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What Would You Do If Someone Scrached or Marked Your Car?

Stratos Kay

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So you spend hours detailing your car...look after it like a baby...go out for shopping or whatever...come back and see that a f@#ing idiot made a dent and a scratch on your door:( WTF is wrong with these people, that don't care about other people's cars in car parks? They open their doors without giving a sh!t if someone else is parked next to them or let the trolley hit the first car on its way... I know many of you have similar experience...But really, what do you do? How do you control your emotions? How do you fix these things? How can you prevent this from happening?

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These things get me so violent, but its not common to find who was.

Check this out



This is something that one of members of the club here in Argentina did. Basicly he uses it in a building garage, not in the car park because it might get stolen. But I have to admit, It had its results...



Edited by Hikaru Sorano
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These things get me so violent, but its not common to find who was.

Check this out



This is something that one of members of the club here in Argentina did. Basicly he uses it in a building garage, not in the car park because it might get stolen. But I have to admit, It had its results...



Haha! Good idea!!! I can only have violent thoughts in Australia I think:( Or have 24/7 cameras arround the car...and then ...

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So you spend hours detailing your car...look after it like a baby...go out for shopping or whatever...come back and see that a f@#ing idiot made a dent and a scratch on your door:( WTF is wrong with these people, that don't care about other people's cars in car parks? They open their doors without giving a sh!t if someone else is parked next to them or let the trolley hit the first car on its way... I know many of you have similar experience...But really, what do you do? How do you control your emotions? How do you fix these things? How can you prevent this from happening?

I know what you mean, it bugs the sh!t out of me, its mostly from no hopers that drive sh!t boxes and dont give a f#$k, just because they dont own a nice car no one else should and they mighten give a toss if there car gets scratched, but we do, you work hard to buy it and take care of your car and you get dingbats that dont care.

I have been the victim on a number of occasions,clowns opening there door on to my car, idiots that cant reverse out of a car park without hitting my car and not leaving a note or nothing and the list go on,I know accidents happen but they should have the common courtesy and leave there details, I know I would, when I bought my prado a couple of years ago, some creep keyed up the side of the car and did $1600 worth of damage and to make matters worse, I only had it for 3 days,if I caught who ever did that to my car I would shove whatever they scratched my car with up there ***** and then snap there fingers off and shove them up there ***** to, I know they wouldnt scratch somone elses car again,yeah its hard to control your emotions, its just the disrespect that really bugs me, and its the cost of fixing it and hope everything looks the same after its been resprayed, but thats my whinge, but my heart goes out to anyone who has had there car damaged or sratched, it sux.

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Totally agree with you guys there. Theres nothing you can do. But everytime someone does end up parking really close to me or I feel as if I parked really close to them, I always jot down their rego. On the same note, I parked my car one time in Clayton and a group of dickheads bloody threw an egg at my car, got quoted $700 to repair the quarter panel. Sh_t happens man.

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So you spend hours detailing your car...look after it like a baby...go out for shopping or whatever...come back and see that a f@#ing idiot made a dent and a scratch on your door:( WTF is wrong with these people, that don't care about other people's cars in car parks? They open their doors without giving a sh!t if someone else is parked next to them or let the trolley hit the first car on its way... I know many of you have similar experience...But really, what do you do? How do you control your emotions? How do you fix these things? How can you prevent this from happening?

I know what you mean, it bugs the sh!t out of me, its mostly from no hopers that drive sh!t boxes and dont give a f#$k, just because they dont own a nice car no one else should and they mighten give a toss if there car gets scratched, but we do, you work hard to buy it and take care of your car and you get dingbats that dont care.

I have been the victim on a number of occasions,clowns opening there door on to my car, idiots that cant reverse out of a car park without hitting my car and not leaving a note or nothing and the list go on,I know accidents happen but they should have the common courtesy and leave there details, I know I would, when I bought my prado a couple of years ago, some creep keyed up the side of the car and did $1600 worth of damage and to make matters worse, I only had it for 3 days,if I caught who ever did that to my car I would shove whatever they scratched my car with up there ***** and then snap there fingers off and shove them up there ***** to, I know they wouldnt scratch somone elses car again,yeah its hard to control your emotions, its just the disrespect that really bugs me, and its the cost of fixing it and hope everything looks the same after its been resprayed, but thats my whinge, but my heart goes out to anyone who has had there car damaged or sratched, it sux.

Thanks for your reply David! It's good to know how others feel or handle these situations:) And I agree 100% with you about disrespect and jealousy! Mother f@%#ers... Sorry for swearing so much on this topic but had enough of these people. Lets see if from this we find a solution that will benefit everyone in this forum. We just need people to post thoughts and ideas:)

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+1 totally agree.

what i usually try and do is park it away from everyone else,even though its a far walk but I'm fine with that,but not all places you can park by yourself.so i take a look around and see where the cars are parked,e.g if they are in there lane or a bit over the white line,also what type of car it is etc.

But what really S*** me the most is when you come back to your car, you see the car park next to you is opening the door without caution, i always stand and look and wait for a hit or scratch ( the scary feeling running inside of not knowing what's going to happen until they drive off i feel relief )

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+1 totally agree.

what i usually try and do is park it away from everyone else,even though its a far walk but I'm fine with that,but not all places you can park by yourself.so i take a look around and see where the cars are parked,e.g if they are in there lane or a bit over the white line,also what type of car it is etc.

But what really S*** me the most is when you come back to your car, you see the car park next to you is opening the door without caution, i always stand and look and wait for a hit or scratch ( the scary feeling running inside of not knowing what's going to happen until they drive off i feel relief )

Haha! Know the feeling Ghostivo! I have it every time when I see car next to me opening door. I feel like saying "let me open the door for you Sir/Madame" and they would say "No No it's ok! I like opening the door of my sh!tbox myself so I have the pleasure of hitting another persons car" "I like the sound of it you know?"

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What would i do if i caught them red handed damaging my ride and not wanting to take responsibility.....in dream land i would tie em to a chair with gaffa tape and cable ties cut one ear off with a razor blade and then pour petrol on the open wound and then proceed to torment the absolute fark out of em (ala reservior dogs)...but in real life take the rego down and report it to the cops or my insurer.

lucky i dont live in dream land :spiteful:

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So you spend hours detailing your car...look after it like a baby...go out for shopping or whatever...come back and see that a f@#ing idiot made a dent and a scratch on your door:( WTF is wrong with these people, that don't care about other people's cars in car parks? They open their doors without giving a sh!t if someone else is parked next to them or let the trolley hit the first car on its way... I know many of you have similar experience...But really, what do you do? How do you control your emotions? How do you fix these things? How can you prevent this from happening?

I know what you mean, it bugs the sh!t out of me, its mostly from no hopers that drive sh!t boxes and dont give a f#$k, just because they dont own a nice car no one else should and they mighten give a toss if there car gets scratched, but we do, you work hard to buy it and take care of your car and you get dingbats that dont care.

I have been the victim on a number of occasions,clowns opening there door on to my car, idiots that cant reverse out of a car park without hitting my car and not leaving a note or nothing and the list go on,I know accidents happen but they should have the common courtesy and leave there details, I know I would, when I bought my prado a couple of years ago, some creep keyed up the side of the car and did $1600 worth of damage and to make matters worse, I only had it for 3 days,if I caught who ever did that to my car I would shove whatever they scratched my car with up there ***** and then snap there fingers off and shove them up there ***** to, I know they wouldnt scratch somone elses car again,yeah its hard to control your emotions, its just the disrespect that really bugs me, and its the cost of fixing it and hope everything looks the same after its been resprayed, but thats my whinge, but my heart goes out to anyone who has had there car damaged or sratched, it sux.

Thanks for your reply David! It's good to know how others feel or handle these situations:) And I agree 100% with you about disrespect and jealousy! Mother f@%#ers... Sorry for swearing so much on this topic but had enough of these people. Lets see if from this we find a solution that will benefit everyone in this forum. We just need people to post thoughts and ideas:)

Thats allrightmate, you have every right to swear and let off some steam, its a tough one what the solution for some peoples lack of consideration, I know now I park down the back of the car park were theres least amount of cars,but not always you can do this and these turkeys that cant park straight and take up two car spots and park crookard, I think a good way to stop alot of car park hit and runs is more security cameras, I know you wont stop it completly but it would make a difference and at least you would have some way of knowing the creeps rego that ran into your car, I think some old values need to be bought back, respecting other peoples property.
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What would i do if i caught them red handed damaging my ride and not wanting to take responsibility.....in dream land i would tie em to a chair with gaffa tape and cable ties cut one ear off with a razor blade and then pour petrol on the open wound and then proceed to torment the absolute fark out of em (ala reservior dogs)...but in real life take the rego down and report it to the cops or my insurer.

lucky i dont live in dream land :spiteful:

Now your talking,theDream land idea sounds good LOL :P .
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Been in the position twice where i've caught them out in the act.. it's not the best experience LOL.

Had an old guy park right next to me when there were atleast 5 car spots next to me either side, opens his door straight into mine where I could hear it whilst eating maccas in the car. Unfortunately he may of been deaf when I started questioning him and yelling because he just walked off, ended up putting my burger, ice-cream the lot all over the windscreen.. didn't solve anything though.

Second, had a a kid on red Ps drugged off his head almost drive his van into my car then slams door straight into mine infront of everyone at girlfriends sisters party. This time actually took number plate as he was still driving in and out with people, other than that kicked him out of the party and restrained myself from getting violent.

Best story yet, had a group of guys try rip my car off whilst I was inside parked at night. What tops it off, they had no idea I was inside..

Unfortunately not many people have respect for other peoples cars.. it's complete bull**** parking in public

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even if you have recorded rego, photos to prove of damage and anything else you can come up with... the Police can only ask the 'supposed' offender if they did it or not... Your word against theirs... therefore the police are indeed useless in helping the car community.

(It happened to me)


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What if he was family? Well, I caught my nephew writing with his finger all over the hood of my beloved Pearl.

I yelled to him, his father (my brother), his mother, I kicked him reaaly hard in the butt and kick them out of my parents house. We don't talk to each other since then (last summer). But I still dont feel satisfied :angry:

I had to wax it again after that



Edited by Hikaru Sorano
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even if you have recorded rego, photos to prove of damage and anything else you can come up with... the Police can only ask the 'supposed' offender if they did it or not... Your word against theirs... therefore the police are indeed useless in helping the car community.

(It happened to me)


Agreed.. waste of time going there.

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+1 totally agree.

what i usually try and do is park it away from everyone else,even though its a far walk but I'm fine with that,but not all places you can park by yourself.so i take a look around and see where the cars are parked,e.g if they are in there lane or a bit over the white line,also what type of car it is etc.

But what really S*** me the most is when you come back to your car, you see the car park next to you is opening the door without caution, i always stand and look and wait for a hit or scratch ( the scary feeling running inside of not knowing what's going to happen until they drive off i feel relief )

Haha! Know the feeling Ghostivo! I have it every time when I see car next to me opening door. I feel like saying "let me open the door for you Sir/Madame" and they would say "No No it's ok! I like opening the door of my sh!tbox myself so I have the pleasure of hitting another persons car" "I like the sound of it you know?"

LOL what's even more scary is when they are trying to push the trolley in between the cars to reach the boot!!

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+1 totally agree.

what i usually try and do is park it away from everyone else,even though its a far walk but I'm fine with that,but not all places you can park by yourself.so i take a look around and see where the cars are parked,e.g if they are in there lane or a bit over the white line,also what type of car it is etc.

But what really S*** me the most is when you come back to your car, you see the car park next to you is opening the door without caution, i always stand and look and wait for a hit or scratch ( the scary feeling running inside of not knowing what's going to happen until they drive off i feel relief )

Haha! Know the feeling Ghostivo! I have it every time when I see car next to me opening door. I feel like saying "let me open the door for you Sir/Madame" and they would say "No No it's ok! I like opening the door of my sh!tbox myself so I have the pleasure of hitting another persons car" "I like the sound of it you know?"

LOL what's even more scary is when they are trying to push the trolley in between the cars to reach the boot!!

Yeah, thats another thing that gives me the first class sh!ts, d!ck heads that try and squeeze a trolley beetween cars when theres barely enough room to walk beetween them, seriously whats wrong with people, I think when these dingbats were in line for brains, they must of been at the back of the line and they must of ran out of brains and were given sh!t instead, because it amazes me how stupid people some can get.
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even if you have recorded rego, photos to prove of damage and anything else you can come up with... the Police can only ask the 'supposed' offender if they did it or not... Your word against theirs... therefore the police are indeed useless in helping the car community.

(It happened to me)


Agreed.. waste of time going there.

Yes I agree too. Just waste of my time!

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+1 totally agree.

what i usually try and do is park it away from everyone else,even though its a far walk but I'm fine with that,but not all places you can park by yourself.so i take a look around and see where the cars are parked,e.g if they are in there lane or a bit over the white line,also what type of car it is etc.

But what really S*** me the most is when you come back to your car, you see the car park next to you is opening the door without caution, i always stand and look and wait for a hit or scratch ( the scary feeling running inside of not knowing what's going to happen until they drive off i feel relief )

Haha! Know the feeling Ghostivo! I have it every time when I see car next to me opening door. I feel like saying "let me open the door for you Sir/Madame" and they would say "No No it's ok! I like opening the door of my sh!tbox myself so I have the pleasure of hitting another persons car" "I like the sound of it you know?"

LOL what's even more scary is when they are trying to push the trolley in between the cars to reach the boot!!

Yeah, thats another thing that gives me the first class sh!ts, d!ck heads that try and squeeze a trolley beetween cars when theres barely enough room to walk beetween them, seriously whats wrong with people, I think when these dingbats were in line for brains, they must of been at the back of the line and they must of ran out of brains and were given sh!t instead, because it amazes me how stupid people some can get.

hahahah dingbats !!

i've seen people push trolley in between cars to get to there car,but when they see someone else do it they give them look and get paranoid too LOL..

There are alot of weird/stupid/ no brain people in this world. but i guess we all have to live with it.

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