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Should You Buy a LDV ?

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I did see that video by Cadoges, but I already knew this anyway. My experiences goes way back to when the Great Wall cars started appearing here. My friend took one of those SUV type cars for a test drive and brought it to my house for me to try and I couldn't wait to get out of it. It was a proper ****box.

I wouldn't buy any car made in China period. They are inferior in quality and are cheap for a reason. They are rubbish vehicles.

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John hit the nail on the head. Dealer/Distributor should have dealt with this disaster quietly, paid some extra a hush money and buried this from public view with a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Totally arrogant attitude has backfired badly with a legal ruling stating the poor build quality. General public can now make a more informed decision and boycott their brand.

LDV Group is now owned by SAIC Motors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LDV_Group

LDV have cut costs at the expense of fit for purpose quality and their vehicle has not lasted the warranty period. Additional Rust proofing of the vehicle has also obviously failed and not been worthwhile. After watching the video, I had to laugh at their now exposed deceptive marketing. Pretty pictures and alluring words to part fools from their money.


It is a total embarassment for the LDV Group and SAIC Motors. I can only hope that there is more consumer action to impact their bottom line.ย 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Here's the follow up to that video...


Apart from their S-box cars, I wont buy anything chineseย  and that includes phones or TVs.ย  :biggrin:



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4 hours ago, bob007 said:

Hi Guys,

Here's the follow up to that video...


Apart from their S-box cars, I wont buy anything chineseย  and that includes phones or TVs.ย  :biggrin:



Actually that is really great useful advice for any car buyer. Admittedly the advice is based upon having a future discussion/battle for a warranty matter. I was more thinking of it as useful reference material if you were wanting to clarify a certain detail/specification. It could also be useful when selling the vehicle particularly if the prospective/actual purchaser wants to have as much information about the vehicle.ย 

I also viewed a YouTube video about current demand being greater than supply for new vehicles in the USA. Also the rise of online sales where you can now order a vehicle with your preferred options [and wait] in contrast to previously going to a dealer and being sold from what they have in stock.

With online sales, it makes sense to download the relevant webpages at the time of placing your online order. Pricing and options may only be available in a certain timeframe then those webpages will disappear.

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10 hours ago, campbeam said:

I also viewed a YouTube video about current demand being greater than supply for new vehicles in the USA. Also the rise of online sales where you can now order a vehicle with your preferred options [and wait] in contrast to previously going to a dealer and being sold from what they have in stock.

Hahah, that is hillarious. Just goes to show how ignorant the Americans are. The Chinese are very cunning in that they know the Americans are so used to driving garbage cars, the LDV would be on par with the American rubbish for quality, but would be much, much cheaper than their own, so it's a no brainer. I just wish they had more sense than to enable the CCP by buying their contemptuous product. Perhaps we will wait for the shoddy after sales service and warranty debacle before they work it out.

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  • 1 month later...

Dropped into the local tavern to watch the last 21 laps of today's Great Race. Ended up chatting with a retired mechanic who mentioned that he had an LDV van when he was doing some UBER work. He said that the brake rotors lasted about 10,000 kms before they warped and cost a $1000 each to replace. Replacement headlight was $1800. Vehicles may be cheap to buy but you get stung by the cost of replacement parts.

Engine had a 100,000 km warranty and it failed at 99,500kms. Engine replacement cost, fortunately covered by warranty was $18000. He traded that vehicle in as soon as he got the repaired LDV back.

Just happened to stumble this video by our good mate John. It got me wondering whether the ACCC had got a voluntary signing from LDV. Looks like LDV does not have the monopoly of dumb attitude towards Australian Consumer Law.


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8 hours ago, campbeam said:

Ended up chatting with a retired mechanic who mentioned that he had an LDV van when he was doing some UBER work. He said that the brake rotors lasted about 10,000 kms before they warped and cost a $1000 each to replace. Replacement headlight was $1800. Vehicles may be cheap to buy but you get stung by the cost of replacement parts.

Engine had a 100,000 km warranty and it failed at 99,500kms. Engine replacement cost, fortunately covered by warranty was $18000. He traded that vehicle in as soon as he got the repaired LDV back.

The sooner everyone realises NOT to buy cars made in china, the better. When something is too cheap, it's cheap for a good reason. Chinese made cars are at the top of the poop pile and that experience you highlighted Ashley is more proof why people should stay away from these piles of crap. If you don't have the budget of a new car, go purchase a well maintained low mileage Toyota. That car will last you till the end of time and be cheap and easy to maintain too.

It doesn't surprise me either that Mazda are trying to engage in unconscionable behaviour. It seems to be the norm these days, but thankfully Toyota always seem to maintain their integrity way better than most. For the amount of money these dodgy car companies waste on legal battles, wouldn't it be simpler and cheaper just to do the right thing by the customer in the first place ??

Now they have blackened their face and put their reputation on notice. I wouldn't buy a Mazda now based on what I've just heard. Utterly disgraceful.

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It is all about the Corporate Culture, attitudes and mindset. I was quite surprised about Mazda so I am sure that the Japanese Head Office will want a full explanation for this reputation harm. Good to see that arrogance to deny consumers their legal rights is being punished.

Thinking about the experiences of that previous LDV owner highlights their business strategy. Sell the car cheap to get the foot in the door then beat up the buyer with exhorbitant replacement part prices. My follow on line of thinking was insurance. It could be cheaper to write off vehicles than repair them just because of the parts prices. With enough claims experience, I would expect insurance premiums to be higher.

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11 hours ago, Hiro said:

Got a mate who drives an LDV people-mover for work, hasn't hit first service yet and the windscreen already leaks.

Only laughing because I know how annoying and frustrating it would be for your mate to be having a leaking windscreen. Not a good sign for a relatively new vehicle.

I know what my reaction is when I get drips of water on me while sitting on the bus to and from work. At least I can change seats.

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18 hours ago, Hiro said:

Got a mate who drives an LDV people-mover for work, hasn't hit first service yet and the windscreen already leaks.

The Chinese car makers are really taking the p-i-s-s. We should remember that everything we buy from there directly empowers the criminal CCP so we should think twice about supporting a country that not only has an appalling humans rights record but hurts other economies with trade sanctions and debt traps, ie, belt and road scam.ย 


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15 hours ago, campbeam said:

Only laughing because I know how annoying and frustrating it would be for your mate to be having a leaking windscreen. Not a good sign for a relatively new vehicle.

I know what my reaction is when I get drips of water on me while sitting on the bus to and from work. At least I can change seats.

Not only leaks, but it is directly above the steering wheel....so when it rains overnight etc the steering column surround fills up with water, and the first corner he takes dumps it all over his legs

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2 hours ago, Hiro said:

Not only leaks, but it is directly above the steering wheel....so when it rains overnight etc the steering column surround fills up with water, and the first corner he takes dumps it all over his legs

Bet he will be glad when that LDV goes around a corner never to return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The tight**** company I work for bought an LDV van almost 12 months ago, at my expense to some degree no doubt. It still goes but when I first laid eyes on it I immediately started to find faults relating to poor quality, like the rear barn doors fit & finish is so bad it opens onto itself due to bad alignment. Ouch paint missing & corroded ! Chinese garbage.


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5 hours ago, ZZT86 said:

The tight**** company I work for bought an LDV van almost 12 months ago, at my expense to some degree no doubt. It still goes but when I first laid eyes on it I immediately started to find faults relating to poor quality, like the rear barn doors fit & finish is so bad it opens onto itself due to bad alignment. Ouch paint missing & corroded ! Chinese garbage.


It's pretty sad that almost everything that comes out of China is cleverly compromised to appeal to the inner frugality in us who look for "cheap" alternatives. It is this "cheap" mindedness that ends up costing you more on the long term. Being cheap up front doesn't mean it's great value. I'm glad this discussion is becoming louder because ignorant people need to be educated on the traps and pitfalls of buying cheap alternatives.

We are all playing into the hands of the criminal CCP thugs buy purchasing these timebombs, and everything else that comes out of communist china.

When it comes to cars, I never compromise, even if I have to pay more. I'd rather buy a used Hilux than buy any ****box that comes out of china. The sooner everyone realises this the better. The dealers who sell these crud boxes should be totally ashamed of themselves for being in cahoots with the very communist thugs who want to undermine our Sovereignty and seek to destroy our way of life. There is an agenda unfolding before our very eyes and we all need to wake up before it's too late.ย 

That's my rant for the day

Cheers everyoneย :thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, Tony Prodigy said:

ignorant people need to be educated on the traps and pitfalls of buying cheap alternatives.

"All that glitters is not gold". I have seen a few LDV vans on the road and they look good because they are relatively new. True test will be how many are still on the road after 10+ years.

Previous experience in my younger and not so smart days with a Fiat made me realise that I value a vehicle that is reliable, bits not falling off, electrics not working etc.

Precisely why I bought Toyota when Honda got too expensive for my wallet.

Also ready availability of parts is a big factor especially when you are DIY

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8 hours ago, Tony Prodigy said:

It's pretty sad that almost everything that comes out of China is cleverly compromised to appeal to the inner frugality in us who look for "cheap" alternatives. It is this "cheap" mindedness that ends up costing you more on the long term. Being cheap up front doesn't mean it's great value. I'm glad this discussion is becoming louder because ignorant people need to be educated on the traps and pitfalls of buying cheap alternatives.

The other major concern about cheap Chinese cars is their lack of engineering R&D & testing. God knows how safe they really are.


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5 hours ago, ZZT86 said:

The other major concern about cheap Chinese cars is their lack of engineering R&D & testing. God knows how safe they really are.


I remember that the earlier models of the Great Wall utes folded up like a pack of cards in an accident. Quickly written off and I am not sure how well the occupants fared.

In my opinion, the true crash worthiness of a vehicle is when you can open the door afterwards and walk away uninjured. Also the faster the speed with the resultant greater forces involved, risk of injury increases greatly.

Read recently an internet headline that the old do not acquire wisdom but instead they make safer decisions.


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14 hours ago, ZZT86 said:

The other major concern about cheap Chinese cars is their lack of engineering R&D & testing. God knows how safe they really are.


Good point. The CCP are known for being untruthful and deceitful and masters of fudging data not to mention stealing intellectual property. Plagiarism is how they're getting ahead. I wouldn't trust them in any lifetime.ย 

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16 hours ago, ZZT86 said:

The other major concern about cheap Chinese cars is their lack of engineering R&D & testing. God knows how safe they really are.


My major concern is the level of corruption, cost cutting and lack of ethics particularly where CCP members are involved in State run businesses.

I would not be surprised if the 1st batch of production was specifically manufactured to specification to get the required ANCAP rating. Later production is then subject to cost cutting measures. End result is reflected in that legal judgement [refer initial post] essentially stating the inferior manufacturing quality making the product unfit for purpose.ย 

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31 minutes ago, campbeam said:

My major concern is the level of corruption, cost cutting and lack of ethics particularly where CCP members are involved in State run businesses.

Yep 100%. They call it Tofu Dreg. The cities are crumbling due to the rampant corruption by State run agencies. The money intended for projects, more than half finds its way into the pockets of the people trusted to oversee them. Utterly disgusting and disgraceful not to mention the shear disdain for public safety from the dangerous conditions created by these poorly constructed cities. Concrete can be poked with a rod and you can see it crumble like biscuit.ย 


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35 minutes ago, campbeam said:

I would not be surprised if the 1st batch of production was specifically manufactured to specification to get the required ANCAP rating. Later production is then subject to cost cutting measures. End result is reflected in that legal judgement [refer initial post] essentially stating the inferior manufacturing quality making the product unfit for purpose.ย 

I'm sure the criminal thugs have thought about this and they think they're smarter than the rest of us. I sincerely hope our Govt is all over this and does not allow this to happen. Ongoing, transparent scrutiny needs to be applied exclusively to anything coming from china. They simply cannot be trusted to operate ethically or honestly and you can never take your eye off the ball. You need eyes in the back of your head too.

Don't buy chinese ****box cars and stop enabling these thugs. That's the best way to curb their agenda.

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  • 1 year later...

Always learning and re-learning. Following video by John C has aroused my suspicious nature about the quality of Chinese branded vehicles now being imported in Australia in greater numbers. This time it is the dreaded rust issue which is something that I do not greatly consider for my Toyota being driven on sealed roads.

Maybe next time that I am at SuperCheap, AutoBarn or Repco etc I should look for a spray can of some zinc fortified undercoat paint as a preventative measure.


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