rotated the tyres on ABC123, did you do it?" "Which one was that, the white Kluger over there?" "Yes, that's the one" "Yeah we did that just before lunch, forgot to fill in the paperwork because the lunch-truck was here, sorry boss". Now, all it takes is one mistake to identify the wrong vehicle (and it's a dealership, so chances are there will be another car that looks similar to yours in the yard at the same time), and you can have the situation you are now in. A similar small mistake could be made on just about ALL of the steps I posted above, and the outcome could be the same. Are you willing to assume that it was a deliberate action when it is much more likely to be a simple honest mistake?

Personally, having been on the end of both excellent service (including gratis work), and some poor work, from the _same_ dealership that we have used for 15 years, then I am more than willing to cut the dealership some slack and to follow things further rather than immediately tarring them with the same brush as you would a bank-robber and forever commit them to the special hell reserved for child-molesters and used-car salesmen.

In short:

Don't blame the dealership unless you know the full story

Don't jump to conclusions, _everyone_ is capable of making honest mistakes (even you)

And if how things were dealt bothers you, don't just let them slide - follow them up, there are procedures for this, but don't come out all guns blazing unless you are absolutely convinced, otherwise you might dig yourself in a very deep hole very quickly.

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First of all I did not come out with all guns blazing. LOL:) I just reported the service I have received.

I have spent big money on an asset and I am really disappointed with the general I don't care attitude i have received. IE: car world

I spoke of the nudge bar issue that these guys ignored at the 1000k service, when I reported it they ignored it and did nothing. As i mentioned in the previous post I rang the service manager 3 times over several days to ask why nothing was done and he NEVER called me back. I rang head office and then he called me within 5 minutes, incredible how he could all of a sudden find the time? I made an appointment to bring the car in for him to inspect at 1030 AM, remember that this should have been looked at the service in the first instance, i turned up at 1025 and informed reception that I had a 1030 appointment, they informed the service manager by phone in front of me, I saw him answer the phone through the glass window. He then sat there on his computer for over 30 mins making me wait.....then he eventually came out I show him the problem, he enquired why I was agitated.....can you figure it out Hiro????

My nudge bar issue ended in a nationwide sales halt on the nudge bar, so it was not insignificant and they completely ignored it at the first service. Then my next service the issues I raised such as them not doing stuff I was charged for and scratching the **** out of my car at the same time. Are you getting the feel on this place, compared to “an isolated incident”.

You respond as a defence for them that I requested the tyre rotation and the wash......how funny is that? The tyre rotation is standard with the service and the wash is not and they did the opposite, I got a crap wash and probably no service at all! Hiro you really just have no idea why I am unhappy?

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I feel for you fizzking.

What exactly was the problem with the nudgebar by the way? I was looking to get a nudgebar and encountered the problem that you stated.

To be honest, In the past, none of my cars have ever gone back to the factory for servicing as I don't really trust them.

I usually take my cars to a mechanic that I have known for years and replace fluids even more frequently than specified by the service manual. Log books also get stamped by the mechanic.

I've only had to sell cars twice privately and I don't believe it has affected the resale value when I explain the history of the car and how my servicing is more frequent than what is specified by the factory. (things like gearbox/diff oil and brake fluid being changed at 40,000km is a bit silly I think).

But now with Toyota Advantage, I'm not sure whether to take my Kluger back to the factory for servicing as it is very cheap.

I had my 1000km "check" done recently and wasn't really impressed either. I reported a couple of issues and I remember the guy behind the desk saying "just keep on complaining about it, Toyota have a 3 step resolution process, you need to raise the issue 3 times before they will do anything about it".

The inside of the car was vacuumed ok, not happy with how they washed the outside of the car, I believe I may have a few extra swirl marks too.

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First of all I did not come out with all guns blazing. LOL:) I just reported the service I have received.

I have spent big money on an asset and I am really disappointed with the general I don't care attitude i have received. IE: car world

I spoke of the nudge bar issue that these guys ignored at the 1000k service, when I reported it they ignored it and did nothing. As i mentioned in the previous post I rang the service manager 3 times over several days to ask why nothing was done and he NEVER called me back. I rang head office and then he called me within 5 minutes, incredible how he could all of a sudden find the time? I made an appointment to bring the car in for him to inspect at 1030 AM, remember that this should have been looked at the service in the first instance, i turned up at 1025 and informed reception that I had a 1030 appointment, they informed the service manager by phone in front of me, I saw him answer the phone through the glass window. He then sat there on his computer for over 30 mins making me wait.....then he eventually came out I show him the problem, he enquired why I was agitated.....can you figure it out Hiro????

My nudge bar issue ended in a nationwide sales halt on the nudge bar, so it was not insignificant and they completely ignored it at the first service. Then my next service the issues I raised such as them not doing stuff I was charged for and scratching the **** out of my car at the same time. Are you getting the feel on this place, compared to “an isolated incident”.

You respond as a defence for them that I requested the tyre rotation and the wash......how funny is that? The tyre rotation is standard with the service and the wash is not and they did the opposite, I got a crap wash and probably no service at all! Hiro you really just have no idea why I am unhappy?

If you re-read what I posted, you'll see that nowhere did I mention that you shouldn't be unhappy with the level of service that you received, neither did I say that the dealership was not to blame, and neither did I say that you should just let it slide. I was just pointing out that whenever you go into these situations you have to keep in mind that mistakes can happen and things can get taken out of context or misunderstood, especially when you're angry/annoyed. Deal with it in a calm, collected, professional manner, not acting as if the dealership as a whole (thus bringing in new ad used sales and upper management, not just the service department) is a bunch of money-hungry thieves who don't give a damn about personal service and making sure the job is done right.

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Thanks for your response, I suppose some dealers just expect people not to take an interest in looking after their cars and hence will never notice sub standard or non existent work.

With respect to your nudge bar query, with hesitation I will paste below my letter to head office which had a sales halt within 24 hours of emailing it

I purchased a new 2010 Kluger Grande approximately two months ago, with extended three year warranty and a genuine nudge bar, installed by the dealer. Originally I was not happy with the nudge bar installation. The plastic fitting on the nudge bar had greatly varying spacing between the plastic that covers the mounting and the paint. At one end there was one millimeter space at the other there was nearly ten millimeter space. The left mounting had completely different finish from the right mounting. The finish on the plastic also looked hand cut.

I complained to the dealer with little response. I then called Toyota head office, and then the dealership offered to fix the problem. I returned the car to the dealership to have the nudge bar fixed, they said they ordered a new bar in and when they installed it the finish was worse than the original installation. The original nudge bar was then left on the vehicle.

The service manager explained to me that there was a manufacturing fault with the nudge bars and there was nothing that could be done. The dealership packed out the original nudge bar on my car one side of the mounting with five washers. This gave an acceptable finish compared to the original installation.

I am writing this as I am concerned that I have seen many other Kluger original nudge bars on the streets with perfect installations. I also do not like the fact that my nudge bar has not been installed to the manufactures specifications and could be a safety issue. I believe by purchasing genuine accessories that they will be to the highest standards. I also wonder if there is a manufacturing fault with my vehicle causing the nudge bar not so sit right. For one side only of the mounting to pack out with five washers shows something is really wrong somewhere.

The dealer told me that he had completed a “product report”, along with photos and forwarded it to head office. I would appreciate if someone from head office could contact me to put my worries and general disappointment with the situation.

The dealers final stance is that there is a manufacturing fault with the nudge bars and there is nothing they can do. I really want to know if this is true or could they be a manufacturing fault with my vehicle?

I hope this helps kit? If you require more info please let me know?

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I had my 10000 km / 6 month service yesterday......Toyota DISADVANTAGE at Fergusons Toyota Hurstville

As part of the deal when I purchased my black 2010 Kluger AWD Grande the dealer agreed to pick up the car from my home and leave a loan car, service the vehicle and return it.

It was picked up at 8 am yesterday, it was immaculate.....3,500 klm on it.

The dealer returned it a few hours later, I had an upset baby in my arms so I did not go and inspect the vehicle.....just paid the $170 and that was it.

A few hours later i went to go and put the car in the garage, I noticed how poorly they washed the vehicle, dirty water marks everywhere. Then I saw the paint in the sun and swirl marks everywhere. They must have had a 17 year old with a rough or dirty rag wash it. I was really not happy, i spent two days polishing the car only weeks ago and all swirls were removed.

Then I inspected the vehicle further, my receipt clearly stated that they rotated the tyres. I have aftermarket rims and they DEFINATELY DID NOT ROTATE THE TYRES. Each rim is a little different, and i know my vehicle meticulously. In all other walks of life I’m sure this blatant ripping off people is known as a crime.

Since I know for a fact that they didn’t do the tyre rotation it really makes me think that they probably didn’t do anything in the service except give it a crappy wash and scratch it. It really makes the $170 look quite expensive

Oh......What a feeling.

I would like to warn all owners to stay away from Fergusons Toyota Hurstville. They are shonky back yard operators

This concerns me a little bit, this is where I have ordered my new Kluger from (arriving in November)...

I don't know why dealerships don't pay more attention after they sell a car...because you won't ever buy a car from them again if they don't service you well...my last car was VE SS V from Holden in Canberra but they serviced they didn't provide a good experience when dropping off for service, quite rude sometimes...so I told them I would never buy a car from them ever again...and now switched to toyota.

I might get mine serviced by another dealership...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel for you fizzking,

Sometimes things like this do happen. That said, if this happened to my car id be fuming. lol..

When my car is being serviced i usually sit near the window and see what it being done.

The dealers have put a note on my account to not Wash the vehicle or to rotate the wheels.

I usually wash the car myself or more then likely take it to the carwash..

With the Rotations, ive been taking it to Brigestone tyre centre who rotate the wheels for free as i have purchased 4 tyres from them earlier this year....

One other thing i would do if i was in your place is to call the dealer and speak to the Service Manager, 99% of the time you will get results... Its worth a shot :)

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Thanks for your response Ronnyboy,

I have had that many issues with that particular dealership in such a short time. I will vote with my feet. It is one disappointment after another. There is another thing that happened compounded with the other things. I just will never go near these cowboys again.

The day before the service that I mentioned, I rang the service manager and told him my car was coming in the next day and that there is an intermittent dash rattle and could they road test the vehicle and see if it could be located. He assured me that he would personally take it for a drive to see if he could locate it.

The new car manager rang me at about 1030 am and told me the service was finished and he is returning my car now. I was suspicious at how quick the service was completed, so I called the service manager and asked him if the dash rattle was located; he told me that he will check it in the afternoon. I said that would be difficult as the new car manager is already returning my car. He said he would call him and work it out, he called me 15 minutes later and said that he just tested it and couldn't find it. 15 minutes later the car arrived at my house, the thing about that is it takes 40 minutes to drive from the dealership to my house. Bottom line is that there is no way that he could have road tested my car due to the times. It is just easier to lie to the customer than do what is required.

All I ever get from these guys is attitude, lies, damage to my car and rip off services. Fergusions Toyota Hurstville, Oh what a feeling!!!

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Where abouts in Syndey are you Fizz?

The only other thing i can suggest is go to a different dealer..

Stewart Toyota in Rockdale/Sutherland are good. Along with Terry Shields in Parramatta...

Since you spent money at the Hurstville Service Centre, they should be fixing it :)

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