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Everything posted by johnnieboi

  1. Saw one today around my area.. swear he had 17" kappas on his red rolla.. i tried to chase but he was gone.. even from afar.. it looks quite nice.
  2. I've seen and driven a lot of the new technology that comes out with toyota.. (mum works for toyota so that helps) :) And after a while you get used to it, and it becomes habit. Sometimes i even do it with other cars. Its all for the better i guess, techonological improvements to make our cars better for the future. Its Toyota dude, wat can you expect.
  3. At least you guys can get short shifters. ZRE owners gotta tough it out shifting from about chest height. Plus with a gated shifter, it'd be hard pressed to find an aftermarket one.
  4. Yeah Peter my head is still spinning,cant decide what i want to do If i could get Tanabe for BC price i'd get them now.. My latest purchase is this, Modellista spoiler pre-painted but not fitted yet and may not get fitted either..I'll try get a pic of it trial fitted. As for price,lets just say i could've bought coilovers that looks friggin nice, now i want that front lip =[ fahhh.. that lip is so tough! probli rather that then the TRD front lip.. more subtle. :)
  5. wheels, lower, exhaust, intake, bodykits, interior, ICE/audio, window tints, suspension, brakes, personalised plates, turbo.. etc etc
  6. Is it just me or do i see more and more corollas everyday, even Levin ZR's are so common. Spotted a black one today with rims, exhaust and something interesting. 2 LED bars on the front grille, i dont know whether to applaud that or be shocked.
  7. me either, it was like a light blue/baby blue colour. johnnieboi mate, have you done anything to your car yet? since that meet? apart from love tapping a Ford Focus from behind. Nothing. haha.. yourself? rims coming soon man.. i'm settling for 17'' and go for high end tyres. RE001! hopefully our rides dont drive over mountains at the next meet! :)
  8. Nice work buddy. It'll help others in future in deciding to get CAI's too.
  9. And again.. Red means 20% more stopping power
  10. johnnieboi

    Lowering Springs

    Red means 20% more handling prowess
  11. johnnieboi


    What a tough looking car.. is it a Ferrari?
  12. Saw TOYTRD yesterday on mcintyre rd sunshine about 12 midday.. I was following you for a bit. Nice ride.. love the rims
  13. Varex mufflers offer a range of remote controlled muffler with remotes to control the volume of your exhaust note. Judging from the few i've heard its quite effective.
  14. Mines 1,100 being that im under 25 even though im on my fulls. Im with Just Cars (AAMI). You cant see the scratches. And until it gets fixed.. theres this loose shaky noise while driving.. and im always paranoid that its affected something else so i try to listen real hard and feel the car to see if its normal.
  15. I think your right ray. Excess i think covers both ends. I think if i was to not go through with insurance it'd be a hell lot more. Just went to 2 repairers. First one was professional and good; took photos, checked out my whole front end and made me feel reassured. Explained to what happens on their end and the insurance. That he needed to call Toyota for prices and i left with their business card. Took about 30minutes. Second look so dodgy. Garage was packed. Didnt even take photos of the damaged area. Spent about 5minutes. Barely talked to me. I'll avoid him. Number plate is dented, probli get a replacement, one of the 'lugs' (?) for my left headlight broke which i didnt see before. The first place said they'll have to take off the front bumper to see if theres any damage behind it and work it out from there with insurance. WHAT A FREAKINN HEADACHE!!!
  16. Yeah i dont think it'll be less than 1k tho. Being a newish car, front having foglights and the washers for the headlights. It might have to be a whole front replacement. Im thinking its not so bad as the night settles in, still shattered it happened. *Sigh* now im sitting on rating 3 and have to pay more for insurance next year. 1 whole year and 2months of perfect driving. 10seconds of not paying more attention. :(
  17. Yeahi know, its my fault end of the day. i dont have any pics of the moment. its probli not that bad, it isnt that bad. its just exterior panel damage.. it just hurts me. lol and by the time i get photos it'll probli be fixed. Need it fixed asap because i need it to get around. Going to repair places tomorrow. See how it all goes. Probli not the wisest thing to post your car being in an accident, but i feel impelled like this could help other guys (rollas or not) to be more cautious on the road esp if you've put a lot into your car as i said before. Hmpppff! :(
  18. 5pm. Sitting at the freeway offramp. Waiting for the driver in front to exit so i could drive up and exit. Saw the lady start taking off and i followed slowly, she suddenly stopped and i stomped on the brakes. It was too late. A large barrage of swear words came from me as i couldnt believe the shock. I signalled to the driver in front to exit the offramp and pullover. I got out and immediately started pointing the finger, asked her what she was doing and why she just stopped all of a sudden. Another driver saw the accident and had pulled over too. He told her to be more careful and because of her hesitation of when to exit, could of resulted in a far worse situation. She had 2 children with her and they were clearly shocked also. I felt bad indeed. I kneeled down and inspected my front; front left side scratched, circle plastic bit popped out, foglight and headlight is now loose from the bumper. I couldnt believe it. The pain. We exchanged details and it is now being sorted through insurance. Full comprehensive on my end. $1,100 excess and 5-600 to cover her car. It was a Ford Focus. I think i spent the next hour at home just lying down dumbfounded. I baby'ed my car so much and this happens. So whats the point of all this ranting? Just letting everyone know, that this does happen. A long week, a tiring day, daydreaming or careless driving. It can happen to anyone. So be careful when you drive next and be observant of your surroundings and other drivers. It hurts a lot esp if you love your car. :( Rims and such will have to wait even longer..
  19. Saw MRMPS last week a few times.. nice work buddy. Pretty sure i saw vinhs zr today west gate freeway in that bad traffic.. looking very good with the new front garnish and lip dude! Keep it up!
  20. Kappas look good dude, makes our stock wheels look ammature. :)
  21. I got my 17000km service coming up, i'll let you guys know. I dont know about the whole toyota advantage program, dont think im on it, which sucks. I just like to know that whenever my car gets serviced by Toyota, that it is backed by them and genuine and if there is a problem i know about it. They have been good so far with my 10000km first service. Going through dealers/Toyota and getting the whole 'genuine' service is what really costs us. I doubt parts and labour cost that much.
  22. I agree ray. With the whole supercharger idea, let me check my wallet. $10 dollar note and about $5.00 in coins. Does it come with a lay-away deal?
  23. Apparently might need to cut into your interior for the rear and test mount engine on coilover before install. Cut into my interior?? No thanks, i'll just stay at mountain riding height.. :(
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